

International Joint Ventures, 2nd Edition

International Joint Ventures, 2nd Edition

  • 作者:
  • 出版商: Juris Publishing_
  • ISBN: 9781578233151
  • 出版时间 September 2022
  • 规格: Loose-leaf , 1264 pages
  • 适应领域: Argentina, Australia, Bolivia, Brazil, Bulgaria, Chile, China, Colombia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Greece, Hungary, India, International, Japan, Kuwait, Latvia, Lebanon, Lithuania, Mexico, Netherlands, Nigeria, Pakistan, Philippines, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Spain, Switzerland, Taiwan, Trinidad and Tobago, Turkey, U.S., Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, Vietnam ? 免责申明:
    Countri(es) stated herein are used as reference only
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  • 描述 
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  • 详细

    International Joint Ventures uses a country-by-country format to cover all issues related to the development of a joint venture in 39 countries-- from Argentina to Vietnam-- and the European Community. Each chapter is written by an attorney with broad command of the joint venture relationship and specific local expertise. Information on alternative legal forms, joint venture financing, effect of antitrust and competition law, restrictions on activities by foreign participants, availability of double taxation agreements and protection of foreign investors are covered, making International Joint Ventures a required reference and resource. 

  • Argentina
    Forms of Structuring a Joint Venture
    Choice of Legal Form
    Formation Agreement
    Governing Law and Language
    Scope of Business Activity
    Antitrust and Competition Law
    Protection of Foreign Investors

    Structuring a Joint Venture
    Competition Law
    Forming the Joint Venture Agreement
    Incentives for Joint Venture Partners
    Restrictions on Investment by Foreign Joint Ventures
    Dispute Resolution
    Changes in Law Subsequent to Formation
    Double-Taxation Agreements and Impact on a Joint Venture
    Protection of Foreign Investors

    Alternative Legal Forms of Structuring a Joint Venture 
    Governing Law and Language 
    Defining the Joint Venture's Scope of Business Activity 
    Financing the Joint Venture 
    Antitrust and Competition Law 
    Formation Agreement 
    Procedure for Establishing a Corporate Vehicle 
    Incentives Available to Foreign Joint Venture Partners 
    Restrictions on Activities of Foreign Joint Partners 
    Dispute Resolution 
    Impact of Changes in the Law Subsequent to Formation 
    Double Taxation Agreements and Impact on Joint Ventures 
    Protection of Foreign Investors

    Structuring a Joint Venture 
    Ancillary Documents 
    Regulation of Foreign Investment 
    Antitrust Regulations 
    Dispute Resolution through Arbitration

    Economic Aspects of Joint Ventures 
    Legislative Regime for Joint Ventures 
    Organizational Forms of Joint Ventures 
    Legal Forms of Joint Ventures 
    General Recommendations for Joint Venture Activities 

    Forms of Business Organization 
    Agreements Not Specifically Governed by Law 

    Foreign Investment 
    Approval Process 
    Business Scope 
    Capital Structure and Financing 
    Assignment, Increase, or Reduction of Capital 
    Intellectual Property Protection and Foreign Technology Transfer 
    Foreign Exchange 
    Planning Import and Export 
    Product Liability 
    Corporate Organization and Management 
    Labor Law 
    Land and Property 
    Tax Considerations and Incentives 
    Duration and Termination 
    Dispute Resolution 

    Alternative Legal Forms in Structuring a Joint Venture 
    Aspects that Influence Choice of Legal Form 
    Governing Law Number and Language 
    Defining the Joint Venture's Scope of Business Activity 
    Financing the Joint Venture 
    Antitrust Competition Law 
    Formation Agreement 
    Procedure for Establishing a Corporate Vehicle 
    Preparation of Ancillary Documents 
    Incentives Available to Foreign Joint Venture Partners 
    Restrictions on Activities of Foreign Joint Venture Partners
    Dispute Resolution 
    Impact of Changes in Law Subsequent to Formation 
    Double-Taxation Agreements and Impact on Joint Ventures 
    Protection of Foreign Investors

    Contractual Joint Venture 
    Partnership Joint Venture
    Corporate Joint Venture 
    European Economic Interest Grouping 

