

International Family Law

International Family Law

  • 作者:
  • 出版商: Edward Elgar Publishing
  • ISBN: 9781784719852
  • 出版时间 September 2016
  • 规格: Hardback (2 volumes) , 1768 pages
  • 适应领域: International ? 免责申明:
    Countri(es) stated herein are used as reference only

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  • 描述 
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    This collection canvasses the growing literature on international family law, extending from the traditional private law governing cross-border families, to multi-lateral treaties on subjects such as child abduction and intercountry adoption, to the framework of international human rights law that shapes domestic and international family law systems. Volume I explores the internationalization of family law and considers adult relationships whilst Volume II examines parent-child relationships. All of the articles are tied together in the Editor’s introductory essay that provides a useful and insightful overview.

    Edited by a leading authority in the field, this collection will prove to be an invaluable and essential research tool for all international family law academics, researchers and practitioners.

  • Introduction Ann Laquer Estin
    1. Elisabeth Beck-Gernsheim (2012), ‘From Rights and Obligations to Contested Rights and Obligations: Individualization, Globalization and Family Law’, Theoretical Inquiries in Law, 13 (1), January, 1–14
    2. Adair Dyer (1997), ‘The Internationalization of Family Law’, University of California, Davis, Law Review, 30 (3), Spring, 625–45
    3. Brenda Hale (2009), ‘Families and the Law: The Forgotten International Dimension’, Child and Family Law Quarterly, 21, 413–22
    4. Fernanda G. Nicola (2010), Family Law Exceptionalism in Comparative Law’, American Journal of Comparative Law, 58, 777–810
    5. Helen Stalford (2002), ‘Concepts of Family Under EU Law – Lessons from the ECHR’, International Journal of Law, Policy and the Family, 16 (3), December, 410–34
    6. Daniel Thym (2008), ‘Respect for Private and Family Life Under Article 8 ECHR in Immigration Cases: A Human Right to Regularize Illegal Stay?’, International and Comparative Law Quarterly, 57 (1), January, 87–112
    A Marriage Across Borders
    7. Willis L.M. Reese (1979), ‘The Hague Convention on Celebration and Recognition of the Validity of Marriages’, Virginia Journal of International Law, 20 (1), 25–36
    8. Ryiah Lilith (2000–2001), ‘Buying a Wife but Saving a Child: A Deconstruction of Popular Rhetoric and Legal analysis of Mail-Order Brides and Intercountry Adoptions’, Buffalo Women's Law Journal, IX, 225–62
    B Marriage and Human Rights
    9. Catherine Dauvergne and Jenni Milbank (2010), ‘Forced Marriage as a Harm in Domestic and International Law’, Modern Law Review, 73 (1), January, 57–88
    10. Ruth Gaffney-Rhys (2011), ‘International Law as an Instrument to Combat Child Marriage’, International Journal of Human Rights, 15 (3), March, 359–73
    11. Egon Schwelb (1963), ‘Marriage and Human Rights’, American Journal of Comparative Law, 12 (3), Summer, 337–83
    12. Alison Symington (2001), ‘Dual Citizenship and Forced Marriages’, Dalhousie Journal of Legal Studies, 10, 1–35
    C Traditional and Religious Marriage Law
    13. Fareda Banda (2003), ‘Global Standards: Local Values’, International Journal of Law, Policy and the Family, 17 (1), April, 1–27
    14. Javaid Rehman (2007), ‘The Sharia, Islamic Family Laws and International Human Rights Law: Examining the Theory and Practice of Polygamy and Talaq’, International Journal of Law, Policy and the Family, 21 (1), April, 108–27
    D Informal Cohabitation Relationships
    15. Jens M. Scherpe (2005), ‘Protection of Partners in Informal Long-Term Relationships’, International Law FORUM du Droit International, 7 (3), 206–13
    E Same-Sex Marriage and Partnerships
    16. Nicholas Bamforth (2011), ‘Families But Not (Yet) Marriages? Same-Sex Partners and the Developing European Convention Margin of Appreciation’, Child and Family Law Quarterly, 23 (1), 128–43
    17. Katharina Boele-Woelki (2008), ‘The Legal Recognition of Same-Sex Relationships within the European Union’, Tulane Law Review, 82 (5), May, 1949–81
    A Divorce and Matrimonial Property
    18. Mary Ann Glendon (1974), ‘Matrimonial Property: A Comparative Study of Law and Social Change’, Tulane Law Review, 49, 21–83
    19. Friedrich Juenger (1972), ‘Recognition of Foreign Divorces-British and American Perspectives’, American Journal of Comparative Law, 20 (1), Winter, 1–37
    20.Jan-Jaap Kuipers (2012), ‘The Law Applicable to Divorce as Test Ground for Enhanced Cooperation’, European Law Journal, 18 (2), March, 201–29
    21. J. Thomas Oldham (2008), ‘What If the Beckhams Move to L.A. and Divorce? Marital Property Rights of Mobile Spouses When They Divorce in the United States’, Family Law Quarterly, 42 (2), Summer, 263–93
    22. Alan Reed (1996), ‘Transnational Non-Judicial Divorces: A Comparative Analysis of Recognition Under English and US Jurisprudence’, Loyola of Los Angeles International and Comparative Law Review, 18 (2), 311–37
    23. Máire Ní Shúilleabháin (2010), ‘Ten Years of European Family Law: Retrospective from a Common Law Perspective’, International and Comparative Law Quarterly, 59 (4), October, 1021–53
    B Personal/Religious Family Law
    24. Gillian Douglas, Norman Doe, Sophie Gillat-Ray, Russell Sandberg and Asma Khan (2012), ‘The Role of Religious Tribunals in Regulating Marriage and Divorce’, Child and Family Law Quarterly, 24 (2), 139–57
    25. Pascale Fournier (2010), ‘Flirting with God in Western Secular Courts: Mahr in the West’, International Journal of Law, Policy and the Family, 24 (1), April, 67–94
    26. Hadas Tagari (2012), ‘Personal Family Law Systems - A Comparative and International Human Rights Analysis’, International Journal of Law in Context, 8 (2), June, 231–52
    C Domestic Violence
    27. Barbara Stark (2001), ‘Domestic Violence and International Law: Good-Bye Earl (Hans, Pedro, Gen, Chou, etc.)’, Loyola Law Review, 47, 255–82
    28. Adam Weiss (2009), ‘Transnational Families in Crisis: An Analysis of the Domestic Violence Rule in EU Free Movement Law’, Michigan Journal of International Law, 30 (3), Spring, 841–79

