Volume 1:
1. Bird's eye view
2. Invalid legislation;
3. Literary, dramatic and musical works; films regarded as original works
4. Artistic works
5. Subsistence of copyright in original literary, dramatic, musical and artistic works
6. Sound recordings
7. Films (regarded as first fixations)
8. Broadcasts and cable programmes
9. Typographical arrangements
10. The term of copyright protection
10A. Term of copyright - the law prior to the Term Directive
11. The publication right: acquisition of quasi-copyright in derelict works
12. Rights in performances
13. Moral rights
14. The reproduction right
15. The distribution right
16. The public performance right
17. The broadcasting and cable programme rights
18. The rental and lending rights
19. Secondary infringements
20. The rights of the public: permitted acts
21. First ownership
22. Transmission of title (i): death, bankruptcy and winding-up
23. Transmission of title (ii): assignments and mortgages
24. Voluntary licences - architects' agreements - publishing agreements - recording contracts - compulsory licences
25. Collective licences and collecting societies
26. The Copyright Tribunals
27. Equitable remuneration in respect of the rental right
28. Remuneration for lending
29. Equitable remuneration for performers in respect of the playing of records
30. Rights in databases
Volume 2:
31. Anti-competitive practices, EC law and free movement of goods
32. Parallel imports
33. Special provisions as to libraries and archives
34. Computers and copyright
34. The Internet
35. Encryption
36. Crown and Parliamentary copyright: Crown prerogative; database rights vesting in the Crown
37. Characters
38. Molecules
39. Civil proceedings
40. Criminal proceedings
41. Customs seizure
42. Introduction to and history of registered design legislation
43. Registrable designs
44. Validity
45. Term and restoration
46. Interests in registered designs
47. Design Registry procedure
48. Infringement
49. Civil remedies for infringement
50. Threats
51. Civil court procedure
52. Criminal offences
53. Design right: What designs are protected?
54. Qualification for design right and term
55. Interests in design right and Crown use
56. Infringement and other proceedings
57. Proceedings before the comptroller
58. Semiconductor topographies
59. Copyright and industrially applied designs
60. European design proposals
61. UK taxation
Volume 3: Legislation.