    Czech Republic
    Essential Legal Documentation 
    Corporate Vehicles for a Joint Venture 
    Restrictions on Intra-Group Transfer 
    Antitrust and Antimonopoly Regulation of Joint Ventures 
    Joint Ventures as Prohibited Cartel Agreements 

    Legal Forms in Structuring a Joint Venture 
    Choice of Legal Form 
    Establishing a Corporate Vehicle 
    Incentives Available to Foreign Joint Venture Partners 
    Antitrust and Competition 
    Dispute Resolution 
    Restrictions on Activities of Foreign Joint Venture Partners 
    Protection of Foreign Investors

    Dominican Republic
    Structuring a Joint Venture 
    Scope of the Venture 
    Financing the Joint Venture 
    Formation Agreement 
    Procedure for Establishing a Corporate Vehicle 
    Ancillary Documents 
    Dispute Resolution 
    Changes in the Law Subsequent to Formation 
    Double-Taxation Agreements and Treaties for Protection

    Forms of Joint Venture 
    Joint Ventures to Construct Public Works 
    Termination of a Joint Venture 
    Tax Law Issues

    Alternative Legal Forms in Structuring a Joint Venture 
    Choice of Legal Form 
    Governing Law and Language 
    Scope of Business Activity 
    Formation Agreement 
    Procedure to Establish a Corporate Vehicle 
    Ancillary Documents 
    Financing Joint Ventures 
    Incentives Available to Foreign Joint Venture Partners 
    Protection of Foreign Investors 
    Double-Taxation Agreements 
    Impact of Changes in Law Subsequent to Formation 
    Antitrust and Competition Law 
    Insolvency Procedure and Voluntary Dissolution 
    Dispute Resolution

    Types of Joint Ventures 
    Joint Venture Agreement 
    Government Approvals 
    Foreign Technology Transfer

    Structuring Joint Venture
    Equity Joint Ventures
    Governing Law and Language
    Scope of Business Activity
    Financing Joint Venture
    Antitrust and Competition Law
    Formation Agreement 
    Establishing Corporate Vehicle 
    Preparation of Ancillary Documents
    Incentives Available to Foreign Joint Venture Partners
    Restrictions on Activities of Foreign Joint Venture Partners
    Dispute Resolution
    Changes in Law Subsequent to Formation 
    Double-Taxation Agreements 
    Protection of Foreign Investors

    Alternative Legal Forms in Structuring a Joint Venture 
    Choice of Legal Form 
    Governing Law and Language 
    Scope of Business Activity 
    Formation Agreement 
    Establishing a Corporate Vehicle
    Preparation of Ancillary Documents 
    Financing the Joint Venture 
    Incentives Available to Foreign Joint Venture Partners 
    Trade Agreements 
    Taxation in Israel 
    Restrictions on Activities of Foreign Joint Venture Partners 
    Protection of Foreign Investors 
    Impact of Changes in the Law Subsequent to Formation 
    Antitrust and Competition Law 
    Dispute Resolution

    Joint Venture Agreements and Types of Joint Ventures 
    Contractual Joint Ventures 
    Joint Venture Corporations and Shareholders' Agreements 
    Choice of Applicable Law 
    Antitrust Legislation 
    Incentives for Foreign Investment 
    Dispute Resolution 
    Deadlock-Breaking Contractual Provisions 
    International Conventions on Double Taxation 
    Protection of Foreign Investment 

    Types of Business Organization 
    Incorporation of a Stock Company 
    Planning the Organization of the Company 
    Designing the Organs of the Company 
    Designing the Election and Discharge of Directors 
    Designing Voting Rights
    Accounting and Designing Dividends 
    Additional Financing
    Restriction on Transfer of Shares
    Dispute Resolution 
    Termination of Agreement and Winding Up of a Company
    Antitrust Law 

    Forms of Structuring Joint Ventures 
    Aspects Influencing Choice of Legal Form 
    Formation Agreement 
    Governing Law and Language 
    Procedure for Establishing Corporate Vehicles 
    Preparation of Ancillary Documents 
    Financing a Joint Venture 
    Incentives Available to Foreign Joint Venture Partners 
    Impact of Changes in Law Subsequent to Formation 
    Protection of Foreign Investment 
    Dispute Resolution 
    Other Considerations 

