

New Arrival European Contract Law in a Changed Banking and Financial Architecture: Stability Design, the Common Good, and Private Party Participation

European Contract Law in a Changed Banking and Financial Architecture: Stability Design, the Common Good, and Private Party Participation

  • 作者:
  • 出版商: Larcier Intersentia Publishers
  • ISBN: 9781780686622
  • 出版时间 January 2025
  • 规格: Paperback
  • 适应领域: U.K. ? 免责申明:
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  • 描述 
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  • 详细

    The European Banking Union forms the answer of the EU to the global financial crisis, strongly increasing own funds basis for more robust credit institutions, installing a recovery and resolution regime with strong planning and preventive measures and opting for the supervisory with the broadest reach, the European Central Bank.

    The first part of the book – after the design of the overall architecture and a clarification of the main policy lines and theoretical underpinnings – describes the main features of this regime. It does so in particular for recovery tools and their conceptual novelty, focusing on private claims within the regime, namely within deposit guarantee schemes and for liability of supervisory authorities. The main question asked in the volume is, however, in what respects this new regime changed European Contract Law. The answer is two-fold, and this is the focus of the still more extensive second part. The first answer is that the main thrust – stability first and no socialization of costs and privatization of gains – constitutes a novel approach, a clear dedication to the prevalence of the public good. This is a thrust, which – with corporate social responsibility, responsibility driven lending and similar – will become the main development in the 2010s and 2020s. One can speak of a green-box approach that establishes clear firm-holds within an area characterized by autonomous choice (‘free markets’, including the Internal Market). The second answer is more multi-faceted. The range of possibilities of private party claims and participation rights rises enormously – as it did before in other regulatory areas, namely in competition law with intervention of the CJEU and the EU legislature. This ranges from credit institutions themselves more actively contributing to best practices and self-regulation, to claims of private parties (creditors, customers) against credit-institutions not complying with the regulatory regime, and finally enhanced procedures for enforcement by private parties (as private advocates general).

    The volume closes with a case study of the Foreign Currency Loans crisis, namely in Central Europe, which may also become a huge test case for the new architecture, but at least raises parallel questions.

    Chapter 1. – European Contract Law and the Common Good plus Private Party Participation in the EU Banking Union
    Stefan Grundmann

    Chapter 2. – Pre-Insolvency in the Bank Recovery and Resolution Directive
    Alessandra de Aldisio, Carlo Lanfranchi
    Chapter 3. – The Transformation of Property Rights in Corporate Insolvency and Bank Resolution
    Michael Anderson Schillig
    Chapter 4. – Deposit Guarantee Schemes: Towards Harmonisation through the EU?
    François Barrière
    Chapter 5. – Civil Liability of National Financial Supervisory Authorities
    Ewa Bagińska

    Chapter 6. – Responsible Lending
    Esther Arroyo Amayuelas
    Chapter 7. – Bank Codes of Conduct and European Contract Law
    Moritz Renner
    Chapter 8. – Individual Protection Goals in EU Banking Regulation – A Process Towards Private Law Enforcement
    Nikolai Badenhoop
    Chapter 9. – Alternative Dispute Resolution Systems in the Banking and Financial Markets
    Pietro Sirena
    Chapter 10. – Foreign Currency Loans under Polish Law
    Piotr Tereszkiewicz



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