Now in its thirteenth edition and part of the prestigious Common Law Library, Gatley on Libel and Slander has established itself as the definitive work on defamation law and practice. The work has been comprehensively updated and restructured to provide a thorough examination of the English law of defamation and other media and communications claims, including malicious falsehood, privacy, data protection and harassment – both substantive and procedural.
- The authority on the law of defamation with expert analysis of the law and all significant developments in libel and slander, malicious falsehood and privacy.
- Detailed coverage of the relevant procedure for practising defamation law – serving as a one-stop reference at every stage of an action.
- Examines the defamatory statement including slanders actionable, publication, identifying the person defamed and addresses the question: who may sue or be sued?
- Looks at the various available remedies including compensatory, aggravated and exemplary damages.
- Commentary on related causes of action such as malicious falsehood and other causes arising from statements.
- Dedicated chapters on misuse of private information and data protection.
- Explores available defences with discussion of honest comment, absolute and qualified privilege, publication in public interest and more.
- Comprehensive examination of the procedure for bringing an action from interim injunctions and particulars of claim to counterclaims, apologies, the trial and appeals.
- Relevant cases from other jurisdictions with commentary on their relevance to UK law and procedure, including decisions from Canada, Australia and New Zealand.
- Discusses the jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights and the continuing effect of the Human Rights Act on defamation law.
- Provides forms and precedents for issuing proceedings, statements of case and settlement and reproduces relevant excerpts of key statutes.
New to this edition:
- Review of all relevant domestic case law including: ZXC v Bloomberg LP; George v Cannell; Mueen-Uddin v Secretary of State for the Home Department; Riley v Murray; Wright v McCormack; Banks v Cadwalladr; Riley v Sivier; Blake v Fox; Vardy v Rooney; Dyson v MGN Ltd; Amersi v Leslie; Packham v Wightman; Hay v Cresswell; Dyson v Channel Four; and Harcombe v Associated Newspapers Ltd.
- Comprehensive treatment of the Defamation Act 2013, covering all new developments on serious harm and the statutory defences.
- Consideration of legal developments in Commonwealth and common law jurisdictions.
- The latest statutes, procedural rules and damages awards (defamation, privacy and harassment).