    Governing Law 
    Legal Forms in Structuring a Joint Venture
    Liquidation and Insolvency Proceedings
    Disclosure of Beneficial Owners
    Scope of Business Activity 
    Incentives Available to Foreign Joint Partners
    Restriction of Activities of Foreign Investors 
    Repatriation of Profit and Protection of Foreign Investors
    Dispute Resolution
    Double-Taxation Agreements

    Legal Forms of Joint Ventures 
    Non-Corporate Form of Joint Ventures 
    Key Characteristics of Joint Ventures 

    Structuring a Joint Venture
    Competition Law
    Formation Agreement
    Incentives for Foreign Joint Venture Partners
    Restrictions on Foreign Joint Venture Partners
    Dispute Resolution
    Double-Taxation Agreements
    Protection of Foreign Investors

    Structuring a Joint Venture
    Antitrust and Competition Law
    Incentives Available to Foreign Joint Venturer Partners
    Protection of Foreign Investors
    Restrictions on Activites of Foreign Joint Venture Partners
    Financing the Joint Venture
    Formation Agreement
    Establishing a Corporate Vehicle
    Ancillary Documents
    Changes in Law
    Double-Taxation Agreements

    The Netherlands
    Structuring a Joint Venture
    Incentives Available to Foreign Joint Venture Partners
    Restrictions on Activities of Foreign Joint Venture Partners
    Dispute Resolution
    Changes in Law Subsequent to Formation
    Double-Taxation Agreements
    Protection of Foreign Investors

    Scope of Business Activity 
    Choice of Legal Form 
    Governing Law and Language 
    Financing a Joint Venture 
    Formation Agreement and Incentives for Foreign Joint Venture
    Foreign Participation in Economic Activities in Nigeria 
    Changes in Law Subsequent to Formation 
    Dispute Resolution

    Legal Forms in Structuring a Joint Venture 
    Choice of Legal Form 
    Joint Venture Agreement 
    Ancillary Documents 
    Restrictions on Activities of Foreign Joint Venture Partners 
    Protection and Encouragement of Foreign Investors 
    Antitrust and Competition Law 
    Impact of Changes in the Law Subsequent to Formation 
    Dispute Resolution

    The Philippines
    Legal Forms in Structuring a Joint Venture
    Choice of Legal Form
    Governing Law and Language
    Scope of Business Activity
    Financing the Joint Venture
    Competition Law
    Formation Agreement
    Establishing a Corporate Vehicle
    Ancillary Documents
    Incentives Available to Foreign Joint Venture Partners
    Restrictions on Activities of Foreign Joint Venture Partners
    Dispute Resolution
    Changes in the Law Suqsequent to Formation
    Double-Taxation Agreements
    Protection of Foreign Investors

    Incorporated Joint Ventures 
    Unincorporated Joint Ventures 
    Exchange Controls 
    Investment Controls 
    Competition and Antitrust Controls 
    Free Zones

    Joint Ventures Regulated by the Commercial Code 
    Joint Ventures Regulated by the Company Law 
    Joint Ventures under Law Number 178/2010

    Legal Forms in Structuring a Joint Venture
    Choice of Legal Form
    Governing Law and Language
    Scope of Business Activities
    Financing the Joint Venture
    Competition Law
    Formation Agreement
    Establishing a Corporate Vehicle
    Preparation of Ancillary Documents
    Incentives Available to Foreign Joint Venture Partners
    Restrictions on Activities of Foreign Joint Venture Partners
    Dispute Resolution
    Changes in Law Subsequent to Formation
    Double-Taxation Agreements
    Protection of Foreign Investors

    Structuring Joint Venture
    Dispute Resolution
    Changes in Law Subsequent to Formation
    Protection of Foreign Investors and Double-Taxation Agreements
    Annex I
    Annex II

    Structuring a Joint Venture
    Choice of Legal Form
    Governing Law and Language
    Scope of Business
    FInancing the Joint Venture
    Competition Law
    Formation Agreement
    Establishing a Corporate Vehicle
    Incentives for Foreign Joint Venture Partners
    Restrictions on Activities of Foreign Joint Venture Partners
    Dispute Resolution
    Changes in Law Subsequent to Formation
    Double-Taxation Agreements
    Protection of Foreign Investors

