

Jordans Charities Administration Service

Jordans Charities Administration Service

  • 作者:
  • 出版商: LexisNexis U.K. (S)
  • ISBN: 9780853083276
  • 出版时间 Subscription-type (Contents updated periodically)
  • 规格: Loose-leaf + CD-ROM
  • 适应领域: U.K. ? 免责申明:
    Countri(es) stated herein are used as reference only

List Price: ¥5,816.72

¥5,642.22 Save ¥174.50 (3%)

发货时间:大约 4-5 weeks
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  • 描述 
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  • 详细

    Jordans Charities Administration Service provides straightforward administrative direction and legal guidance for all individuals wanting to run a charity successfully.

    Written and compiled by a team of experts, this practical, easy-to-use guide will provide you
    ith essential information on all you need to know about ensuring your charity complies with the legal requirements now expected. Praised for its clear and easy to understand format, this handy resource has everything you need in one place … saving you valuable time and money.

    Containing sample forms, checklists and model documents along with extensive practical notes on every aspect of running a charity - from setting up a trust deed to financial and other public reporting - this work takes the strain out of the day-to-day running of a charity. Its clear and straightforward layout makes it exceptionally easy to find out what the latest legal requirements are and gives you the ability to implement them accurately and cost-effectively.


    Written in plain language and divided into discrete sections, every chapter contains a summary of the most important principles relating to that subject area so you can easily gain a quick overview.


    Inclusion of forms and other precedents on the accompanying CD-ROM allows you to complete documentation on screen, print and save it (in Microsoft Word) or even adapt and save the template in accordance with your own requirements.


    Written by professional charity advisers who have extensive expert knowledge of the charity sector.


    Checklists, sample forms and model documents include new material for the latest charity and company law changes and indicate exactly how to deal with events and transactions in practice.


    Comprehensive updating to the manual ensures you are aware of all the most recent news and developments. 

    Jordans Charities Administration Service provides guidance, checklists and model documents on the key areas including:

    • Personnel and employment procedures - including contracts, disciplinary and dismissal procedures
    • Protection of children and vulnerable people, equality and discrimination
    • Fundraising, trading and tax - legacies, sponsorship, donated goods, professional fundraisers, lotteries, trading and public collections
    • Public accountability and reporting - disclosures, records and registers, accounting and reporting
    • Investment, grants and land; risk management and insurance - including risk policy and risk assessment
    • Website and electronic communication, data protection, freedom of information and intellectual property
    • Dispute resolution and credit control - with model documents for demands and claims, instructing a solicitor and issuing proceedings
    • The Companies Act 2006 - the latest impacts on charitable companies and trading subsidiaries and how to meet them
    • Scotland and Northern Ireland - both are now subject to their own charity law regimes. The Service offers guidance on the special requirements of relevant legislation

    Who is it for?

    Designed specifically for use by professionals working as advisers to the charity sector or within an individual charity, the service offers detailed materials for charities that are companies limited by guarantee, trusts and unincorporated members' associations. Other general items will assist in the administration of charities in the less common legal forms.

    Why Subscribe?

    -It is the only legal secretarial administration handbook for charities.
    -It provides latest commentary on key risk areas including HR and discrimination
    -Includes precedent documents to help you plan members' and trustees' meetings
    -Offers expert guidance on charity tax, trading and fundraising

    The NCVO
    The manual is published in association with the NCVO (the National Council for Voluntary Organisations). The NCVO is the umbrella body for the voluntary sector in England with a membership of over 1000 voluntary organisations, ranging from the large national bodies to community groups, volunteer bureaux and development agencies working at local level.

    They represent the views of their members and the wider voluntary sector to Government, the Charity Commission, the EU and other bodies. They also provide high quality information and advice to voluntary organisations through their Helpdesk, publications, NCVO News, events and information networks.

    2012 Subscription Information

    Loose-leaf + CD-ROM
    4 updates per year, invoiced upon publication - approx HKD 1,500 each

    • Table of Statutes
    • Table of Statutory Instruments
    • Table of Forms and Publications
    • Division A: Setting up and registering a charity
    • Division B: Regulatory Regime
    • Division C: Constitutional amendments and restructuring
    • Division D: Names for charities and trading subsidiaries 
    • Division E: Governance and legal administration 
      - Trustees - general  Appointment of directors/trustees 
      - Directors' / trustees' retirement and cessation of office 
      - Removal of directors/trustees 
      - Proceedings of directors/trustees 
      - Delegation and committees 
      - Branches 
      - Filing and Register-Keeping Requirements - Checklist 
      - Registered office/correspondence address 
      - Signing, sealing and execution of documents 
      - Charity stationery - statutory requirements 
      - Auditors 
      - Bank accounts
    • Division F: Members' Meetings 
      - Annual accounts and reports and annual general meeting 
      - General meetings and resolutions 
      - Proxies and authorised representatives 
      - Written resolutions of members
    • Division G: Public accountability and reporting
    • Division H: Personnel
    • Division I: Fundraising, trading and tax 
      - Legacies 
      - Professional fundraisers and commercial participators 
      - Public collection 
      - Lotteries
    • Division J: Investments
    • Division K: Subsidiary trading companies
    • Division L: Charity contracts 
      - Specimen service agreements
    • Division M: Grants
    • Division N: Dispute resolution and credit control
    • Division O: Acquiring, mortgaging and disposing of land
    • Division P: Risk management and insurance 
      - Risk management 
      - Insurance
    • Division Q: Data protection and freedom of information
    • Division R: Intellectual property
    • Division S: Websites and electronic communications
    • Division T: Equality and Discrimination
    • Division U: Model Policies
    • Scotland
    • Northern Ireland 
    • Index

    Con Alexander Partner, Veale Wasbrough Vizards
    Greyham Dawes FCA, DChA Charities Unit Director, Crowe Clark Whitehill LLP
    Jenny Ebbage Partner, Edward & Co
    Alice Faure Walker Solicitor, Bates Wells & Braithwaite
    Cecile Gillard LLB (Hons), FRSA Legal Manager, Charities and Civil Society, Burton Sweet, Chartered Accountants
    Simon Mackintosh Partner, Turcan Connell
    Christine Rigby Solicitor, Bates Wells & Braithwaite


    Selman Ansari
    Stephanie Biden
    Iain Cathcart
    Erica Crump
    Sean Egan
    Alice Faure Walker
    Luke Fletcher
    Mary Groom
    Kevin Groome
    Jamie Huard
    Philip Kirkpatrick
    Thea Longley
    Alana Lowe-Petraske
    Louise McCartney
    Leona McHugh
    Robert Oakley
    Mairead O'Reilly
    Christine Rigby
    Abbie Rumbold
    Lawrence Simanowitz
    Simon Steeden
    Philip Trott
    Dinah Tuck

    All Bates Wells & Braithwaite Solicitors
    Greyham Dawes FCA, Director Not-for-profit Unit, Horwath Clark Whitehill LLP
    Cecile Gillard, Legal Manager, Charities and Voluntary Sector Unit, Burton Sweet, Chartered Accountants


    Simon Mackintosh Partner and Head of the Charities Unit
    Ken Pinkerton and Alexander Garden both from Turcan Connell Solicitors


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