
Labor and Employment Law

Labor and Employment Law

  • 出版商: LexisNexis Matthew Bender
  • ISBN: 9780820557571
  • 出版时间 Subscription-type (Contents updated periodically)
  • 规格: Loose-leaf (11 volumes)
  • 适应领域: U.S. ? 免责申明:
    Countri(es) stated herein are used as reference only
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    Labor and Employment Law is the definitive and complete guide to Labor and Employment law - it is the only work of its kind, providing comprehensive coverage, both federal and state, from A to Z, in one 11-volume set. It includes quality analysis on all aspects of labor and employment law, from well-known topics such as union elections and sexual harassment, to lesser understood subjects like employment arbitration, wage and hour law, and employee privacy.
    Written by authorities in the field of Labor and Employment, such as Lex Larson, Peter Lareau, and Jonathan Mook, Labor and Employment Law is an indispensable practice guide for anyone needing concise and authoritative analysis in one easy-to-navigate publication.
    Subjects covered include:
    ·         Volumes 1 & 2: Labor Law
    ·         Volumes 3 & 4: Employment Discrimination
    ·         Volume 5: Americans with Disabilities Act
    ·         Volume 6: Pensions and Benefits
    ·         Volume 7: Family and Medical Leave; Wages and Hours
    ·         Volume 8: Occupational Safety and Health
    ·         Volume 9: Labor and Employment Arbitration
    ·         Volume 10: Employment At-Will, Privacy, Employment Contracts, and other issues
    Every subscription to Labor and Employment Law includes a complimentary subscription toBender’s Labor and Employment Bulletin. The Bulletin is a monthly newsletter covering the full spectrum of information important to Labor and Employment practitioners. Each issue of the Bulletin contains approximately six to eight incisive articles written by leading Employment and Labor Law authorities, as well as analysis of recent developments in the law, such as new case law, legislation and regulations. A looseleaf binder for the issues is sent annually as part of the Bulletin subscription.

    VOLUME 1 National Labor Relations Act
    Chapter 1 The National Labor Relations Act: An Overview
    Chapter 2 NLRB Jurisdiction
    Chapter 3 Reserved
    Chapter 4 Employees Rights Section 7
    Chapter 5 Interference with, Restraint or Coercion of Employee Rights
    Chapter 6 Employer Domination of or Interference with Labor Organizations (Section 8(a)(2) of the NLRA
    Chapter 7 Union Restraint or Coercion in Selection of Employer Representatives
    (Section 8(b)(1)(B)
    Chapter 8 Employer and Union Discrimination Affecting Terms and Conditions of Employment (Sections 8(a)(3), 8(a)(4) and 8(b)(2)
    Chapter 9-11 Reserved
    Chapter 12 Duty to Bargain
    Chapter 13 Subjects of Bargaining
    Chapter 14 Successor Employers and Unions
    Chapter 15 Procedure in Unfair Labor Practice Cases
    Chapter 16-18 Reserved
    Chapter 19 Strikes
    Chapter 20 Lockouts

    VOLUME 2 National Labor Relations Act cont.
    Chapter 21 Secondary Activity: Strikes, Boycotts, Picketing and Hot Cargo Contracts
    Chapter 22 Organizational and Recognitional Picketing
    Chapter 23 Consumer Picketing
    Chapter 24 Jurisdictional Disputes and Featherbedding
    Chapter 25 Union Security
    Chapter 26 Dues Checkoffs
    Chapter 27 Duty of Fair Representation
    Chapter 28-31 Reserved
    Chapter 32 Union Elections and Representation Procedures
    Chapter 33 Union Recognition and Withdrawal of Recognition Without an Election
    Chapter 34 Conduct Interfering With a Representation Election
    Chapter 35 Appropriate Bargaining Units
    Chapter 36 Preemption
    Chapter 37-39 Reserved
    Chapter 40 NLRB Deferral to Arbitration
    Chapter 41 Judicial Enforcement of Collective Bargaining Agreements Under Section 301
    Chapter 42 The NLRA and the Bankruptcy Laws
    Chapter 43 The NLRA and the Antitrust Laws
    Chapter 44 Section 302: Restrictions on Employer Payments to Labor Organizations and Representatives
    Chapter 45 Reserved
    Chapter 46 The NLRA and the Americans with Disabilities Act
    Chapter 47-50 Reserved