    Governing Law and Language
    Antitrust and Competition Law
    Formation Agreement 
    Establishing Corporate Vehicle 
    Dispute Resolution
    Double-Taxation Agreements
    Protection of Foreign Investors

    Choice of Legal Form in Structuring a Joint Venture 
    Formation Agreement 
    Preparation of Ancillary Documents 
    Establishing a Corporate Vehicle 
    Financing the Joint Venture 
    Incentives and Protection for Foreign Venture Partners 
    Restrictions on Activities of Foreign Joint Venture Partners 
    Dispute Resolution 
    Antitrust and Competition Law 
    Changes in the Law Subsequent to Formation

    Trinidad and Tobago
    Form of the Joint Venture 
    Critical Considerations and Risks 
    Ownership and Interests 
    Foreign Investment 
    Restraint on Competition between Partners 
    Organization, Control, and Decision-Making in the Joint Venture 
    Joint Ventures with the Government 
    Advantageous Impact of Joint Ventures 

    Choice of Joint Venture or Consortium 
    Structuring a Joint Venture 
    Financing a Joint Venture 
    Transforming a Simple Company into a Commercial Company 
    Important Aspects of Foreign Involvement 
    Taxation of Joint Ventures 
    Antitrust and Competition Law 
    Dispute Resolution 
    Impact of Changes in the Law Subsequent to Formation 

    Development of Foreign Investment Law
    Alternative Legal Forms in Structuring a Joint Venture 
    Governing Law and Language 
    Financing the Joint Venture 
    Antitrust and Competition Issues 
    Foreign Investment 
    Dispute Resolution

    United Arab Emirates
    Alternative Legal Forms in Structuring a Joint Venture 
    Procedure in Establishing a Corporate Vehicle 
    Scope of Business Activity 
    Formation Agreement 
    Language and Governing Law 
    Preparation of Ancillary Documents 
    Minority Foreign Joint Venture Partner in an LLC 
    Financing the Joint Venture 
    Incentives Available to Foreign Joint Venture Partners 
    Double-Taxation Agreements 
    Protection of Foreign Investments 
    Antitrust and Competition Law 
    Dispute Resolution

    United States
    Joint Venture Risks and Due Diligence
    Structuring Joint Venture and Choice of Legal Form
    Terminating the Joint Venture
    Other Issues

    Joint Ventures under the Investment Law 
    Defining the Scope of Business 
    Essential Documents for a Joint Venture 
    Procedure for Establishment of a Joint Venture
    Financing a Joint Venture 
    Operational Control and Management 
    Antitrust and Competition Law 
    Accounting and Financial Records 
    Post-Established Obligations 
    Governing Law and Language 
    Dispute Resolution
    Conversion of Corporate Form 
    Incentives for Foreign Parties 
    Corporate Income Tax 
    Import, Export, and Distribution Rights 
    Foreign Exchange 

  • About the Editor:

    Professor Dennis Campbell is the Director of the Center for International Legal Studies (CILS) in Salzburg, Austria, and teaches as an adjunct Professor at Suffolk University Law School. He is the former Director of International Programs and Professor of Law at University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law. He has lectured at Stockholm University, Helsinki University, Salzburg University, National University of Taiwan, Warsaw University, and Jagiellonian University. He is a member of the New York State Bar and the Iowa State Bar and is a former Assistant Secretary of the California State Senate.

    The Center for International Legal Studies promotes the dissemination of information among members of the international legal community, through research and publication projects, post-graduate and professional training programs, and academic seminars, professional symposia and continuing legal education conferences. Nearly 5,000 lawyers worldwide have been designated as Fellows of the CENTER FOR INTERNATIONAL LEGAL STUDIES in recognition of their contributions to its programs. The Center provides observers on a regular basis at meetings of UNCITRAL and its Working Groups in Vienna and New York.


