

Indigenous Intellectual Property: A Handbook of Contemporary Research

Indigenous Intellectual Property: A Handbook of Contemporary Research

  • 作者:
  • 出版商: Edward Elgar Publishing
  • ISBN: 9781781955895
  • 出版时间 December 2015
  • 规格: Hardback
  • 适应领域: International ? 免责申明:
    Countri(es) stated herein are used as reference only

List Price: ¥2,679.00

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  • 描述 
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  • 详细

    Taking an interdisciplinary approach unmatched by any other book on this topic, this thoughtful Handbook considers the international struggle to provide for proper and just protection of Indigenous intellectual property (IP). In light of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples 2007, expert contributors assess the legal and policy controversies over Indigenous knowledge in the fields of international law, copyright law, trademark law, patent law, trade secrets law, and cultural heritage. The overarching discussion examines national developments in Indigenous IP in the United States, Canada, South Africa, the European Union, Australia, New Zealand, and Indonesia.

    The Handbook provides a comprehensive overview of the historical origins of conflict over Indigenous knowledge, and examines new challenges to Indigenous IP from emerging developments in information technology, biotechnology, and climate change. Practitioners and scholars in the field of IP will learn a great deal from this Handbook about the issues and challenges that surround just protection of a variety of forms of IP for Indigenous communities.

  • The Legacy of David Unaipon Dr Matthew Rimmer,
    Introduction: Mapping Indigenous Intellectual Propertyy Dr Matthew Rimmer

    1. The United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples: A Human Rights Framework for Indigenous Intellectual Property Mauro Barelli
    2. The WTO, The TRIPS Agreement and Traditional Knowledge Tania Voon
    3. The World Intellectual Property Organization and Traditional Knowledge Sara Bannerman
    4. The World Indigenous Network: Rio+20, Intellectual Property, Indigenous Knowledge, and Sustainable Development Matthew Rimmer,

    5. Government Man, Government Painting? David Malangi and the 1966 One-Dollar Note Stephen Gray
    6. What Wandjuk Wanted Martin Hardie
    7. Avatar Dreaming: Indigenous Cultural Protocols and Making Films Using Indigenous Content Terri Janke
    8. The Australian Resale Royalty for Visual Artists: Indigenous Art and Social Justice Robert Dearn and Matthew Rimmer

    9. Indigenous Cultural Expression and Registered Designs Maree Sainsbury
    10. The Indian Arts and Crafts Act: The Limits of Trademark Analogies Rebecca Tushnet
    11. Protection of Traditional Cultural Expressions within the New Zealand Intellectual Property Framework: A Case Study of the Ka Mate Haka Sarah Rosanowski
    12 Geographical Indications and Indigenous Intellectual Property William van Caenegem

    13. Pressuring 'Suspect Orthodoxy': Traditional Knowledge and the Patent System Chidi Oguamanam,
    14. The Nagoya Protocol: Unfinished Business Remains Unfinished Achmad Gusman Siswandi
    15. Legislating on Biopiracy in Europe: Too Little, too Late? Angela Daly
    16. Intellectual Property, Indigenous Knowledge, and Climate Change Matthew Rimmer

    17. Confidential Information and Anthropology: Indigenous Knowledge and the Digital Economy Sarah Holcombe
    18. Indigenous Cultural Heritage in Australia: The Control of Living Heritages Judith Bannister
    19. Dignity, Trust and Identity: Private Spheres and Indigenous Intellectual Property Bruce Baer Arnold,
    20. Racial Discrimination Laws as a Means of Protecting Collective Reputation and Identity David Rolph

    21. Diluted Control: A Critical Analysis of the WAI262 Report on Maori Traditional Knowledge and Culture Fleur Adcock,
    22. Traditional Knowledge Governance Challenges in Canada Jeremy de Beer and Daniel Albahary
    23. Intellectual Property protection of Traditional Knowledge and Access to Knowledge in South Africa Caroline Ncube
    24. Traditional Knowledge Sovereignty: The Fundamental Role of Customary Law in Protection of Traditional Knowledge Brendan Tobin



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