

EU Environmental and Planning Law Aspects of Large-Scale Projects

EU Environmental and Planning Law Aspects of Large-Scale Projects

  • 作者:
  • 出版商: Larcier Intersentia Publishers
  • ISBN: 9781780683812
  • 出版时间 May 2016
  • 规格: Hardback
  • 适应领域: U.K. ? 免责申明:
    Countri(es) stated herein are used as reference only
HKD 1,143.00
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  • 描述 
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  • 详细

    Governments, companies, environmental associations and citizens all over the European Union (EU) are struggling with large scale projects.

    On the one hand large scale projects can contribute to economic development, on the other hand they often also raise environmental concerns. Because of their size and potential impact, large scale projects usually lead to heavy debates and quickly become of great symbolic value. Consequently, large scale projects are excellent examples of the difficulty to balance economic development with environmental protection.

    In order to promote the legal thinking about all kinds of environmental and planning law aspects of large scale projects, Hasselt University and KU Leuven, Campus Brussels jointly hosted from 10 to 12 September 2014 the second European Environmental Law Forum (EELF) Conference, with as central topic "Environmental and Planning Law Aspects of Large Scale Projects". The conference focused more specifically on the following aspects:- The role of spatial and environmental planning- Permitting and review procedures- Critical sectoral regimes- Horizontal measures.

    This book offers a selection of the contributions presented at the EELF Conference. They have all been submitted to two double-blind peer reviews.The book is subdivided into six main themes:1. General2. Public participation3. Environmental impact assessment4. Water5. Nature6. Land use

  • Part I. GENERAL
    Chapter 1. Environmental Aspects of State Aid for Energy Investment Projects
    Chapter 2. The New 2014 Regulation on Noise-Related Restrictions at EU Airports. Help or Hurdle to Noise Management?
    Chapter 3. The EU and the Participation of Civil Society in Large Projects
    Chapter 4. From Host to Investor: Enhancing the Sustainability of CDM Forest Carbon Projects

    Chapter 5. Legislative Validation in Times of Environmental Democracy: Going Beyond the Deadlock or a Road to Nowhere?
    Chapter 6. Controversies about Projects or Plans Passed by Law in Spain. Environmental Impact Assessment, Right to Take Part and Access to Justice on Environmental Issues
    Chapter 7. The Implementation of the Second Pillar of the Aarhus Convention in Italy: The Need for Reform and for Introduction of the So-Called ‘Deliberative Arenas’

    Chapter 8. Trans-Boundary Environmental Impact Assessment in Cross-Border Oil and Gas Pipelines: What Lessons Can Be Learned from the Espoo Convention and the EU EIA Directive
    Chapter 9. Environmental Impact Assessment to Support Marine Innovation: The ‘Rochdale Envelope’ and ‘Deploy & Monitor’ in the UK’s Ocean Energy Industry

    Part IV. WATER
    Chapter 10. The Case for Smart Governance in European Water Law
    Chapter 11. Coal-Fired Power Plants under EU Water Law: The Phasing-Out Requirement of Priority Hazardous Substances – An Obstacle to the Permission of Coal-Fired Power Plants?
    Chapter 12. The Permissibility of Projects for Interbasin Water Transfer under the Prism of the EU Water and Environmental Legislation

    Part V. NATURE
    Chapter 13. Assessment and Authorisation of Plans and Projects Having a Significant Impact on Natura 2000 Sites
    Chapter 14. Compensatory Measures for Large-Scale Projects in European Nature Conservation Law after the Briels Case

    Part VI. LAND USE
    Chapter 15. Land Use Regulation in the UK and the Role of the Court
    Chapter 16. Public Participation in Land Management Law-Making Process in the Basque Country: Effects on Soil and Other Natural Resources
    Conclusion. Reconciling Conflicting Values: A Call For Research on Instruments to Achieve Quasi-Sustainability .


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