    Argentina - J. Agustín Lentini, Marval, O'Farrell & Mairal, Buenos Aires, Argentina

    Australia - Simon Salter, K&L Gates, Perth, Australia

    Bolivia - Eduardo R. Quintanilla B., Quintanilla, Soria & Nishizawa Soc. Civ., La Paz, Bolivia

    Brazil - Talita Alves Rodrigues, Pinheiro Neto Advogados and Guilherme Leite, Pinheiro Neto Advogados, Sao Paulo, Brazil

    Bulgaria - Nelli Tascheva, LP Tascheva & Partner, Sofia, Bulgaria

    Chile - Patricia Núñez, Núñez, Muñoz y Cia. Ltda., Santiago, Chile

    China - Wei Shen, KoGuan Law School, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China

    Colombia - Andrew Abela, Abela Maldonado & Asociados Ltda, Bogotá, Colombia

    Cyprus - Philippos Aristotelous, Panos Labropoulos and Elias Neocleous, Andreas Neocleous & Co LLC, Limassol, Cyprus

    Czech Republic - Robert Neruda, Lucyna Abrahamova and Václav Audes, Havel & Holásek v.o.s, Prague
    Czech Republic

     - Philip Graff and Heike Glowienka, MAQS Law Firm, Copenhagen, Denmark

    Dominican Republic - Helen Azouri, Figueroa Guilamo & Associates, Law Firm, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic

    Greece - Christina Koliatsi, IKRP Rokas & Partners, Athens, Greece

    Hungary - Tamás Gödölle, Bogsch & Partners, Budapest, Hungary

    India - Guido Corsi and Fabio Marazzi, EMMEPLUS Group, Via Baschenis, Bergamo, Italy

    Japan - Chihiro Onishi, Yuasa & Hara, Tokyo, Japan

    Kuwait - Sam Habbas and Paul Day, ASAR - Al-Ruwayeh & Partners, Safat, Kuwait

     - Janis Zelmenis, VARUL Riga, Latvia

    Lebanon - Nadine Ghalayini, Alem & Associates, Barristers & Solicitors, Beirut, Lebanon

    Lithuania - Evaldas Rapolas and Giedre Tomkeviciute, Magnusson, Kaunas, Lithuania

    Mexico - Juan Francisco Torres Landa R., Manuel Hallivis P. and Federico de Noriega O., Barrera, Siqueiros y Torres Landa, S.C., D.F., Mexico

    The Netherlands - Tom P. van Duuren, Clifford Chance LLP,  Amsterdam, Netherlands

    Nigeria - Charles Adeyemi Candide-Johnson, Strachan Partners, Lagos, Nigeria

    Pakistan - Aliya Yusuf and Aly Shah, Orr, Dignam & Co., Karachi, Pakistan

    The Philippines - Catherine Marie Drilon, Reynaldo J. Concepcion, Vera M. De Guzman, Joselito M. Bautista, and Blake S. Feken, Angara Abello Concepcion Regala & Cruz Law Offices, Manila, Philippines

    Portugal - Filipe Fraústo da Silva, Miguel Durham Agrellos, Catarina Gonçalves de Oliveira, Tânia Luísa Faria, and Inês Caria Pinto Basto, Uría Menéndez - Proença de Carvalho, Lisbon, Portugal

    Romania - Mona Musat, Musat & Asociatii, Bucharest, Romania

    Russia - Nina Amirova and Alexey Kuzmishin, Beiten Burkhardt, Moscow, Russia

    Singapore - Austin I. Pullé, Singapore Management University, Singapore

    Spain - Juan Rodés, Alexandru Lazar, Fernando de la Mata, Lluis Felez, Ana Royuela, Rubén Lago, Javier Blázquez, Valeria Enrich,and Carmen Campo, Baker & McKenzie Barcelona, SLP, Barcelona, Spain

    Switzerland - Frederik Gevers and Dominique Gottret, LALIVE Attorneys-at-Law, Geneva, Switzerland

    Taiwan - John C. Chen and Chun-yih Cheng, Formosa Transnational Attorneys at Law, Taipei, Taiwan

    Trinidad and Tobago - Myrna Robinson-Walters and Colin Sabga, M. Hamel-Smith & Co., Port of Spain
    Trinidad and Tobago

    Turkey - Yüksel Ersoy, Ersoy Law Office, Ankara, Turkey

    Ukraine - Anna V. Tsirat, Jurvneshservice Law Firm, Kiev, Ukraine

    United Arab Emirates - Jörg Seifert, Al Sharif Advocates & Legal Consultants, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

    United States - Clint A. Corrie, Beirne, Maynard & Parsons LLP,  Dallas, Texas, United States

    Vietnam - Eric W. Sedlak, Jones Day, Tokyo, Japan


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