

International Investment Law: Reconciling Policy and Principle 5th ed

International Investment Law: Reconciling Policy and Principle 5th ed

  • 作者:
  • 出版商: Hart Publishing
  • ISBN: 9781509975204
  • 出版时间 March 2024
  • 规格: Hardback
  • 适应领域: U.K. ? 免责申明:
    Countri(es) stated herein are used as reference only
  • Paperback Edition ISBN: 9781509975198

List Price: ¥1,527.50

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  • 描述 
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  • 详细

    The updated edition of this acclaimed book offers a critical overview of the law of foreign investment, incorporating a thorough analysis of the principles and standards of treatment available to foreign investors in international law. It is authoritative and multi-layered, offering an analysis of the key issues and an insightful assessment of recent trends in the case law, from both developed and developing country perspectives.

    A major feature of the book is that it deals with the tension between the law of foreign investment and other competing principles of international law. In doing so, it proposes ways of achieving a balance between these principles and the need to protect the legitimate rights and expectations of foreign investors on the one hand, and the need not to restrict unduly the right of host governments to implement their public policy on the other, including the protection of the environment and human rights, and the promotion of social and economic justice within the host country.

    Many of the pioneering ideas that were advanced in the 1st edition of this book have been taken up by governments and international organisations in their attempts to reform the investor-State dispute settlement mechanism and strike a balance between different competing principles in developing international investment law. Accordingly, this 5th edition captures the essence of the ongoing multiple reform processes – either planned or envisaged – currently underway.

  • Introduction

    1. International Investment Law in a Changing World
    A New Turn in International Investment Law
    Reform of the Investor-State Dispute Settlement Mechanism
    Public View on the Investor-State Dispute Settlement Mechanism
    Changing State Practice
    The Investor-State Dispute Settlement Mechanism at a Cross Roads
    The Impact of Change in State Practice
    Attempts to Reconcile Competing Principles
    The Inherent Weaknesses of International Investment Law
    Indications for the Future
    Suggestions for further reading

    2. Evolution of International Investment Law
    The Early Years
    National Treatment versus International Minimum Standard
    The Era of Gunboat Diplomacy
    Diplomatic Protection and the Treatment of Aliens in International Law
    The Calvo Doctrine
    The Hull Formula
    Suggestions for further reading

    3. International Efforts to Regulate Foreign Investment
    The Havana Charter of 1948
    The UN Declaration on Permanent Sovereignty Over Natural Resources
    Attempts to Develop the Law Through the New International Economic Order
    The 1974 Charter of Economic Rights and Duties of States
    The UN Draft Code of Conduct for Transnational Corporations
    An Appraisal of the Eff orts Made in the UN
    The Role of the World Bank
    International Convention on the Settlement of Investment Disputes
    A 'Silent Revolution' in International Law?
    The Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency
    The 1992 Guidelines of the World Bank
    The WTO Agreements and Foreign Investment
    The OECD Guidelines and the Multilateral Agreement on Investment
    The 2011 OECD Guidelines
    The International Labour Organization's Guidelines
    Other Voluntary Schemes
    An Inconclusive End to the Twentieth Century in Foreign Investment Regulation
    The Efforts Made at the Dawn of the Twenty-First Century
    The UN Commission and Council on Human Rights
    Towards a Binding Instrument on Multinational Enterprises and Human Rights
    Anti-Corruption Conventions
    A New Transparency Convention on Investor-State Investment Arbitration
    International Bar Association Guidelines on Conflicts of Interest
    Investment Arbitration Resolution of the Institut de Droit International
    The World Economic Forum in Davos and Investment Policy
    The Shift in Emphasis on the Need for an International Agreement
    Suggestions for further reading

    4. Protection of Foreign Investment in Customary International Law
    Protection under International Law and Domestic Law
    The Fundamental Principles of Foreign Investment Protection
    The Objectives of the Principles
    Definition of Investor and Investment
    Fair and Equitable Treatment in Customary International Law
    Full Protection and Security
    Most-Favoured-Nation Treatment
    National Treatment
    Protection against Expropriation in Customary International Law
    The Standards of Compensation in Customary International Law
    Access to International Arbitration
    Suggestions for further reading

    5. Protection of Foreign Investment Through Bilateral Investment Treaties
    The Origins of Bilateral Investment Treaties
    The Content of Bilateral Investment Treaties
    The Significance of Bilateral Investment Treaties
    Bilateral Investment Treaties for the Promotion of Foreign Investment
    Greater Standard of Protection under Bilateral Investment Treaties
    Bilateral Investment Treaties as Insurance against Political Risks
    Bilateral Investment Treaties as a Tool for Globalisation, Economic Liberalisation and Privatisation
    Mechanism to Expand International Standards and to Codify the Lex Specialis
    Effect of Bilateral Investment Treaty Provisions as Obligations Erga Omnes?
    Decentralisation of the Law of Foreign Investment
    Limiting the Freedom of Action of States
    Outlining the Conditions for Expropriation
    Deviations from the Hull Formula
    Exhaustion of Local Remedies
    Investor-State Dispute Settlement Mechanism
    Latin American Volte-Face
    US Volte-Face
    Acceptance of a Wider Definition of Investment
    Like Circumstances
    Pre-Establishment Rights
    Definition of the Applicable Law
    Time Limitations of a Claim
    Contractual Character of Bilateral Investment Treaties
    Protection under Stabilisation Clauses in Investment or State Contracts
    Protection under The Umbrella Clause
    Protection under Regional Trade and Investment Treaties
    Protection under Free Trade Agreements and Model Bilateral Investment Treaties
    The Changing Character of Bilateral Investment Treaties
    Suggestions for further reading

