

Limitation Periods, 9th Edition (Mainwork + 1st Supplement)

Limitation Periods, 9th Edition (Mainwork + 1st Supplement)

  • 作者:
  • 出版商: Sweet & Maxwell U.K.
  • ISBN: 9780414122987
  • Previous Edition ISBN: 9780414104044
  • 出版时间 June 2024
  • 规格: Hardback + Paperback
  • 适应领域: International ? 免责申明:
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List Price: ¥4,173.60

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  • 描述 
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  • 详细

    Limitation Periods by Professor Andrew McGee is a well-established and definitive text now in its ninth edition. Professor McGee steers practitioners through the complexities of the law of limitations, giving detailed guidance in all areas of law from preliminary issues to proceedings. The book is designed to help bring an action in good time and remedy delays which may lead to striking out, and also covers European and international limitation issues.

    The 9th edition, published in July 2022, is now accompanied by a First Supplement (published July 2024) that brings the text fully up-to-date, including significant case law such as: Kekwick v Kekwick (Meaning of 'action' and 'proceeding' and the differences between them); Boxxe Ltd v Secretary of State for Justice, Walton v Pickerings Solicitors (the calculation of time and the differences between issue and service); Lees v Kaye (what counts as 'personal injury'); Jalla v Shell, Honda Pension Trustees v Mercer Ltd (continuing torts); James v Scudamore (Laches).

    Key Features of the 9th edition:

    • Provides guidance on time limitations in all areas of law, from preliminary issues to proceedings. In a notoriously complex and confusing area of law – with over 150 statutory time limits appropriate to specific causes of action – this time-proven title cuts through the complexity to focus on what you need to know, saving you research and planning time
    • Tells when time starts to run, how long the limitation period is, and the consequences of expiry in differing circumstances – therefore helps the practitioner manage casework so that actions are begun within the required period
    • Although with the expiry of the limitation period the conventional remedy is barred, the plaintiff’s right is not extinguished. The book points out the options still available on expiry and the many exceptions to the rules that may apply
    • The chapters are arranged so that actions in different areas of law are dealt with separately. The chapter on Disability, for example, explains the disabilities covered and the protections provided for the running (and stopping) of limitation periods for such persons
    • All procedural matters are covered, with separate chapters on, for example, Pleading Questions (examining the issues arising from the pleading of a limitation point: how and when to plead, burden of proof, foregoing the statute, estoppel, etc.) and Procedural Delays
    • Analyses the judgments in new case law, such as the Supreme Court judgment in Test Claimants in the Franked Investment Income Group Litigation v Revenue and Customs Commissioners and the Court of Appeal in Matthew v Sedman, and explains the implications for future actions and decisions.
    • Covers European, including updates following Brexit, and international limitation period issues
  • Chapter 1, Definition, background and policy
    Chapter 2, The running and expiry of time
    Chapter 3, The relevance of the remedy
    Chapter 4, Categorisation
    Chapter 5, Actions founded on tort
    Chapter 6, The Latent Damage Act 1986
    Chapter 7, The Consumer Protection Act 1986
    Chapter 8, Personal injuries and defamation
    Chapter 9, Judicial review and other Crown proceedings
    Chapter 10, Accrual of cause of action in contract
    Chapter 11, Actions to recover sums due under statute
    Chapter 12, Personal property
    Chapter 13, Real property
    Chapter 14, Trustees and personal representatives
    Chapter 15, Contribution
    Chapter 16, Arbitration
    Chapter 17, Miscellaneous cases
    Chapter 18, Acknowledgment and part-payment
    Chapter 19, Disability
    Chapter 20, Fraud, concealment and mistake
    Chapter 21, Pleading questions
    Chapter 22, Procedural delays
    Chapter 23, General
    Chapter 24, The Merchant Shipping Act 1984
    Chapter 25, The Foreign Limitation Periods Act 1984
    Chapter 26, The Carriage Statutes
    Chapter 27, Other Statutes
    Chapter 28, European Law
