

The Hong Kong Anti-Discrimination Ordinances: Commentary and Annotations, 2nd Edition (Hardcopy + e-Book)

The Hong Kong Anti-Discrimination Ordinances: Commentary and Annotations, 2nd Edition (Hardcopy + e-Book)

  • 作者:
  • 出版商: Sweet & Maxwell Hong Kong
  • ISBN: 9789626619599
  • 出版时间 February 2018
  • 规格: Hardback + eBook
  • 适应领域: Hong Kong ? 免责申明:
    Countri(es) stated herein are used as reference only

List Price: ¥2,726.00

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    Remarks: e-Book version is also available. Please click here to purchase the e-Book version.

    Restructured and updated to reflect timely issues regarding legislation against discrimination, including legal rights and recognition of same-sex couples and strengthening the laws against harassment in work places, no matter the gender or sexual orientation.
    The Hong Kong Anti-Discrimination Ordinances examined here include:
    • Cap 480: Sex Discrimination Ordinance (SDO)
    • Cap 487: Disability Discrimination Ordinance (DDO)
    • Cap 527: Family Status Discrimination Ordinance (FSDO)
    • Cap 602: Race Discrimination Ordinance (RDO)
    This new edition has been completely re-structured and revised to offer a concise, detailed section-by-section analysis of all the provisions of Hong Kong’s four Anti-Discrimination Ordinances. The relevant provisions of each Ordinance have been discussed, enhanced with:
    (i) legislative amendments; (ii) recent cases, including analysis of the issues surrounding same sex marriages and transgender identity; (iii) comparative notes linking each Ordinance; and (iv) commentary on proposed law reforms.
    Significant issues are reviewed and examined, including: (i) combing the four existing antidiscrimination laws into a single modernised Discrimination Ordinance; (ii) recognition and protection for persons in de facto relationships (as opposed to a heterosexual marriage); (iii) laws protecting new immigrants (i.e. Mainlanders) from discrimination; (iv) introducing new protections as the current anti-discrimination regime overlooks several grounds of discrimination; and (v) equal protection to both men and women (as as well as ‘gender x’ representing transgender and intersex people) from sexual harassment in common workplaces.
    Authored by a team of experienced practitioners and academics
    • Annotated by Hectar Pun, Barrister-at-Law, Denis Chang’s Chambers; Ann Lui,Barrister-at- Law, Parkside Chambers, and Michael Ramsden, Professor of Law, Chinese University of Hong Kong.
    • Updated by Brendan Clift, Professor of Law, University of Hong Kong.

    Presented in a clear, concise format with analysis that goes beyond the current state of legal implications under the ordinances
    • Each section and subsection of the Ordinance is highlighted in the headings for easy navigation
    • The concise format provides exactly what is necessary to better understand the Ordinance
    • Provides analysis of anticipated legal issues that are yet to arise or which might arise as a result of the new amendments
    • Cap 480:  Sex Discrimination Ordinance (SDO)
    • Cap 487:  Disability Discrimination Ordinance (DDO)
    • Cap 527:  Family Status Discrimination Ordinance (FSDO)
    • Cap 602:  Race Discrimination Ordinance (RDO)
  • • Annotated by Hectar Pun, Barrister-at-Law, Denis Chang’s Chambers; Ann Lui, Barrister-at-Law , Parkside Chambers , and Michael Ramsden, Professor of Law, Chinese University of Hong Kong.
    • Updated by Brendan Clift, Professor of Law, University of Hong Kong.


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