

Fraud Analytics Using Descriptive, Predictive, and Social Network Techniques

Fraud Analytics Using Descriptive, Predictive, and Social Network Techniques A Guide to Data Science for Fraud Detection

  • 作者:
  • 出版商: John Wiley & Sons
  • ISBN: 9781119133124
  • 出版时间 August 2015
  • 规格: Hardback , 400 pages
  • 适应领域: International ? 免责申明:
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    Detect fraud earlier to mitigate loss and prevent cascading damage

    Fraud Analytics Using Descriptive, Predictive, and Social Network Techniques is an authoritative guidebook for setting up a comprehensive fraud detection analytics solution. Early detection is a key factor in mitigating fraud damage, but it involves more specialized techniques than detecting fraud at the more advanced stages. This invaluable guide details both the theory and technical aspects of these techniques, and provides expert insight into streamlining implementation. Coverage includes data gathering, preprocessing, model building, and post-implementation, with comprehensive guidance on various learning techniques and the data types utilized by each. These techniques are effective for fraud detection across industry boundaries, including applications in insurance fraud, credit card fraud, anti-money laundering, healthcare fraud, telecommunications fraud, click fraud, tax evasion, and more, giving you a highly practical framework for fraud prevention.

    It is estimated that a typical organization loses about 5% of its revenue to fraud every year. More effective fraud detection is possible, and this book describes the various analytical techniques your organization must implement to put a stop to the revenue leak.

    • Examine fraud patterns in historical data
    • Utilize labeled, unlabeled, and networked data
    • Detect fraud before the damage cascades
    • Reduce losses, increase recovery, and tighten security

    The longer fraud is allowed to go on, the more harm it causes. It expands exponentially, sending ripples of damage throughout the organization, and becomes more and more complex to track, stop, and reverse. Fraud prevention relies on early and effective fraud detection, enabled by the techniques discussed here. Fraud Analytics Using Descriptive, Predictive, and Social Network Techniques helps you stop fraud in its tracks, and eliminate the opportunities for future occurrence.


