

Discrimination Law: Text, Cases and Materials, 3rd Edition

Discrimination Law: Text, Cases and Materials, 3rd Edition

  • 作者:
  • 出版商: Hart Publishing
  • ISBN: 9781849462464
  • 出版时间 April 2023
  • 规格: Paperback , 766 pages
  • 适应领域: U.K. ? 免责申明:
    Countri(es) stated herein are used as reference only

List Price: ¥587.50

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  • 描述 
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  • 评论
  • 详细

    This is the third edition of a work which offers comprehensive coverage of the Equality Act 2010, alongside other relevant UK law and European Union law. The book goes beyond the previous editions by presenting a critical and theoretical analysis of equality law intended to equip the reader with an understanding of the enduring challenges that frame equality law and contemporary responses to those challenges.

    Structured so as to be accessible to the student approaching discrimination law for the first time, the book is sufficiently detailed and analytical to appeal to the well-informed reader, and to provide those engaged in research with a solid base for further independent study. For the undergraduate student studying discrimination law as a free-standing subject or as part of a wider course, the book provides a one-stop shop; furthermore, this edition is also a challenging core text for any postgraduate discrimination law course.

  • Aileen McColgan is Professor of Human Rights Law at King’s College, London.

  • ...McColgan is at the cutting-edge of the developments in this area…her analysis is at the heart of contemporary debate…a useful source of reference for legal practitioners and human resource professionals and,...it will be a valuable resource for those involved in providing legal advice in this increasing area of litigation.
    Vera Bermingham
    The Law Teacher, Vol 40, No 2

    This casebook is a real treasure chest of discrimination materials useful to both the student and the policy officer. For the practitioner it can be used to spark off new areas of enquiry to generate novel arguments.
    Gay Moon
    Justice Journal, Vol 3, No 1

    …this book provides a vital snapshot of the existing body of discrimination law in the United Kingdom. It gives a comprehensive and thorough analysis of the state of U.K. law in this area, producing an ideal foundation for a reasoned discussion on how and why discrimination law should be reformed.
    Mark Bell, University of Leicester
    Public Law
    January 2001

    The book combines comprehensive exposition of the relevant UK and EU law with critical analysis
    Equal Opportunities Review
    July 2001

    ...provides a valuable source of reference for others who may wish to research a rapidly growing area of the law that discrimination of all kinds has become. This is a very worthwhile textbook which should find a welcome place in the armoury of academics and researchers interested in the subject.
    Ramnik Shah
    New Law Journal
    February 2003

    This is an impressive book which offers a valuable insight to the ever-expanding, increasingly complex world of discrimination law. The strengths of this book are many. First, it combines coverage of a wide range of material with detailed legal analysis. The author chooses her cases wisely Secondly, the author does not confine her coverage to judicial decisions: she draws on a wide range of material as well as placing her discussion at the heart of contemporary debate Thirdly, the book is accessible and well presented. It is also well written.
    Catherine Barnard
    Cambridge Law Journal
    February 2003


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