

Investigative Interviewing: The Conversation Management Approach, 3rd Edition

Investigative Interviewing: The Conversation Management Approach, 3rd Edition

  • 作者:
  • 出版商: Oxford University Press
  • ISBN: 9780192843692
  • 出版时间 August 2021
  • 规格: Paperback , 576 pages
  • 适应领域: U.K. ? 免责申明:
    Countri(es) stated herein are used as reference only

List Price: US$84.50

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    • Unique practical text providing 'how to' guidance on what to do prior to, during, and following investigative interviews, explaining the Conversation Management and PEACE approach
    • Provides police officers with a comprehensive tool-kit to help them skillfully assess and monitor the interviewee, analyse fine-grain detail in statements and operate ethically
    • Includes a variety of practical features including checklists, best practice guidance and handy dialogue boxes
    • Highlights key issues to consider when interviewing child and vulnerable witnesses
    • Features new material on interviewing in special circumstances, as well as a revised and updated reference section

    Investigative Interviewing: the Conversation Management Approach provides you with the knowledge, understanding, and tools to facilitate maximum disclosure by any interviewee in order to achieve your investigative aim and objectives.

    At its core, the Conversation Management Approach embodies a commitment to transparency and ethical conduct, as well as respect for the individual and professional expertise: qualities that make it applicable to any investigative context, whether conducted by the police or by private investigative agencies, both in the UK and internationally. The second edition of this highly successful book presents a hands-on, 'how to' guide to interviewing a wide range of suspects, underpinned by the world-renowned PEACE model for investigative interviewing. It includes straightforward explanations of how conversation works and how a working relationship is created; the realities of influencing, persuasion and negotiation; the processes of telling and listening; how people remember and forget offence-related experience; how to assist their remembrance of offence-related detail, and how to ask the right question at the right time in the right way.

    Readership: Police officers across all ranks who are required to undertake investigative interviewing plus police investigators and civilian investigative staff members of the UK police force. In addition, solicitors, barristers, the judiciary, the CPS, expert witnesses, students, and non-police investigative interviewing professionals.

  • 1: The Conversation Management Approach to Investigative Interviewing
    2: Remembering and Forgetting Offence-Related Experience
    3: Conversation: From Everyday Talk to Ways of Relating and Changing Minds
    4: Telling and Listening: Disclosing and Making Sense of Disclosed Detail
    5: RESPONSE: Mindful Behaviours for Relationship Building
    6: Managing Information
    7: Active Listening, Observing and Assessing
    8: Right Person, Right Place to Interview, Right Time to Interview, and Right Duration of Interviewing
    9: Right Start, Right Question, and Right Manner of Questioning
    10: Assisting Remembrance of Offence-Related Detail
    11: Responding to Inappropriate or Disruptive Behaviour and to Resistance
    12: Evaluation: The Last Piece of the Jigsaw
    13: Interviewing the Witness: Key Considerations
    14: Interviewing the Developmentally Disadvantaged Witness: Key Considerations
    15: Interviewing the Developmentally Disadvantaged Witness: Orientation and Assessment (O&A) and Investigative Interviewing
    16: Interviewing the Suspect: Key Considerations
    17: Interviewing the Suspect who Exercises the Right to Silence
    18: Interviewing the Suspect Who Answers Questions
    19: Interviewing the Suspect who Produces a Prepared Statement
    20: Interviewing in Special Circumstances
    Reference Section

  • Professor Eric Shepherd is a chartered scientist, forensic psychologist, counselling psychologist, and psychotherapist. Originally a career intelligence officer he has held a wide range of clinical and academic appointment. He has worked with the police within and outside UK, with the legal profession, with government departments (including the UK Ministry of Defence, the Serious Fraud Office, and HM Revenue and Customs), and with the private sector (including banks, insurers, telecommunications providers and the petrochemical industry). He was a member of the UK Home Office Working Party on Investigative Interviewing. He is co-editor of Witness Testimony and Analysing Witness Testimony (OUP).

    Dr Andy Griffiths is a police officer with over 25 years' experience as a detective, rising to the rank of Detective Superintendent leading homicide, organised crime and intelligence departments. He has been involved in training police officers for the majority of his career, and served as a member of the Association of Chief Police Officers strategic interview steering group in England and Wales for over a decade. He was awarded his PhD for research into the effectiveness of specialized interview training in real life major crime cases and has advised police forces both in the UK and numerous countries worldwide.

  • "This is familiar work to any trained Tier Two/Three advanced interviewers for Suspect or Vulnerable adult and child witnesses. Eric Shepherd has taught Police and Legal advisers/ Solicitors the content of his book for level 1 and 2 Degree studies in crime and policing and deals sufficiently in law to appeal to law students. It has a wider application in the private sector, for example for HR directorates and staff. I am familiar with the author and his teaching and previous publications and thoug I have from time to time challenged its application in the work plcae (and still do) I do not challenge its academic worth." - Roy Murphy, Former Police investigative Adviser

    "An invaluable guide to both the learner and the teacher in understanding the complexities of investigative interviewing. With much police training moving away from traditional delivery and towards an academic style, university staffm particularly those involved in inputs regarding the psychology of interviewing, will need to have a thorough theoretical knowledge of the PEACE interviewing model in order to contextualise the potential behaviours displayed. Eric Shepherd has created a very redable book which allows the reader to dip in and out as needed. The practical nature of the style of writing and the focus on application does not detract from the opportunity it affords both a teacher and a learner to draw deep learning around this key policing skill." -Ashley Tiffen, Senior Lecturer in Policing at St Martins College, Carlisle


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