    VOLUME 3 Employment Discrimination  
    Chapter 51 Introduction and Summary; General Concepts
    Chapter 52 Title VII Summarized
    Chapter 53 Title VII Coverage
    Chapter 54 Proving Disparate Treatment
    Chapter 55 Use of Statistics In Disparate Treatment Litigation
    Chapter 56 Professional and Academic Employment
    Chapter 57 Affirmative Defenses
    Chapter 58 Particular Employment Actions
    Chapter 59 Terms and Conditions of Employment
    Chapter 60 Disparate Impact: Proof
    Chapter 61 Testing Requirements in Particular
    Chapter 62 Other Particular Neutral Factors
    Chapter 63 Nonobjective Selection Devices
    Chapter 64 Miscellaneous Disparate Impact Defenses
    Chapter 65 Relief in Disparate Impact Cases
    Chapter 66 Retaliation
    Chapter 67 Employment Agencies
    Chapter 68 Labor Organizations
    Chapter 69 Sex Differentiation
    Chapter 70 Neutral Factors Peculiar To Sex Discrimination
    Chapter 71 Bona Fide Occupational Qualification
    Chapter 72 Personal Appearance
    Chapter 73 Sexual Harassment
    Chapter 74 Pregnancy, Maternity and Parental Rights
    Chapter 75 Race Discrimination Topics
    Chapter 76 Discrimination Based on Religion
    Chapter 77 National Origin Topics
    Chapter 78 Voluntary Affirmative Action; Reverse Discrimination
    Chapter 79 Federal Employment
    Chapter 80 Title VII Procedures: Introduction; Filing of Charge
    Chapter 81 Timely Filing of Charge
    Chapter 82 EEOC Procedures Following the Filing of a Charge
    Chapter 83 Proceeding to Court
    Chapter 84 Federal Government Enforcement Actions
    Chapter 85-88 Reserved

    VOLUME 4 Employment Discrimination cont.
    Chapter 89 Introduction to Court Procedures; The Complaint
    Chapter 90 Exhaustion or Election of Remedies; Issue Preclusion
    Chapter 91 Other Preliminary Matters
    Chapter 92 Pre-Trial Procedures
    Chapter 93 Court Procedures: The Trial
    Chapter 94 Class Actions
    Chapter 95 Judicial Review
    Chapter 96 Title VII Remedies: Injunctions
    Chapter 97 Affirmative Relief: Reinstatement, Hiring, Etc.
    Chapter 98 Back Pay; Front Pay
    Chapter 99 Compensatory, Punitive and Other Damages
    Chapter 100 Court-Ordered Affirmative Action
    Chapter 101 Consent Decrees and Settlements
    Chapter 102 Attorney's Fees and Costs
    Chapter 103 Reserved
    Chapter 104 Reconstruction Statutes: Introduction and Summary
    Chapter 105 Section 1981
    Chapter 106 Section 1983
    Chapter 107 Section 1985(3)
    Chapter 108 Reconstruction Statutes: Procedures
    Chapter 109 Reconstruction Statutes: Remedies
    Chapter 110 The Federal Equal Pay Act
    Chapter 111 Equal Pay Act Administration and Procedures
    Chapter 112 Equal Pay Act Remedies
    Chapter 113 Equal Pay Under Title VII and Other Federal Laws
    Chapter 114 Race, Sex, Religion, National Origin: Other Laws
    Chapter 115 Government Contracts
    Chapter 116 Recipients of Governmental Financial Assistance
    Chapter 117 Reserved
    Chapter 118 Summary and Coverage of the ADEA
    Chapter 119 ADEA: Prohibited Practices
    Chapter 120 Permitted ADEA Practices; Defenses
    Chapter 121 Proof in ADEA Suits
    Chapter 122 ADEA Administrative Procedure and Enforcement
    Chapter 123 ADEA Court Procedures
    Chapter 124 Waivers Under the ADEA
    Chapter 125 ADEA Remedies
    Chapter 126 Other Age Discrimination Laws
    Chapter 127 Discrimination Based on Sexual Orientation
    Chapter 128 Discrimination Based on Transsexuality
    Chapter 129 Political Discrimination
    Chapter 130 Employment Discrimination - Relation to Other Laws
    Chapter 131-135 Reserved

