

Executory Contracts in Insolvency Law: A Global Guide

Executory Contracts in Insolvency Law: A Global Guide

  • 作者:
  • 出版商: Edward Elgar Publishing
  • ISBN: 9781788115513
  • 出版时间 April 2019
  • 规格: Hardback , 736 pages
  • 适应领域: Australia, China, International, Singapore ? 免责申明:
    Countri(es) stated herein are used as reference only

List Price: ¥2,291.25

¥2,222.52 Save ¥68.73 (3%)

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  • 描述 
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  • 详细

    Executory Contracts in Insolvency Law offers a unique, comprehensive, and up-to-date transnational study of the topic, including an analysis of certain countries which have never previously been undertaken in English.

    Written by experts in the field, with extensive experience of both research and professional experience, this is a groundbreaking investigation into the philosophies and rationales behind the different policy choices adopted and implemented by a range of over 30 jurisdictions across the globe.

    With contributions from more than 40 insolvency law experts, this book provides extensive coverage of executory contracts, encompassing both developed and developing countries, and drawing on not only so-called common and civil law systems, but also, countries with hybrid systems of law.

    The book explores ipso facto clauses, improvements that could be made, as well as casting light on procedural and tactical issues and considerations when attempting to address executory contracts in the different jurisdictions.

    Providing a globalised and comparative perspective on executory contracts in insolvency law, this book will be an invaluable tool for legal practitioners requiring a cross border perspective on the subject, as well as for academics and researchers pursuing a study of the topic. It would also benefit policy makers and institutions seeking to introduce insolvency law reforms in their home countries.

  • 1. A Thematic and Comparative Introduction
    Jason Chuah 

    2. National Report for Albania
    Gelanda Shkurtaj

    3. National Report for Argentina
    Héctor José Miguens

    4. National Report for Austria
    Felix Kernbichler

    5. National Report for Brazil
    Francisco Satiro and Eduardo Guimarāes Wanderley

    6. National Report for Bulgaria 
    Georgi Valentinov Georgiev

    7. National Report for Chile
    Camila Hoyuela Zattera, Maximiliano Escobar Saavedra and Mauricio Inostroza Saez

    8. National Report for China
    Yingxiang Long and Rebecca Parry

    9. National Report For Croatia
    Jasnica Garašićand Siniša Petrović

    10. National Report for Denmark
    Line Herman Langkjaer

    11. National Report for Finland
    Jarmo Tuomisto

    12. National Report for France
    Emile Ghio

    13. National Report for Germany
    Vanessa Buttafuoco

    14. National Report for Greece
    Loukas Panetsos

    15. National Report for Italy
    Rolandino Guidotti

    16. National Report for Japan
    JIN Chun and Stacey Steele

    17. National Report for Lithuania
    Frank Heemann and Karolina Gasparké

    18. National Report for Panama
    Jose Maria Lezcano Navarro

    19. National Report for the Russian Federation
    Dmitry Konstantinov 

    20. National Report for Slovenia
    Katja Zdolšek

    21. National Report for Spain
    José Carles and Carlos Cuesta

    22. National Report for Switzerland
    Patrick Keinert

    23. National Report for the Netherlands
    M.P. Verdonk and R.J. de Wijs

    24. National Report for the Republic of Turkey
    Çağlar Kaçar

    25. National Report for Australia
    Elizabeth Stratten

    26. National Report for Bangladesh
    Borhan Uddin Khan, Morshed Mannan and Muhammad Mahbubur Rahman

    27. National Report for England and Wales
    Eugenio Vaccari

    28. National Report for New Zealand
    Scott Abel

    29. National Report for Singapore
    Bingdao Wang

    30. National Report for the United States
    Roberta Righi and Jessica J. Winters

    31. National Report for Canada
    Alfonso Nocilla

    32. National Report for Cyprus
    Anna Plevri

    33. National Report for India 
    Indrajit Dube

    34. National Report for South Africa
    Clement Marumoagae

    35. National Chapter for the United Arab Emirates and its Free Zones
    Christian Chamorro-Courtland 


  • Contributors: S. Abel, V. Buttafuoco, J. Carles Delgado, C. Chamorro-Courtland, J. Chuah, J. Chun, C. Cuesta, R. de Weijs, I. Dube, J. Garasic, K. Gasparke, G. Georgiev, E. Ghio, R. Guidotti, F. Heemann, C. Kacar, P. Keinert, F. Kernbichler, B.U. Khan, D. Konstantinov, L.H. Langkjaer, J.M. Lezcano Navarro, Y. Long, M. Mannan, C. Marumoagae, H.J. Miguens, A. Nocilla, L. Panestos, S. Petrovic, A. Plevri, M. Rahman, R. Righi, M.E. Saavedra, M.I. Saez, G. Shkurtaj, S.L. Steele, E. Streten, J. Tuomisto, E. Vaccari, M. Verdonk, B. Wang, J. Winters, C.H. Zattera, K. Zdolsek


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