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  • List of Figures xv

    Foreword xxiii

    Preface xxv

    Acknowledgments xxix

    Chapter 1 Fraud: Detection, Prevention, and Analytics! 1

    Introduction 2

    Fraud! 2

    Fraud Detection and Prevention 10

    Big Data for Fraud Detection 15

    Data-Driven Fraud Detection 17

    Fraud-Detection Techniques 19

    Fraud Cycle 22

    The Fraud Analytics Process Model 26

    Fraud Data Scientists 30

    A Fraud Data Scientist Should Have Solid Quantitative Skills 30

    A Fraud Data Scientist Should Be a Good Programmer 31

    A Fraud Data Scientist Should Excel in

    Communication and Visualization Skills 31

    A Fraud Data Scientist Should Have a Solid Business Understanding 32

    A Fraud Data Scientist Should Be Creative 32

    A Scientific Perspective on Fraud 33

    References 35

    Chapter 2 Data Collection, Sampling, and Preprocessing 37

    Introduction 38

    Types of Data Sources 38

    Merging Data Sources 43

    Sampling 45

    Types of Data Elements 46

    Visual Data Exploration and Exploratory Statistical Analysis 47

    Benford’s Law 48

    Descriptive Statistics 51

    Missing Values 52

    Outlier Detection and Treatment 53

    Red Flags 57

    Standardizing Data 59

    Categorization 60

    Weights of Evidence Coding 63

    Variable Selection 65

    Principal Components Analysis 68

    RIDITs 72

    PRIDIT Analysis 73

    Segmentation 74

    References 75

    Chapter 3 Descriptive Analytics for Fraud Detection 77

    Introduction 78

    Graphical Outlier Detection Procedures 79

    Statistical Outlier Detection Procedures 83

    Break-Point Analysis 84

    Peer-Group Analysis 85

    Association Rule Analysis 87

    Clustering 89

    Introduction 89

    Distance Metrics 90

    Hierarchical Clustering 94

    Example of Hierarchical Clustering Procedures 97

    k-Means Clustering 104

    Self-Organizing Maps 109

    Clustering with Constraints 111

    Evaluating and Interpreting Clustering Solutions 114

    One-Class SVMs 117

    References 118

    Chapter 4 Predictive Analytics for Fraud Detection 121

    Introduction 122

    Target Definition 123

    Linear Regression 125

    Logistic Regression 127

    Basic Concepts 127

    Logistic Regression Properties 129

    Building a Logistic Regression Scorecard 131

    Variable Selection for Linear and Logistic Regression 133

    Decision Trees 136

    Basic Concepts 136

    Splitting Decision 137

    Stopping Decision 140

    Decision Tree Properties 141

    Regression Trees 142

    Using Decision Trees in Fraud Analytics 143

    Neural Networks 144

    Basic Concepts 144

    Weight Learning 147

    Opening the Neural Network Black Box 150

    Support Vector Machines 155

    Linear Programming 155

    The Linear Separable Case 156

    The Linear Nonseparable Case 159

    The Nonlinear SVM Classifier 160

    SVMs for Regression 161

    Opening the SVM Black Box 163

    Ensemble Methods 164

    Bagging 164

    Boosting 165

    Random Forests 166

    Evaluating Ensemble Methods 167

    Multiclass Classification Techniques 168

    Multiclass Logistic Regression 168

    Multiclass Decision Trees 170

    Multiclass Neural Networks 170

    Multiclass Support Vector Machines 171

    Evaluating Predictive Models 172

    Splitting Up the Data Set 172

    Performance Measures for Classification Models 176

    Performance Measures for Regression Models 185

    Other Performance Measures for Predictive Analytical Models 188

    Developing Predictive Models for Skewed Data Sets 189

    Varying the Sample Window 190

    Undersampling and Oversampling 190

    Synthetic Minority Oversampling Technique (SMOTE) 192

    Likelihood Approach 194

    Adjusting Posterior Probabilities 197

    Cost-sensitive Learning 198

    Fraud Performance Benchmarks 200

    References 201

    Chapter 5 Social Network Analysis for Fraud Detection 207

    Networks: Form, Components, Characteristics, and Their Applications 209

    Social Networks 211

    Network Components 214

    Network Representation 219

    Is Fraud a Social Phenomenon? An Introduction to Homophily 222

    Impact of the Neighborhood: Metrics 227

    Neighborhood Metrics 228

    Centrality Metrics 238

    Collective Inference Algorithms 246

    Featurization: Summary Overview 254

    Community Mining: Finding Groups of Fraudsters 254

    Extending the Graph: Toward a Bipartite Representation 266

    Multipartite Graphs 269

    Case Study: Gotcha! 270

    References 277

    Chapter 6 Fraud Analytics: Post-Processing 279

    Introduction 280

    The Analytical Fraud Model Life Cycle 280

    Model Representation 281

    Traffic Light Indicator Approach 282

    Decision Tables 283

    Selecting the Sample to Investigate 286

    Fraud Alert and Case Management 290

    Visual Analytics 296

    Backtesting Analytical Fraud Models 302

    Introduction 302

    Backtesting Data Stability 302

    Backtesting Model Stability 305

    Backtesting Model Calibration 308

    Model Design and Documentation 311

    References 312

    Chapter 7 Fraud Analytics: A Broader Perspective 313

    Introduction 314

    Data Quality 314

    Data-Quality Issues 314

    Data-Quality Programs and Management 315

    Privacy 317

    The RACI Matrix 318

    Accessing Internal Data 319

    Label-Based Access Control (LBAC) 324

    Accessing External Data 325

    Capital Calculation for Fraud Loss 326

    Expected and Unexpected Losses 327

    Aggregate Loss Distribution 329

    Capital Calculation for Fraud Loss Using Monte Carlo Simulation 331

    An Economic Perspective on Fraud Analytics 334

    Total Cost of Ownership 334

    Return on Investment 335

    In Versus Outsourcing 337

    Modeling Extensions 338

    Forecasting 338

    Text Analytics 340

    The Internet of Things 342

    Corporate Fraud Governance 344

    References 346

    About the Authors 347

    Index 349

  • BART BAESENS is a full professor at KU Leuven, and a lecturer at the University of Southampton. He has done extensive research on analytics, customer relationship management, web analytics, fraud detection, and credit risk management. He regularly advises and provides consulting support to international firms with respect to their analytics and credit risk management strategy.

    VÉRONIQUE VAN VLASSELAER is a PhD researcher in the Department of Decision Sciences and Information Management at KU Leuven. Her research focuses on the development of new techniques for fraud detection by combining predictive and network analytics.

    WOUTER VERBEKE is an assistant professor at Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Brussels, Belgium). His research is situated in the field of predictive analytics and complex network analysis with applications in fraud, marketing, credit risk, human resources management, and mobility.