    Volume II

    An introduction to both volumes by the editor appears in Volume I
    A Childrens’ Rights
    1. Philip Alston (1994), ‘The Best Interests Principle: Towards a Reconciliation of Culture and Human Rights’, International Journal of Law and the Family, 8 (1), April, 1–25
    2. Patrick Glen (2012), ‘The Removability of Non-Citizen Parents and the Best Interests of Citizen Children: How to Balance Competing Imperatives in the Context of Removal Proceedings’, Berkeley Journal of International Law, 30 (1), 1–34
    3. Ursula Kilkelly (2002), ‘Effective Protection of Children's Rights in Family Cases: An International Approach’, Transnational Law and Contemporary Problems, 12 (2), Fall, 335–54
    B Marital and Nonmarital Children
    4. Samantha Besson (2007), ‘Enforcing the Child's Right to Know Her Origins: Contrasting Approaches Under the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the European Convention on Human Rights’, International Journal of Law, Policy and the Family, 21 (2), August, 137–59
    5. Marie-Thérèse Meulders-Klein (1990), ‘The Position of the Father in European Legislation’, International Journal of Law and the Family, 4 (2), August, 131–53
    6. Shabnam Ishaque (2008), ‘Islamic Principles On Adoption: Examining The Impact Of Illegitimacy And Inheritance Related Concerns In Context Of A Child's Right To An Identity’, International Journal of Law, Policy and the Family, 22 (3), December, 393–420
    7. Julia Sloth-Nielsen, Lorenzo Wakefield and Nkatha L. Murungi (2011), ‘Does the Differential Criterion for Vesting Parental Rights and Responsibilities of Unmarried Parents Violate International Law? A Legislative and Social Study of Three African Countries’, Journal of African Law, 55 (2), October, 203–29
    C Intercountry Adoption
    8. Elizabeth Bartholet (2014), ‘Intergenerational Justice for Children: Restructuring Adoption, Reproduction and Child Welfare Policy’, Law and Ethics of Human Rights, 8 (1), May, 103–30
    9. Jorge L. Carro (1994), ‘Regulation of Intercountry Adoption: Can the Abuses Come to and End?’, Hastings International and Comparative Law Review, 18, 121–56
    10. William Duncan (2006), ‘Nationality and the Protection of Children Across Frontiers, and the Example of Intercountry Adoption’, Yearbook of Private International Law, VIII, 75–86 [12]
    11. Alexandra Maravel (1996), ‘The U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Hague Conference on Private International Law: The Dynamics of Children's Rights Through Legal Strata’, Transnational Law and Contemporary Problems, 6, Fall, 309–28
    12. Peter Selman (2002), ‘Intercountry Adoption in the New Millennium The "Quiet Migration" Revisited’, Population Research and Policy Review, 21 (3), June, 205–25
    13. David M. Smolin (2004), ‘Intercountry Adoption as Child Trafficking’, Valparaiso University Law Review, 39 (2), Winter, 281–325
    D Global Surrogacy
    14. Seema Mohapatra (2012), ‘Stateless Babies and Adoption Scams: A Bioethical Analysis of International Commercial Surrogacy’, Berkeley Journal of International Law, 30 (2), 412–51
    15. Richard F. Storrow (2012), ‘”The Phantom Children of the Republic”: International Surrogacy and the New Illegitimacy’, American University Journal of Gender, Social Policy and the Law, 20 (3), 561–609