    6. Fleshing Out the Principles Through Jurisprudence
    Fleshing Out the Principles of Foreign Investment Law
    Definition of Investment
    Standard Claims by Foreign Investors
    Definition of Expropriation
    The Right to Expropriate
    Direct and Indirect Expropriation
    Determination of the Nature and Amount of Compensation
    The Rights of Shareholders
    Exhaustion of Local Remedies
    Extension of the Frontiers of the Law of Foreign Investment
    The Trend in Creative Interpretation of the Law
    Controversy Raised by Inconsistency
    The Trend Towards Extensive Protection
    From International Minimum to Maximum Standard of Treatment
    Jurisprudence on Regulatory Expropriation
    Modification of Customary International Law?
    Extension of Bilateral Investment Treaty Protection to Contractual Undertakings
    Extension of the Most-Favoured-Nation Clause to Establish Jurisdiction
    Suggestions for further reading

    7. Current Issues in International Investment Law
    The Law at a Crossroads
    Absence of Guidelines on the Standard of Compensation
    The Impact of Cross-Fertilisation of Competing Principles
    Problems Posed by the Expansive or Creative Trend in Interpretation
    The Notion of 'Police Powers' of States and Regulatory Expropriation
    Legitimate Expectations of Foreign Investors and the Regulatory Powers of States
    Regulatory Measures to Protect the Environment
    Regulatory Measures to Protect Human Rights
    Regulatory Measures in Pursuance of Social and Economic Objectives
    Regulatory Powers and the Protection under Investment or State Contracts
    Catch-All Interpretation of the Principle of Fair and Equitable Treatment
    The Extent of Protection under the Most-Favoured-Nation Clause
    Public Disputes and Private Tribunals
    Difficulty in Application of Domestic Law by International Tribunals
    Multiplication of Proceedings and Investment Tribunals
    The Trend in Treaty-Shopping, Forum-Shopping and Nationality-Shopping
    Reverse Discrimination between Domestic and Foreign Investors
    Anti-Corruption Law and Investment Disputes
    The Institution of Exceptions and the Law of Foreign Investment
    States Seeking to Restrain Tribunals Rather than vice versa
    The Principle of Tabula Rasa and Investment Treaties and Contracts
    The Notion of International Public Policy and Investment Protection
    The Doctrine of Necessity in International Investment Law
    The Notion of Force Majeure in Foreign Investment Law
    Resource Nationalism and the Revival of the Calvo Doctrine
    The Attempt to Seek Protection against Commercial Risks
    The Investor-State Dispute Settlement Mechanism
    Stabilisation and Umbrella Clauses
    Suggestions for further reading

    8. Addressing Current Challenges in International Investment Law
    A Global Comprehensive Treaty on Foreign Investment
    A Global Model Treaty
    A Set of Interpretative Statements or Draft Articles by the International Law Commission
    Balanced Free Trade Agreements and Bilateral Investment Treaties
    Enhancing the Balancing Role of Investment Tribunals and Courts
    Creating an Appeal Mechanism against Arbitral Awards
    Creation of an International Investment Court
    Settlement of Investment Disputes by the WTO DSB
    Revision of Investment Contracts
    Revision of Bilateral Investment Treaties Through a Protocol
    Revision of ICSID, UNCITRAL and Other Arbitration Rules
    Access for Victims to International Courts and Tribunals
    Defining the Standard or Conditions of Compensation
    Defining the Limits of the Amount of Compensation
    Provision for Remedies Other than Monetary Compensation
    Discouraging 'Cherry-Picking' in the Application of Rules
    National Investment Courts
    Defining Responsibilties of Foreign Investors
    Alternative Dispute Settlement Mechanisms and an Independent Ombudsman
    Enabling Governments to Sue Companies
    Enabling Civil Society Organisations and Individuals to Sue Foreign Investors
    Recalibrating the Interpretative Authority of Governments
    Use of General Exceptions to Protect the Policy Space of States
    Greater Protection Through National Law
    National Arbitration as Opposed to International Arbitration
    National Commercial Courts or Hybrid Courts
    Other National Dispute Avoidance and Dispute Settlement Mechanisms
    Protection of Foreign Investment by Promoting Human Rights
    Requirement to Exhaust Domestic Remedies
    Suggestions for further reading

    Concluding Observations
    International Investment Law: Past, Present and Future
    Convergence of Views
    Change in State Practice
    The Future Direction


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