    VOLUME 5 Americans with Disabilities Act
    Chapter 136 An Overview of the Americans with Disabilities Act
    Chapter 137 What Is a Disability?
    Chapter 138 Who Is a "Qualified Individual with a Disability"?
    Chapter 139 Prohibition of Discrimination Against a Qualified Individual with a Disability
    Chapter 140 What Is a "Reasonable Accommodation"?
    Chapter 141 What Constitutes "Undue Hardship" ?
    Chapter 142 Enforcement of the ADA and Establishing Discrimination Under the Act
    Chapter 143 Title III of the ADA: Public Accommodations and Facilities Operated by Private Entities
    Chapter 144 State Statutes Prohibiting Discrimination on the Basis of Disability in Employment
    Chapter 145-146 Reserved
    APPENDIX A Plaintiff's Counsel Checklist: Is Client Disabled?
    APPENDIX B Counsel Checklist: Is Client a Qualified Individual with a Disability?
    APPENDIX C Plaintiffs Counsel Checklist: Was Client Discriminated Against?
    APPENDIX D Checklist: Procedure for Filing ADA Suit

    VOLUME 6 Pensions and Benefits
    Chapter 147 Introduction
    Chapter 148 ERISA Coverage
    Chapter 149 ERISA's Reporting and Disclosure Provisions
    Chapter 150 Qualified Employee Pension Plans
    Chapter 151 Nonqualified Employee Pension Plans and Deferred Compensation Arrangements
    Chapter 152 Protecting Pension Plan Benefits
    Chapter 153 Fiduciary Responsibility
    Chapter 154 ERISA's Administration and Enforcement Provisions
    Chapter 155 Continuation Coverage Under Group Health Plans (COBRA)
    APPENDIX 155A Final 2001 and 1999 COBRA Regulations
    APPENDIX 155B House Ways and Means Committee Report Explaining Continuation
    of Coverage for Retirees in Cases of Bankruptcies
    APPENDIX 155C Sample Initial Notification Form
    APPENDIX 155D Sample Notice of Right to Continue Group Health Benefits
    Chapter 156 Other Federal Laws Affecting Employee Welfare Benefit Plans
    Chapter 157 Alternative Health Care Delivery Systems
    Chapter 158 Reserved
    Chapter 159 Cafeteria Plans
    Chapter 160 Reserved

    VOLUME 7 Family and Medical Leave; Wages and Hours
    Chapter 161 FMLA Introduction
    Chapter 162 Legislative and Regulatory History
    Chapter 163 Coverage Under Title I
    Chapter 164 Covered Employers
    Chapter 165 Eligible Employees
    Chapter 166 Serious Health Conditions
    Chapter 167 Employee Leave Requirements
    Chapter 168 Medical Certification
    Chapter 169 Benefit Protection and Job Restoration
    Chapter 170 State Consultative Programs
    Chapter 171 Employer Self-Inspections
    Chapter 172 Coverage Under Titles II-V
    Chapter 173 Interaction with Other Laws
    Chapter 174 Litigation
    Chapter 175 State Leave Laws
    Chapter 176 Overview of Wage-Hour Regulation
    Chapter 177 Coverage and Exemptions Under the Fair Labor Standards Act
    Chapter 178 Minimum Wage and Overtime Requirements; Hours Worked
    Chapter 179 Child Labor Requirements of the Fair Labor Standards Act
    Chapter 180 Recordkeeping Requirements; Administration and Enforcement Provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act
    Chapter 181 Wage and Hour Standards for Federal Contractors
    Chapter 182-185 Reserved
    APPENDIX A FMLA Checklist for Employees
    APPENDIX B FMLA Checklist for Employers
    APPENDIX C Frequently Asked Questions and Answers on FMLA Leave
    APPENDIX E Wage and Hour Opinion Letters
    APPENDIX F FMLA Regulations - 29 CFR Part 825

