

Digital Democracy in a Globalized World

Digital Democracy in a Globalized World

  • 作者:
  • 出版商: Edward Elgar Publishing
  • ISBN: 9781785363955
  • 出版时间 September 2017
  • 规格: Hardback
  • 适应领域: International ? 免责申明:
    Countri(es) stated herein are used as reference only

List Price: S$267.75

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  • 描述 
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  • 详细

    The transformative impacts of digitalization on society are visible both within nation states and across borders. Information and communication technologies are typically considered beneficial for democracy. Nevertheless, this book explores the challenges that technology brings to democracy, and in so doing advances our understanding of this crucial digital, social and political phenomenon. It contributes to the broader discussion of the relationship between international, national and sub-national norms, institutions and actors in an increasingly connected world.

    Insightful and current, this book offers a wide variety of perspectives in an area where there is still not yet an extensive body of research. It considers, for example: the extent to which new forms of digital political engagement change traditional democratic decision-making; how receptive national governments and authorities are to digital democratic movements; how governments can uphold the values of democratic society while also ensuring flexibility with regard to the private sector; and how we should judge these developments in light of the cross-border effects of digitalization.

    Understanding the influence of digitalization on democracy is crucial. As such, this book will appeal to a broad audience including, but not limited to, social scientists, policy makers, legal researchers, NGOs, governments, students and lawyers.

  • Introduction
    1. Digitalization through the lens of law and democracy
    Maurice Adams and Corien Prins

    Part I Theoretical and Comparative Perspectives
    2. E-democracy, the global citizen, and multilevel constitutionalism
    Ingolf Pernice
    3. In search of the Holy Grail: a principled approach to multistakeholder governance in internet policy-making
    Nicolo Zingales, Roxana Radu
    4. The broken promises of democracy in the information era
    Ugo Pagallo
    5. Depoliticization in the digital infosphere: When communication runs counter-democratic
    Emre Bayaml?o?lu
    6. The ambivalence of the impact of digitalization on democracy through the lens of privacy and transparency
    Colette Cuijpers
    7. The constitutionality of transitioning to electronic voting in comparative terms
    Rivka Weill

    Part II Case Studies
    8. Digital democracy in Brazil: is technology a game-changer?
    Mônica Steffen Guise Rosina, Luiz Fernando Marrey Moncau and Eduardo Alves Lazzari
    9. Deliberative democracy and digital urban design in a Canadian city: The case of the McGill Online Design Studio
    Hoi L Kong, Nik Luka, Jaimie Cudmore and Andrea Dumas
    10. Digital support for enhanced democratic participation in US rulemaking
    Cynthia R Farina, Cheryl L Blake, Mary Newhart and Chaebong Nam
    11. The European Citizens’ Initiative: an effective tool to promote a digital European democracy?
    Marie-José Garot
    12. Digital tools and the derailment of Iceland´s new constitution
    Thorvaldur Gylfason and Anne Meuwese
    13. Digital democracy in Belgium and the Netherlands. A socio-legal analysis of technologies, embedding and expectations of two Fourth Wave innovations
    Koen van Aeken
    14. Digitization and democracy in China: the new Hunger Games
    Bo Zhao
    15. Internet censorship in India: Internet censorship in India: the law and beyond
    Arpan Banerjee
    16. Technology, Democracy, and Institutional Change
    Peter L Lindseth



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