

Financial Reporting for Unlisted Companies in the UK and Republic of Ireland, 2nd Edition

Financial Reporting for Unlisted Companies in the UK and Republic of Ireland, 2nd Edition

  • 作者:
  • 出版商: Bloomsbury Professional (formerly Tottel Publishing)
  • ISBN: 9781526508836
  • Previous Edition ISBN: 9781780432298
  • 出版时间 November 2018
  • 规格: Paperback , 658 pages
  • 适应领域: Ireland, U.K. ? 免责申明:
    Countri(es) stated herein are used as reference only

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  • 描述 
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  • 详细

    Based on 4 years' worth of understanding, this new edition of Financial Reporting for Unlisted Companies in the UK and the Republic of Ireland details how the standard should be applied in different circumstances. This is conveyed using many real-life examples from practice. The content has also been restructured so it is more in line with the structure of FRS 102. This edition of the title also incorporates the micro-entities regime, which had not been transposed into company law at the time the 1st edition was written.

    The book has also been revised with the changes brought in through the FRC's Triennial Review which was published in December 2017.

    The principal amendments to the standard are as follows:

    • The simplification of the measurement of directors' loans to small entities
    • A requirement for fewer intangible assets to be separated from goodwill in a business combination
    • Permit investment property rented to another group entity is to be measured by reference to cost, rather than fair value
    • There is expansion of the circumstances in which a financial instrument may be measured at amortised cost, rather than fair value
    • The definition of a financial institution has been simplified.

    New case law covered includes:

    • Companies Act 2006 and related SIs
    • FRS 102 The Financial Reporting Standard Applicable in the UK and the Republic of Ireland (March 2018)
    • FRS 105 The Financial Reporting Standard Applicable to the Micro-entities Regime (March 2018)
  • 1: The Development of UK GAAP
    Development of current UK GAAP
    The EU Accounting Directive
    Structure of current UK GAAP
    The FRC triennial review
    Small entities
    Effects of major IFRS changes
    Summary - What is different from the previous UK GAAP?
    2: The Differences Between FRS 102 and previous UK GAAP
    Terminology changes
    Accounting changes
    3: The Concepts and Pervasive Principles
    Objective of financial statements
    The qualitative characteristics
    The elements of financial statements
    Recogition and measurement of items within the financial statements
    Subsequent measurement of items within the financial statements Offsetting
    Going concern
    Fair value guidance
    Summary - What is different from the previous UK GAAP?
    4: Financial Statement Presentation
    True and fair view
    Important considerations
    Identification of the financial statements
    Discontinued operations
    Additional legal requirements
    Interim financial reports
    Summary - What is different from the previous UK GAAP?
    5: Statement of Financial Position (balance sheet)
    Format and content
    Specific issues
    Summary - What is different from the previous UK GAAP?
    6: Statement of Comprehensive Income and Income Statement
    Introduction and scope
    Format options
    General requirements
    The two-statement approach
    The single statement approach
    Summary - What is different from the previous UK GAAP?
    7: Statement of Changes in Equity and Statement of Income and Retained Earnings
    Statement of changes in equity
    Statement of income and retained earnings
    Summary - What is different from the previous UK GAAP?
    8: Statement of Cash Flows
    Preparation of the statement of cash flows
    Summary - What is different from the previous UK GAAP?
    9: Consolidated and Separate Financial Statements
    Introduction and scope
    Requirement to present consolidated financial statements
    Exclusions from consolidation
    Special purpose entities
    Consolidation procedures
    Non-controlling interests
    Acquisition of subsidiaires and shares in subsidiaries
    Disposal of shares in subsidiaries
    Group reconstructions
    Other issues
    Disclosure requirements
    Separate financial statements
    Summary - What is different from the previous UK GAAP?
    10: Accounting Policies, Estimates and Errors
    Disclosure requirements
    Judgements, estimates and uncertainties
    Summary - What is different from the previous UK GAAP?
    11: Financial Instruments - Introduction
    Summary - What is different from the previous UK GAAP?
    12: Accounting for Basic Financial Instruments
    Initial recognition of financial assets and financial liabilities
    Initial measurement of financial assets and financial liabilities
    Subsequent measurement: debt instruments
    Subsequent measurement: investments in shares
    Derecognition of financial assets and financial liabilities
    Basic financial instruments: further considerations
    Disclosure requirements
    Summary - What is different from the previous UK GAAP?
    13: Complex Financial Instruments
    Examples of non-basic financial instruments
    Initial recognition
    Subsequent measurement
    Determining fair value
    Derecognition of financial assets and financial liabilities
    Hedge accounting
    Disclosure requirements
    Summary - What is different from the previous UK GAAP?
    14: Inventories
    Introduction and scope
    General principles
    Summary - What is different from the previous UK GAAP?
    15: Associates and Joint Ventures
    Definition of an associate
    Equity accounting an associate
    Individual financial statements: investor is a parent
    Individual financial statements: investor is not a parent
    Associate held as part of an investment portfolio
    Presentation - associates
    Disclosure requirements - associates
    Definition of a joint venture
    Jointly controlled operation
    Jointly controlled assets
    Jointly controlled entities
    Individual financial statements
    Equity accounting a joint venture
    Transactions between a venturer and a joint venture
    Investor who does not have joint control
    Disclosure requirements - joint ventures
    Summary - What is different from the previous UK GAAP?
    16: Investment Property
    Introduction and scope
    Definition of an investment property
    Initial recognition
    Subsequent measurement
    Transfers to or from investment property
    Group situations
    More complex situations
    Disclosure requirements
    Summary - What is different from the previous UK GAAP?
    17: Property, Plant and Equipment
    Initial measurement
    Subsequent measurement
    Disclosure requirements
    Specific considerations
    Summary - What is different from the previous UK GAAP?
    18: Intangible Assets Other than Goodwill
    Introduction and scope
    Initial recognition
    Initial measurement
    Internally generated intangible assets
    Subsequent measurement
    Software and website costs
    Disclosure requirements
    Summary - What is different from the previous UK GAAP?
    19: Business Combinations and Goodwill
    Business combinations
    Purchase method of accounting
    Allocating the purchase price
    Group reconstructions
    Disclosure requirements - purchase method
    Disclosure requirements - group reconstructions
    Summary - What is different from the previous UK GAAP?
    20: Leases
    Introduction and scope
    Substance over form
    Lessee accounting - finance leases
    Lessee accounting - operating leases
    Lessor accounting - finance leases
    Lessor accounting - operating leases
    Manufacturers and dealers
    Investment properties
    Disclosure requirements
    Summary - What is different from the previous UK GAAP?
    21: Sale and Leaseback Transactions
    Sale and leaseback as a finance lease
    Sale and leaseback as an operating lease
    Disclosure requirements
    Summary - What is different from the previous UK GAAP?
    22: Provisions and Contingencies
    Recognition in the financial statements
    Estimating provisions
    Subsequent measurement
    Contingent assets
    Contingent liabilities
    Onerous contracts
    Future operating losses
    Disclosure requirements
    Summary - What is different from the previous UK GAAP?
    23: Liabilities and Equity
    Financial liabilities
    Acquisition of a company's own shares
    Summary - What is different from the previous UK GAAP?
    24: Revenue
    Basic measurement principles
    Exchanges of goods and services
    Customer loyalty awards
    Construction contracts
    Specific issues relating to revenue recognition
    Summary - What is different from the previous UK GAAP?
    25: Government Grants
    Recognition and measurement
    Summary - What is different from the previous UK GAAP?
    26: Borrowing Costs
    Summary - What is different from the previous UK GAAP?
    27: Share-based Payment
    Vesting conditions
    Measurement principles
    Modifying the terms and conditions
    Share-based payment transactions with cash alternatives
    Group plans
    Government-mandated plans
    Summary - What is different from the previous UK GAAP?
    28: Impairment of Assets
    Impairment of inventory
    Impairment of assets other than inventory
    Reversal of impairment losses
    Disclosure requirements
    Summary - What is different from the previous UK GAAP?
    29: Employee Benefits
    Recognition and measurement
    Examples of short-term employee benefits
    Post-employment benefits
    Introductions, changes, curtailments and settlements
    Defined benefit pension plan assets
    Other long-term employee benefits
    Termination benefits
    Group plans
    Summary - What is different from the previous UK GAAP?
    30: Taxation
    Current tax
    Deferred tax
    Timing difference plus approach
    Permanent timing differences
    Revaluations of non-monetary assets
    Business combinations
    Unremitted earnings
    Deferred tax assets
    Defined benefit pension schemes
    Share-based payment
    Disclosure requirements
    Summary - What is different from the previous UK GAAP?
    31: Foreign Currency Translation
    Introduction and scope
    Presentation currency
    Functional currency
    Reporting individual foreign currency transactions
    Foreign operations which are an extension of the reporting entity
    Foreign operations which are autonomous
    Intra-group transactions
    Net investment in a foreign operation
    Disclosure requirements
    Summary - What is different from the previous UK GAAP?
    32: Events after the End of the Reporting Period
    Adjusting events
    Non-adjusting events
    Disclosure requirements
    Summary - What is different from the previous UK GAAP?
    33: Related Parties
    Examples of related party transactions
    Disclosure requirements
    Summary - What is different from the previous UK GAAP?
    34: Specialised Activities
    Extractive industries
    Service concession arrangements
    Financial institutions
    Retirement benefit plans
    Heritage assets
    Public benefit entities
    Other entities
    Summary - What is different from the previous UK GAAP?
    35: Reduced Disclosure Framework
    Introduction and scope
    Reduced disclosures under FRS 102
    Reduced disclosures under FRS 101
    Summary - What is different from the previous UK GAAP?
    36: First-time Adoption of FRS 102
    Procedures at the date of transition
    Adjustments at the date of transition
    Exceptions from retrospective application
    Exemptions from retrospective application
    Disclosure requirements
    Summary - What is different from the previous UK GAAP?


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