
Evolution and Adaptation: The Future of International Arbitration

Evolution and Adaptation: The Future of International Arbitration

  • 作者:
  • 出版商: Kluwer Law International
  • ISBN: 9789403520414
  • 出版时间 December 2019
  • 规格: Hardback
  • 适应领域: International ? 免责申明:
    Countri(es) stated herein are used as reference only

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  • 描述 
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  • 详细

    What is it about international arbitration that makes it so open to evolution and adaptation? What are the main pressure points today and the unmet needs of stakeholders? What are the opportunities for expansion to new sectors and new audiences? What are the drivers for change, the obstacles and the risks? And equally important, what are the core principles that should never be lost? These were the topics of the Twenty-Fourth ICCA Congress, held in Sydney, Australia, in April 2018, the proceedings of which are collected in this volume.

    The volume highlights arbitration as a ‘living organism’ that has adapted in the past to various challenges, and that today – under attack from various quarters – might need to demonstrate its adaptability again. Accordingly, the contributions address the evolving needs of users, the impact of the rapidly changing face of technology, the expectations of the public, and the convergence and divergence of different aspects of legal traditions and cultures. Topical issues of interest for practitioners, academics, and students of arbitration include the following:

    • legitimacy and authority of arbitrators, institutions and professional organizations to act as lawmakers;
    • investment treaty reform, with particular reference to the definition of ‘investment,’ the evolution of substantive treaty standards, and sustainable development obligations;
    • commercial arbitration reform, including issues of public and private interest, the development of common law, and cost, delay and transparency concerns;
    • revisiting party autonomy in choosing decision-makers, including through institutional appointments or investment courts;
    • equality of arms, the economics of access, and the role of costs and third-party funding;
    • public-private disputes and special issues that arise when State entities arbitrate;
    • public participation and transparency, and their effect on both ISDS and commercial arbitration;
    • revisiting conventional wisdom in organizing arbitral proceedings;
    • lessons to be learned from other dispute resolution frameworks;
    • technology as friend and enemy, including new tools, new threats, and cybersecurity;
    • arbitration of disputes in conflict and post-conflict zones;
    • inter-generational blame and praise in investment arbitration; and
    • the emergence of sovereign wealth funds as arbitration participants.

    A special section on ‘New Frontiers in Arbitration’ offers enlightening perspectives on new types of claims and new types of stakeholders likely to affect the future of international arbitration, including the potential for climate change disputes and enlarged participation.

    Jean Kalicki and Mohammed Abdel Raouf



    Opening Keynote Address

    The Hon. James L.B. Allsop AO
    Commercial and Investor-State Arbitration: The Importance of Recognizing Their Differences

    Plenary Session Lawmaking in International Arbitration: What Legitimacy Challenges Lie Ahead?

    Moderator: Stephan Schill
    Speakers: Sundaresh Menon, Alexis Mourre, Lucy Reed and Thomas Schultz

    Thomas Schultz
    Legitimacy Pragmatism in International Arbitration: A Framework for Analysis

    Lucy Reed
    Lawmaking by Arbitrators

    Alexis Mourre
    Arbitral Institutions and Professional Organizations as Lawmakers

    Sundaresh Menon
    The Influence of Public Actors on Lawmaking in International Arbitration: Domestic Legislatures, Domestic Courts and International Organizations

    Luncheon Panel: Personal Reflections of Leading Arbitrators

    Moderator: Carolyn Lamm
    Speakers: Julian Lew QC, Loretta Malintoppi, Brigitte Stern and Claus von Wobeser
    Rapporteurs: Mallory Silberman and Laura Sinisterra

    Personal Reflections from Leading Arbitrators: Transcript of Luncheon Panelists’ Remarks

    Arbitration Challenged Part I

    Reforming Substantive Obligations in Investment Treaties and Conditions of Access to Investment Arbitration

    Moderator: Meg Kinnear
    Speakers: Christophe Bondy, Max Bonnell, Mélida Hodgson, Won Kidane and Wenhua Shan

    Wenhua Shan and Lu Wang
    The Definition of “Investment”: Recent Developments and Lingering Issues

    Christophe Bondy
    Fair and Equitable Treatment – Ten Years On

    Mélida Hodgson and Patricia Cruz Trabanino
    The Evolution of the Expropriation Obligation in Investment Arbitration and Its Adaptation in Treaties to Reflect State Rights

