

International Medical Law 2nd ed

International Medical Law 2nd ed

  • 作者:
  • 出版商: Kluwer Law International
  • ISBN: 9789403547503
  • Previous Edition ISBN: 9789403507941
  • 出版时间 May 2022
  • 规格: Paperback
  • 适应领域:  ? 免责申明:
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List Price: ¥888.58

¥861.92 Save ¥26.66 (3%)

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  • 描述 
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  • 详细

    This volume provides a comprehensive analysis of the history, development and other legal aspects relating to International Medical Law and covers issues arising from not only the physician-patient relationship, but also with many wider juridical relations involved in the broader field of medical care in the international arena.

    After a general introduction, the book examines the evolution of medical law in different civilizations that existed all over the world. It systematically describes the sources of this law from conventions, treaties along with discussing the important role played by the courts, international institutions and other bodies related to the medical field. The comprehensive coverage includes public health law, international spread and prevention of diseases. This volume covers medical ethics and clinical ethics; considerations to facets of the medical professionals and patients relationship such as rights and responsibilities of the physicians, beneficence, consent, privacy, rights of patients and risk management. Also covered are issues of international concern like medical criminal activities, human and drug trafficking, trade in human organs, human medical research, as well as matters dealing with bio-technology in relation to bio-safety, bio-security, bio-genetics, bio-ethics, and the role of medical personnel in armed conflicts.

    The International Medical Law relating to disability and mental health has also been considered. It sheds light on the historical background of trans-genders, HIV, the regulation and manufacture of medicines along with coverage of increasing medical tourism in various countries and the risks involved. The concept of euthanasia and sterilization as per the international scenario also finds inclusion along with the dispute settlement mechanisms of the medical field.

    Succinct and practical, this book will prove to be of great value to professionals and professional organizations of physicians, nurses, hospitals, and relevant government and international agencies. Lawyers representing parties with interests in International Medical Law will welcome this very useful guide, and academics and researchers will appreciate its value as a contribution to the study of medical law in the international context.

  • List of Abbreviations
    General Introduction
    Part I. History and Development of International Medical Law
    Chapter 1. Human Civilization and the Evolution of Medical Treatment
    Chapter 2. Development of International Medical Law
    Chapter 3. Sources of International Medical Law
    Part II. Role of International Institutions and Bodies
    Chapter 1. International Medical Institutions and Bodies
    Chapter 2. World Health Organization
    Part III. Public Health Law and the Spread of Disease
    Chapter 1. Public Health Law
    Chapter 2. International Spread and Prevention of Diseases
    Part IV. Dimensions of Ethics in the Medical Field
    Chapter 1. Medical Ethics
    Chapter 2. Medical Ethics and Human Rights
    Part V. Medical Research and Legal Issues
    Chapter 1. Regulation of Medical Research on Human Subjects
    Part VI. Rights and Responsibilities of Medical Professionals and Patients
    Chapter 1. The Rights and Duties of Physicians
    Chapter 2. Rights of Patient
    Part VII. Global Implications of Medical Criminal Activities
    Chapter 1. Disciplinary Transgression
    Chapter 2. Trafficking in Humans
    Chapter 3. Trade in Human Organs
    Chapter 4. Drug Trafficking
    Part VIII. Biotechnology and Law
    Chapter 1. Biotechnology and Medical Law
    Chapter 2. Biosafety and Biosecurity
    Chapter 3. Biogenetics
    Chapter 4. Bioethics, Health Law and Human Rights
    Part IX. Armed Conflict and Medical Professionals
    Chapter 1. Role of Medical Personnel in Armed Conflict
    Part X. Law Relating to Disability and Mental Health
    Chapter 1. Disability and Mental Health
    Chapter 2. Psychology, Psychiatry, and Medical Law
    Chapter 3. Transgender
    Part XI. Manufacture and Marketing of Medicines
    Chapter 1. Regulation of Manufacturing of Medicines
    Chapter 2. Marketing of Medicines and Law
    Part XII. Practical Application of Medical Law
    Chapter 1. Medical Jurisprudence
    Part XIII. Medical Tourism and Treatment While Travelling
    Chapter 1. Medical Tourism
    Chapter 2. Travel and Legal Position of Doctors
    Part XIV. Transplantation and Donation of Organs
    Chapter 1. Organ and Tissue Transplantation
    Chapter 2. Organ Donation and Malpractices
    Part XV. Euthanasia: End of Life
    Chapter 1. Euthanasia
    Part XVI. Sterilization
    Chapter 1. Sterilization and Population Control
    Chapter 2. Sterilization and Disadvantaged Groups
    Part XVII. Dispute Settlement in Medical Field
    Chapter 1. Dispute Settlement
    Chapter 2. Alternate Dispute Resolution
    Selected Bibliography


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