

Education Law and Practice, 4th Edition

Education Law and Practice, 4th Edition

  • 作者:
  • 出版商: LexisNexis U.K.
  • ISBN: 9781784732257
  • 出版时间 December 2016
  • 规格: Paperback
  • 适应领域: U.K. ? 免责申明:
    Countri(es) stated herein are used as reference only

List Price: ¥984.37

¥954.83 Save ¥29.53 (3%)

发货时间:大约 4-5 weeks
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  • 描述 
  • 大纲 
  • 详细

    Education Law and Practice is a practical guide to this complicated area of law, for all professionals advising parents and pupils as well as schools and governing bodies.

    The work begins with an introduction to the history and structure of the education system before examining the key issues such as admissions, health and safety, attendance, discipline, exclusion and special educational needs, as well as issues specific to further and higher education.

    This third edition will largely follow the tried and tested format of previous editions but will be substantially re-written to reflect developments in:-

  • New school structures and Academies
  • Development in exclusions and discipline including new Codes of Practice
  • New Tribunal regulations
  • Children services and Children's Authorities following the Children Act 2004 The authors' explanatory text is complemented by useful precedent letters for professionals acting for parents and pupils, together with relevant consolidated statutory materials.

  • 附加信息

    Student Edition ISBN 不可用
    Previous edition isbn 不可用
    Hardback edition isbn 不可用
    Paperback edition ISBN 不可用
  • Contents:
    A brief history of education in England and Wales
    The key players
    Structure of the key players
    Structure of the school system
    School curriculum, standards and inspections
    School admissions
    Health and safety, pastoral care and welfare
    Discipline and exclusion from school
    Special education needs
    Special educational needs and social welfare law
    Special cases
    Further and higher education
    Discrimination and education
    Complaints and remedies
    Judicial review and statutory appeals
    Failure to provide appropriate education
    Practical considerations in running an education case
    Appendix A – Legislation
    Appendix B – Checklists and Precedent letters
    Appendix C – Useful names and addresses
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