

Handbook of Research on International Consumer Law, 2nd Edition

Handbook of Research on International Consumer Law, 2nd Edition

  • 作者:
  • 出版商: Edward Elgar Publishing
  • ISBN: 9781785368202
  • Previous Edition ISBN: 9780857938909
  • 出版时间 July 2018
  • 规格: Hardback , 608 pages
  • 适应领域: International ? 免责申明:
    Countri(es) stated herein are used as reference only

List Price: ¥2,291.25

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  • 描述 
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    Consumer law and policy continues to be of great concern to both national and international regulatory bodies, and the second edition of the Handbook of Research on International Consumer Law provides an updated international and comparative analysis of the central legal and policy issues, in both developed and developing economies.

    Taking a thematic approach, and yet highlighting issues in different national contexts, the Handbook explores issues which are common to all countries, such as social policy and effective business regulation, and relates consumer law to contemporary trends in human rights law.

    Features of this edition:

    • consideration of the potential for new regulatory complexity as a result of Brexit
    • reflections on the growth of middle class consumption in Asia and Latin America and the impact that this will have on business reforms
    • coverage of increasing divergence between the regulatory models of both the EU and the US
    • focus on the challenges and opportunities that the digital age presents for consumer market regulation
    • analysis of the significant changes in consumer credit law and policy since the financial crash of 2008.

    This Handbook will provide researchers, students and policymakers with an insight to the main policy debates in differing national and sectoral contexts, and provide models of legal regulation which contribute to the evaluation and development of consumer laws and policy.

  • Preface

    1. Consumer Law in its International Dimension
    Geraint Howells, Iain Ramsay and Thomas Wilhelmsson

    2. Consumer Protection and Human Rights
    Iris Benöhr and Hans-W. Micklitz 

    3. Development and Consumer Law
    Sothi Rachagan

    4. The Consumer and Competition Law
    Angus MacCulloch

    5. Misleading and Unfair Advertising
    James P. Nehf

    6. Protecting Rational Choice: Information and the Right of Withdrawal
    Christian Twigg-Flesner and Reiner Schulze

    7. Unfair Terms and Standard Form Contracts
    Thomas Wilhelmsson and Chris Willett

    8. Sales and Guarantees
    Cynthia Hawes and Christian Twigg-Flesner

    9. Products Liability Law in America and Europe
    Geraint Howells and David G. Owen

    10. Product Safety Regulation
    Luke Nottage

    11. Consumers and Services of General Interest
    Peter Rott and Chris Willett

    12. Consumer Protection and the Internet
    Patrick Quirk and John A. Rothchild 

    13. Regulation of Consumer Credit
    Iain Ramsay

    14. Personal Insolvency
    Johanna Niemi

    15. Financial Services Regulation and the Investor as Consumer 
    Dimity Kingsford Smith

    16. Individual Consumer Redress
    Peter Spiller and Kate Tokeley

    17. Using Class Actions to Enforce Consumer Protection Law
    Deborah R. Hensler

    18. Enforcing Consumer Protection Laws
    Colin Scott

  • Edited by Geraint Howells, Manchester University and Barrister, Gough Square Chambers, UK, Iain Ramsay, Kent University, UK and Thomas Wilhelmsson, University of Helsinki, Finland with David Kraft, Manchester University, UK

  • 'This is a truly international effort, and one with a strong commitment to human rights by the highly reputable authors coming from different jurisdictions! The many facets of today’s consumer law are presented to the reader, including developing countries – a fascinating effort in a dynamically emerging field of law! We are comprehensively informed about such “bread and butter areas” as advertising, unfair terms, consumer guarantees, product safety and liability, consumer credit, and redress. But traditional consumer law concepts and remedies are facing challenges in more complex areas, like “services of general internet” where consumers and private users should enjoy equal access to “universal services”, with the “internet” where speed must not be a pretext to eliminate standards of fair dealing, with risky investment services under the problematic paradigm shift from “investor protection” to “investor confidence”. A book to read, to think about, to work with for everybody interested in the future of consumer markets and law in a time of economic crisis!’
    – Norbert Reich, University of Bremen, Germany 

    ‘This is a richly interesting collection of essays, written by leading names in the field. It offers a thoroughly reliable survey of key tensions and challenges in modern consumer law and brilliantly combines thematic overview with detailed analysis. It will stimulate comparative thinking, it will provide a source of information and it will be welcomed by consumer law scholars all over the world.’
    – Stephen Weatherill, University of Oxford, UK


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