

Freedom of Overflight: A Study of Coastal State Jurisdiction in International Airspace

Freedom of Overflight: A Study of Coastal State Jurisdiction in International Airspace

  • 作者:
  • 出版商: Kluwer Law International
  • ISBN: 9789403538044
  • 出版时间 January 2022
  • 规格: Hardback
  • 适应领域: International ? 免责申明:
    Countri(es) stated herein are used as reference only

List Price: ¥1,316.00

¥1,276.52 Save ¥39.48 (3%)

发货时间:大约 3-4 weeks
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  • 描述 
  • 大纲 
  • 详细

    Freedom of Overflight is a revolutionary book that delves deep into the ambiguous areas at the nexus of air law and the law of the sea concerning the balance between coastal State jurisdiction and freedom of overflight, thus providing greater legal certainty regarding State actions involving overflight in international airspace.


    What’s in this book:

    The author discerns and reviews in detail three striking issues that impact overflight in international waters:

    • the right of a State to establish safety zones around maritime constructions and the legitimacy of extending these safety zones to the airspace;
    • what, if anything, under international civil aviation law specifically, prohibits a State from discriminating against the aircraft of another State in international airspace within its flight information region; and
    • whether air defence identification zones can be justified as customary international law.

    The law of the sea concerning transit passage through international straits and archipelagic sea lanes as applied to airspace users are also explored in this book.


    How this will help you:

    This book is the pioneer in-depth analysis of overflight that blends the perspectives of international civil aviation law and the law of the sea. It offers a comprehensive study of the legality of attempts by coastal States to exercise jurisdiction in international airspace over aircraft registered in other States, thus taking a giant step towards determining what freedom of overflight entails by establishing its legitimate limitations. It will be highly appreciated by practitioners, policymakers and academics concerned with international transportation, national defence, international trade and other areas of international law.

  • List of Figures

    List of Table

    List of Abbreviations

    Chapter 1  Introduction

    Chapter 2   The International Legal Framework

    Chapter 3  Overflight of Maritime Constructions in International Airspace

    Chapter 4  Flight Information Regions and Air Defence Identification Zones

    Chapter 5  Overflight of International Straits and Archipelagic Sea Lanes

    Chapter 6  Conclusions and Recommendations


    Table of Cases

    Table of Legislation

    Table of Treaties

    Aeronautical Navigation Communications

    United Nations Documents

    EU Documents

    Documents of Intergovernmental Organisations


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