    Max Bonnell
    Reforming Substantive Obligations in Investment Treaties: Most Favoured Nation Clauses

    Won Kidane
    Sustainable Development Obligations and Access to Treaty Remedies in Contemporary Investment Treaties and Models

    Reforming Commercial Arbitration in Response to Legitimacy Concerns

    Moderator: Dietmar W. Prager
    Session Chair: James Spigelman
    Speakers: Laura C. Abrahamson, Andrés Jana L., Yoshimi Ohara, and Noradèle Radjai

    Andrés Jana L.
    Private and Public Interest in International Commercial Arbitration

    Noradèle Radjai
    Commercial Arbitration and the Development of Common Law

    Laura C. Abrahamson
    Costs, Delay and Transparency – A Comment on Continued Legitimacy Concerns from the User’s Perspective

    Yoshimi Ohara and John Lane
    Allocation of Competence Between a National Court and an Arbitral Tribunal: Striking a Balance Between Efficiency and Legitimacy of Arbitration – Asian Perspectives

    Arbitration Challenged Part II

    Party Autonomy in Choosing Decision-Makers: Advantages and Drawbacks - Should It Be Revisited?

    Moderator: Gabrielle Kaufmann-Kohler
    Speakers: Alfonso Gómez-Acebo, Natalie Y. Morris-Sharma, Audley Sheppard QC and Ruth Stackpool-Moore

    Alfonso Gómez-Acebo
    A Special Role of Party-Appointed Arbitrators?

    Ruth Stackpool-Moore
    Institutional Appointment of Arbitrators

    Natalie Y. Morris-Sharma
    The T(h)reat of Party Autonomy in ISDS Arbitrator Selection: Any Options for Preservation?

    Audley Sheppard QC and Daphna Kapeliuk
    The Risk of Groupthink in a Multilateral Investment Court

    The Realities of Arbitration Economics: Who Gets to Play, and What Are the Implications?

    Moderator: Susan Franck
    Speakers: Mohamed S. Abdel Wahab, John Beechey, CBE, Kate Brown de Vejar and Victoria Shannon Sahani

    Mohamed S. Abdel Wahab
    Costs in International Arbitration: Navigating Through the Devil’s Sea

    Victoria Shannon Sahani
    A Thought-Experiment Regarding Access to Justice in International Arbitration

    Kate Brown de Vejar and Chloe Baldwin
    The Economics of Access: Systemic Imbalances in ISDS

    John Beechey, CBE
    The Pandora’s Box of Third-Party Funding: Some Practical Suggestions for Arbitrators in Light of Recent Developments

    Arbitration Involving Public Bodies and Public Interests: Salient Issues

    Part I: The Increasing Participation of Public Entities in International Arbitration

    Moderator: Stavros Brekoulakis
    Speakers: Adriana Braghetta, Paolo Di Rosa, Reza Mohtashami QC and Marie Talašová

    Marie Talašová and Jaroslav Kudrna
    Arbitration Clauses and Disputes from the Central European Perspective: Blurring the Public-Private Divide

    Paolo Di Rosa
    Challenges for Counsel in the Representation of States and State-Owned Entities in International Arbitration: A Practitioner’s Perspective

    Reza Mohtashami QC
    Protecting the Legitimacy of the Arbitral Process: Jurisdictional and Procedural Challenges in Public-Private Disputes

    Gilberto Giusti
    Public-Private Arbitrations: The Substantive Issues of Arbitrability, Mandatory Rules and Public Policy –The Latin American Experience

    Part II: Confidentiality, Transparency and Public Participation: Too Far or Not Far Enough?

    Moderator: Byung–Chol (B.C.) Yoon
    Speakers: Stanimir A. Alexandrov, Chester Brown, Constantine Partasides QC and Patrick W. Pearsall

    Chester Brown
    The Contribution of Non-State Actors to the Development of Transparency Regimes in Investment Treaty Arbitration

    Patrick W. Pearsall
    The ISDS Trinity and Early State Practice in Investor-State Arbitration

    Stanimir A. Alexandrov and Patrick Childress
    Transparency in International Investor-State Arbitration: Commendable in Theory, Complicated in Practice

    Constantine Partasides QC
    What Has Been the “Spillover” Effect of the Transparency Debate on Commercial Arbitrations?

