

Equity and Trusts

Equity and Trusts

  • 作者:
  • 出版商: Edward Elgar Publishing
  • ISBN: 9781788111089
  • 出版时间 November 2019
  • 规格: Hardback
  • 适应领域: U.K. ? 免责申明:
    Countri(es) stated herein are used as reference only
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  • 描述 
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  • 详细

    This collection assembles the most important and influential papers in the field of equity and trusts. While taking seriously the intimate and historical relationship between English equity and the law of trusts, the volume also addresses new and comparative perspectives on the subject, bringing together common law and civil law, doctrinal scholarship and socio-legal analysis, historical approaches to equity and functional ones.

    The collection compiles a wide range of authors and outlooks ranging from Maitland to recent material on fiduciary obligations and discretionary trusts, highlighting the universality of equity as a body of law, and the nature of the trust as a fundamental juristic institution. Accompanied by an original introduction from the editors, this collection promises to be a useful tool for academics captivated by this subject area.

  • Introduction - Lionel Smith and Alexandra Popovici
    1. Frederic William Maitland ([1909] 1929), 'Lectures I and II: The Origins of Equity'
    2. Paul D. Finn (1989), 'The Fiduciary Principle'
    3. Bernard Rudden (1992), 'Equity as Alibi'
    4. Sarah Worthington (1999), 'Fiduciaries: When is Self-Denial Obligatory?'
    5. Steven B. Elliott and Charles Mitchell (2004), 'Remedies for Dishonest Assistance'
    6. Joshua Getzler (2006), 'Rumford Market and the Genesis of Fiduciary Obligations'
    7. Maurizio Lupoi (2009), '"Trust and Confidence"'
    8. Charles Mitchell (2013), 'Equitable Compensation for Breach of Fiduciary Duty'
    9. Andrew Kull (2014), 'Ponzi, Property, and Luck'
    10. Paul B. Miller (2014), 'The Fiduciary Relationship'
    11. Irit Samet (2016), 'Fiduciary Law as Equity's Child'
    12. Remus Valsan (2016), 'Fiduciary Duties, Conflict of Interest, and Proper Exercise of Judgment'
    13. Henry E. Smith (2017), 'Fusing the Equitable Function in Private Law'
    14. Frederic William Maitland ([1909] 1929), 'Lecture III: Uses and Trusts'
    15. Joseph R. Long (1922), 'The Definition of a Trust'
    16. D.W.M. Waters (1967), 'The Nature of the Trusts Beneficiary's Interest'
    17. Roger Cotterrell (1987), 'Power, Property and the Law of Trusts: A Partial Agenda for Critical Legal Scholarship'
    18. David Hayton (1996), 'The Irreducible Core Content of Trusteeship'
    19. George L. Gretton (2000), 'Trusts Without Equity'
    20. Robert Chambers (2002), 'Liability'
    21. Paul Matthews (2002), 'From Obligation to Property, and Back Again? The Future of Non-Charitable Purpose Trust'
    22. Tony Honore (2003), 'Trusts: The Inessentials'
    23. John H. Langbein (2004), 'Mandatory Rules in the Law of Trusts'
    24. Paul Matthews (2006), 'The Comparative Importance of the Rule in Saunders v. Vautier'
    25. Lionel D. Smith (2008), 'Trust and Patrimony'
    26. Ben McFarlane and Robert Stevens (2010), 'The Nature of Equitable Property'
    27. Lusina Ho (2013), 'Trusts: The Essentials'
    28. J.E. Penner (2014), 'Distinguishing Fiduciary, Trust, and Accounting Relationships'
    29. Alexandra Popovici (2015), 'Trusting Patrimonies'
    30. Robert Chambers (2016), 'The End of Knowing Receipt'
    31. Ying Khai Liew (2016), 'Reanalysing Institutional and Remedial Constructive Trusts'
    32. Alexandra Braun (2017), 'The State of the Art of Comparative Research in the Area of Trusts'
    33. John Mee (2017), 'The Past, Present, and Future of Resulting Trusts'
    34. Lionel Smith (2017), 'Massively Discretionary Trusts'


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