    16. Katarina Trimmings and Paul Beaumont (2011), ‘International Surrogacy Arrangements: An Urgent Need for Legal Regulation at the International Level’, Journal of Private International Law, 7 (3), December, 627–47
    A Parental Responsibilities
    17. D. Marianne Blair and Merle H. Weiner (2005), ‘Resolving Parental Custody Disputes—A Comparative Exploration’, Family Law Quarterly, Symposium on Comparative Custody Law, 39 (2), 247–66
    18. Linda D. Elrod (2010), ‘National and International Momentum Builds for More Child Focus in Relocation Disputes’, Family Law Quarterly, 44 (3), Fall, 341–71, 373–74
    19. Nigel Lowe (2002), ‘The 1996 Hague Convention on the Protection of Children—A Fresh Appraisal’, Child and Family Law Quarterly, 14 (2), 191–206
    20. Linda Silberman (2000), ‘The 1996 Hague Convention on the Protection of Children: Should the United States Join?’, Family Law Quarterly, 34 (2), Summer, 239–70
    21. Nicola Taylor, Robyn Fitzgerald, Tamar Morag, Asha Bajpai and Anne Graham (2012), ‘International Models of Child Participation in Family Law Proceedings Following Parental Separation / Divorce’, International Journal of Children’s Rights, 20 (4), 645–73
    22. David B. Thronson (2005), ‘Of Borders and Best Interests: Examining the Experiences of Undocumented Immigrants in US Family Courts’, Texas Hispanic Journal of Law and Policy, 11, Fall, 45–73
    B Child Abduction
    23. Carol S. Bruch (2004), ‘The Unmet Needs of Domestic Violence Victims and Their Children in Hague Child Abduction Convention Cases’, Family Law Quarterly, 38 (3), Fall, 529–45
    24. E.M. Clive (1997), ‘The Concept of Habitual Residence’, Juridical Review, 3, 137–47
    25. Rhona Schuz (2002), ‘The Hague Child Abduction Convention and Children’s Rights’, Transnational Law and Contemporary Problems, 12, Fall, 393–452
    26. Nigel V. Lowe and Victoria Stephens (2012), ‘Global Trends in the Operation of the 1980 Hague Abduction Convention’, Family Law Quarterly, 46 (1), Spring, 41–86
    C Child Support
    27. William Duncan (2009), ‘The New Hague Child Support Convention: Goals and Outcomes of the Negotiations’, Family Law Quarterly, 43 (1), Spring, 1–20
    28. Badruddin Hj Ibrahim and Azizah Mohd (2011), ‘The Child’s Right to Maintenance: The Extent of the Family’s Responsibilities in Islamic Law and According to the Family Law Provisions of Muslim Countries’, Arab Law Quarterly, 25 (4), 401–22
    29. Christine Skinner and Jacqueline Davidson (2009), ‘Recent Trends in Child Maintenance Schemes in 14 Countries’, International Journal of Law, Policy and the Family, 23 (1), April, 25–52
    D Child and Adult Protection
    30. Ann Laquer Estin (2011), ‘Global Child Welfare: The Challenges for Family Law’, Oklahoma Law Review, 63 (4), Summer, 691–722
    31. Joëlle Long (2013), ‘Rethinking Vulnerable Adults’ Protection in the light of the 2000 Hague Convention’, International Journal of Law, Policy and the Family, 27 (1), April, 51–73
    32. Robert G. Spector (2013), ‘The Vienna Convention on Consular Relations: The Most Neglected Provision of International Family Law’, Transnational Law and Contemporary Problems, 22, Fall, 643–54


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