    VOLUME 8 Occupational Safety and Health
    Chapter 186 Introduction to OSHA
    Chapter 187 OSHA Inspections
    Chapter 188 OSHA Violations and Penalties
    Chapter 189 The OSHA Citation Process and Employer Response
    Chapter 190 The General Duty Clause
    Chapter 191 OSHA Hearings and Related Procedures
    Chapter 192 Record-Keeping Requirements
    Chapter 193 Freedom of Informaion Disclosure and Access to Medical Records
    Chapter 194 Discrimination and Retaliation Complaints
    Chapter 195 State Consultative Programs
    Chapter 196 Employer Self-Inspections
    Chapter 197 Recent Citations, Settlements and Other Developments
    Chapter 198 Pending Regulations and OSHA Initiatives
    Chapter 199 OSHA Safety Reminders and Announcements
    Chapter 200 Hazard Communication
    Chapter 201 Electrical Hazards
    Chapter 202 Ergonomics
    Chapter 203 Bloodborne Pathogens
    Chapter 204 Confined Spaces
    Chapter 205 Lockout/Tagout
    Chapter 206 Tools
    Chapter 207 Personal Protective Equipment
    Chapter 208 Process Safety Management
    Chapter 209 Housekeeping and Facility Management
    Chapter 210 Walking and Working Surfaces
    Chapter 211 Fire Protection and Emergency Plans
    Chapter 212 Machinery and Guarding Plans
    Chapter 213 Emergency Medical Care and First Aid
    Chapter 214 Materials Handling and Storage
    Chapter 215 Workplace Violence
    Chapter 216 Tuberculosis
    Chapter 217 Indoor Air Quality
    Chapter 218 HAZWOPER
    Chapter 219-220 Reserved
    APPENDIX 1 Sample Exposure Control Plan
    APPENDIX 2 Sample Hazard Communication Program
    APPENDIX 3 Sample Written Respirator Program
    APPENDIX 4 Sample Confined-Space Program
    APPENDIX 5 Lockout/Tagout Procedure

    VOLUME 9 Labor and Employment Arbitration
    Chapter 221 The Arbitration Hearing: Administration, Conduct and Procedures
    Chapter 222 Discovery and the Duty to Disclose
    Chapter 223 Evidence in Arbitration
    Chapter 224 Reserved
    Chapter 225 Challenges to Arbitrability
    Chapter 226 Contract Interpretation and Respect for Prior Proceedings
    Chapter 227 Past Practice, Maintenance of Benefits, and Zipper Clauses
    Chapter 228 Management Rights
    Chapter 229 Reserved
    Chapter 230 An Introduction to Just Cause and Progressive Discipline
    Chapter 231 Due Process in Arbitration
    Chapter 232 Common Causes of Discipline
    Chapter 233 Absenteeism and Tardiness
    Chapter 234 Drug and Alcohol Issues
    Chapter 235 Violence
    Chapter 236 Theft
    Chapter 237 Sexual Harassment
    Chapter 238 Reserved
    Chapter 239 Non-Disciplinary Termination
    Chapter 240 Disabled Workers
    Chapter 241 Reserved
    Chapter 242 Subcontracting
    Chapter 243 Reserved
    Chapter 244 Job Bids, Promotions and Transfers
    Chapter 245 Layoffs, Bumping, and Recall
    Chapter 246 Work Schedules and Compensation for Work-Related Time
    Chapter 247 Leaves of Absence
    Chapter 248 Vacations and Vacation Pay
    Chapter 249 Holidays and Holiday Pay
    Chapter 250 Overtime
    Chapter 251 Sickness, Accident, and Health Benefits
    Chapter 252 Remedies
    Chapter 253-255 Reserved

    VOLUME 10 General Employment Issues
    Chapter 256 Recruiting, Hiring and Training
    Chapter 257 Applicant Screening
    Chapter 258 Employment Handbooks and Employment Contracts
    Chapter 259 Employment At Will
    Chapter 260 Promotions and Performance Evaluations
    Chapter 261 Terms, Conditions, Privileges of Employment, and Independent Contractor Status
    Chapter 262 Discipline and Discharge, Independent Investigations
    Chapter 263 Termination and Severance Agreements
    Chapter 264 Layoffs, Reductions in Force and Plant Closings
    Chapter 265 Restrictive Covenants and Related Issues
    Chapter 266 Unemployment Compensation
    Chapter 267 Workers' Compensation
    Chapter 268 Employment Practice Liability Insurance
    Chapter 269 Alternative Dispute Resolution
    Chapter 270 Employer Liability for Acts of Employees
    Chapter 271 Record Keeping and Agency Notice Posting
    Chapter 272 Privacy in the Workplace
    Chapter 273 Business and Employment Immigration
    Chapter 274 State Labor and Employment Law Summary
    Chapter 275-280 Reserved

    VOLUME 11 Tables/Index
    Table of Cases
    Table of Statutes


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