This is the second edition of EU Criminal Law, which has become since its publication in 2009 a key point of reference in the field. The second edition is updated and substantially expanded, to take into account the significant growth of EU criminal law as a legal field and the impact of the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty on European integration in criminal matters. The book will systematise and analyse in depth the key elements of European integration in criminal matters, including EU powers and competence to criminalise, the evolution of judicial co-operation under the principles of mutual recognition and mutual trust, EU action in the field of criminal procedure including legislation on the rights of the defendant and the victim, the evolving role of European bodies and agencies (such as Europol, Eurojust and the European Public Prosecutor's Office) in European criminal law, and the development of EU-wide surveillance and data gathering and exchange mechanisms.
Several chapters are devoted to the external dimension of EU action in criminal matters (including transatlantic counter-terrorism cooperation and the impact of Brexit on EU Criminal Law) Throughout the volume, the constitutional and fundamental rights implications of European integration in criminal matters are highlighted.
Covering all the key principles of EU law, with clear explanation and rigorous analysis, this will give scholars, students, policy makers and legal practitioners interested in the subject a strong understanding of this fascinating but sometimes complex field.
Valsamis Mitsilegas is Professor of European Criminal Law at Queen Mary, University of London.
I recommend this book and wholeheartedly do so..
Sally Ramage
The Criminal Lawyer
Issue 191, July/August 2009
Although written more with legal and institutional audiences in mind, the book offers an instructive account for those approaching the study of crime that has a trans-national dimension from more criminological, sociological and political perspectives.
An emphasis on intra-organisational and intra-legal history provides a unique and concentrated insight into the practical outcomes of more than a decade of efforts to enhance and expand co-operation against crime in Europe, and the treatment of the theme is undoubtedly enriched by author's 'insider' experience as an observer and adviser of policy-making
A refreshing antidote to the all-too-common literature on organised crime and terrorism that is laden with easy and incessant calls for greater co-operation between states but which demonstrates little concerted reflection upon its practical implications and potentially negative repercussions for other important areas of governance
Beyond the obvious value of this book as a clearly written, poised and thorough guide to the development of EU criminal law as well as the degrees of agreement, resistance and fudges that have emerged during the development of EU engagement in this area, its contribution to political and criminological enquiry may spring as much from the questions it poses to proponents of ever-greater co-operation in international crime fighting.
Sappho Xenakis
Global Crime
Volume 11, No. 1
EU Criminal Law will remain relevant depsite impending constitutional changes and the rapid development of secondary legal instruments.
Samuli Miettinen
Journal of Common Market Studies
2010, Volume 48, No.2
There is a good amount of valuable information and clear exposition, but also the subject matter is addressed critically and thematically...this book is a highly readable and clear exposition of what at the present time might pass as “EU criminal law”: it will serve as both a valuable reference work and as a source for food for critical thought, and for any potential readers who labour under a misleading impression of the nature of “EU criminal law” (and there are probably many), reading this work will quickly correct such misapprehension.
Christopher Harding
European Law Review
Volume 35, April 2010
The book should ... not be understood as a mere textbook; instead, it goes beyond such scope, being forward-looking in nature.
The book ... makes a valuable contribution as regards the evaluation of EU criminal law matters...The author provides concrete examples to support his arguments in order to provide a better understanding of the rather difficult subject matter. The book is well written; the author's assumptions are convincing and seem logical... the book ... should be recommended to lawyers and practitioners in the field of criminal law as well as European law who are looking for a forward-looking analysis.
Annegret Engel
International Criminal Law Review
Volume 10, 2010
The information...is full and accurate, and ... difficult issues are examined in depth, and often critically.
Remarkable and welcome addition to the literature.
John Spencer
Common Market Law Review
Volume 47, 2010