    Building Better Arbitration Proceedings: Practical Suggestions

    Part I: Revisiting Conventional Wisdom in the Organization of Arbitral Proceedings

    Moderator: Chiann Bao
    Speakers: Funke Adekoya, SAN, Fuyong Chen, Nayla Comair-Obeid, Klaus Reichert SC

    Klaus Reichert SC
    Prayers for Relief – The Focus for Organization

    Nayla Comair-Obeid
    What Is Conventional Wisdom in the Organization of Arbitral Proceedings?

    Fuyong Chen
    Revisiting Conventional Wisdom in the Organization of Arbitral Proceedings: Perspectives from Chinese Users and Institutions

    Funke Adekoya, SAN
    When Does the Use of an Arbitral Secretary Detract from the “Intuitu Personae” Principle?

    Part II: Efficiency and the Lessons to Be Learned from Other Dispute Resolution Frameworks

    Moderator: Stephen L. Drymer
    Session Chair: Lisa Bingham
    Speakers: Henry C. Alvarez, The Honourable P.A. Bergin SC, Flip Petillion and Shen Hongyu

    The Honourable P.A. Bergin SC
    Building Better Arbitration Proceedings

    Flip Petillion
    The Future of Arbitration – Identifying Processes That Could Usefully Be Adopted in International Commercial Arbitration

    The Moving Face of Technology

    Part I: Technology as Facilitation

    Moderator: Paul H. Cohen
    Speakers: Hugh Carlson, Gabrielle Nater-Bass and Rashda Rana

    Technology as Facilitation: Transcript of the Session

    Part II: Technology as Disruption

    Moderator: Brandon Malone
    Speakers: Hagit Muriel Elul, Matthew Kuperholz, Alana Maurushat, Sophie Nappert, Carsten van de Sande and Edna Sussman

    Alana Maurushat
    Cybersecurity and Cyber Insurance

    Edna Sussman
    Cyber Intrusion as the Guerrilla Tactic: An Appraisal of Historical Challenges in an Age of Technology and Big Data

    Hot Topics and New Voices

    Part I: Hot Topics

    Moderator: Mark Kantor
    Speakers: Joongi Kim, Judith Levine and Natalie L. Reid
    Rapporteur: Marina Kofman

    Marina Kofman
    Report of the Rapporteur for the “Hot Topics” Panel

    Part II: New Voices

    Moderator: Monty Taylor
    Speakers: Jawad Ahmad, Lucas Bastin, Solomon Ebere, Samantha Lord Hill

    Samantha Lord Hill
    Arbitration of Disputes Arising in Conflict and Post-Conflict Zones: Managing the Risks

    Jawad Ahmad
    Date of Breach, Contributory Fault, and Mitigation of Damages in Investment Arbitration

    Solomon Ebere
    Sovereign Wealth Funds: The New Kids on the Block

    Lucas Bastin
    The Excessive Scope for “the Individual” in Decision-Making in Investment Arbitration: Views from Younger Practitioners

    Plenary: New Frontiers in International Arbitration

    Part I: Potential of Arbitration Involving New Types of Claims

    Moderator: Wendy Miles
    Speakers: Massimo V. Benedettelli, Annette Magnusson, Ana Stanic and S.I. Strong

    S.I. Strong
    Arbitration of Internal Trust Disputes: The Next Frontier for International Commercial Arbitration?

    Massimo V. Benedettelli
    International Arbitration of Corporate Disputes: A Workable Balance Between Two Dimensions of Party Autonomy

    Annette Magnusson
    New Arbitration Frontiers: Climate Change

    Ana Stanic and Petra Butler
    What Can Arbitration and Human Rights as Mechanisms of Dispute Resolution Learn from Each Other in Order to Meet the Challenges of Climate Change?

    Part II: Potential of Arbitration Involving New Stakeholders

    Moderator: Ndanga Kamau
    Speakers: Silvia Marchili, Makane Moïse Mbengue and Campbell McLachlan QC

    Campbell McLachlan QC
    Scope for Enlarged Participation in International Arbitration

    Closing Keynote Address

    The Hon. T. F. Bathurst
    Closing Keynote Address

    ICCA-ASIL Task Force on Damages Breakfast

    Catherine Amirfar and Gabrielle Nater-Bass
    Damages in International Arbitration: ICCA-ASIL Web Application




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