I. General
1: Governing Financial Institutions: Law and Regulation, Conduct and Culture, Danny Busch, Guido Ferrarini, Gerard Van Solinge
2: Corporate Governance of Financial Institutions: In Need of Cross-Sectoral Regulation? A comparative analysis of banks, investment firms, asset managers, and pension funds, Jens-Hinrich Binder
3: Comparative Regulation of Corporate Governance in the Insurance Sector, Arthur van den Hurk and Michele Siri
4: The Governance of Banks and the Requirement of Resolvability: a Fundamental Change in Perspective?, Bart Bierens
5: Comparative Regulation of Corporate Governance in th e Insurance Sector, Kitty Lieverse and Claartje Bulten
II. Governance Structures and Regulations
6: Non-Shareholder Voice in Bank Governance: Board Composition, Performance and Liability, Paul Davies and Klaus Hopt
7: Responsibility of Directors of Financial Institutions, Steven Schwarz (Aleaha Jones, and Jiazhen Yan)
8: Fit and Proper Requirments in EU Financial Regulation: Towards More Cross-Sectoral Harmonisation?, Danny Busch and Iris Palm-Steyerberg
9: Risk, Risk Management, and Internal Controls, Lodewijk van Setten
10: Financial Market Infrastructures: The Essential Role of Risk Management, Paolo Saguato
11: Compensation in Financial Institutions: Systemic Risk, Regulation and Proportionality, Guido Ferrarini
12: Corporate Governance, Financial Information and MAR, Carmine di Noia and Matteo Gargantini
III. Ownership Structures
13: Engagement of Institutional Investors, Cristina Ungureuna
14: State-owned Financial Institutions, Katja Langenbucher, Johannes Adolff and Christina Skinner
15: Co-operative Banks: A Dutch Experience, Gerard van Solinge and Martin van Olffen
IV. Conduct and Culture
16: Corporate Culture in the Governance of Financial Institutions: An Interdisciplinary Approach, Guido Ferrarini and Shanshan Zhu
17: Public Supervision of Behaviour and Culture at Financial Institutions, Wijnand Nuijts
18: Conduct and Culture in the Netherlands: The Dutch Banker's Oath and the Dutch Banking Disciplinary Committee, Danny Busch and Peter Laaper
19: Managing Conduct Risk: From Rules to Culture, Antonella Sciarrone Alibrandi and Claudi Frigeni
20: Conflicts of Interest: Comparing Compliance and Culture in the US and UK, Geneviève Helleringer and Christina Skinner
21: The Venetian Banks Collapse, Paulo Giudici
22: The Spanish Banking Crisis as a Corporate Governance Problem, Maribel Saez and Maria Gutierrez
23: Banco Espírito Santo: Anatomy of Banking Scandal in Portugal, José Engrácia Antunes
24: Governance Problems in Dutch Financial Institutions from 2007 to-2017, Bas de Jong