

Phipson on Evidence 20th ed

Phipson on Evidence 20th ed

  • 作者:
  • 出版商: Sweet & Maxwell U.K.
  • ISBN: 9780414099470
  • 出版时间 December 2021
  • 规格: Hardback
  • 适应领域: U.K. ? 免责申明:
    Countri(es) stated herein are used as reference only
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  • 描述 
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  • 详细

    Part of the Common Law Library series, Phipson on Evidence is the leading work on civil and criminal evidence. It examines in detail all aspects of the principles and procedures making up the law of evidence. Coverage includes the admission of evidence, the standard of proof, the attendance of witnesses, good and bad character, legal professional privilege, hearsay, expert evidence, confessions, judicial discretion and many other evidential issues.

    Key Features:

    • Leading work and authority on civil and criminal evidence, frequently quoted in court.
    • Written by a prominent team of expert authors, with excellent balance between leading practitioners and academics.
    • Fully updates all changes brought in by the Civil Procedure Rules and the Criminal Procedure Rules.
    • Examines in detail all aspects of the complex principles and procedures which make up the law of evidence including admission of evidence, evidence taken or served prior to a trial, the rules of evidence during the course of a trial and the examination of witnesses.
    • Considers the burden and standard of proof.
    • Discusses all aspects of good and bad character.
    • Includes analysis of privilege and facts excluded by public policy.
    • Examines hearsay in civil and criminal proceedings.
    • Looks at the exclusion and inclusion of extrinsic evidence.
    • Examines the judicial discretion to admit or exclude evidence.
    • Considers a broad range of case law, including that of the Commonwealth.

    The 20th edition considers a number of important legal developments, including:
  • A new chapter on the evidence in arbitration.
  • A new chapter on the assessment of evidence.
  • Discussion and commentary on the recent cases relating to LPP including the Court of Appeal judgment in The Civil Aviation Authority v The Queen on the application of Jet2.com Ltd [2020] EWCA Civ 35.
  • PCP Capital Partners v Barclays Bank Plc [2020] EWHC 1393 and State of Qatar v Banque Havilland SA & Ors [2021] EWHC 2172 (Comm)
  • The chapter on expert evidence has been extensively re-written and updated to take account of recent developments in this area.
  • Chapter 1: Introduction;
    Chapter 2: The Defining of the issues;
    Chapter 3: Judicial notice;
    Chapter 4: Admissions;
    Chapter 5: Estoppels;
    Chapter 6: Burden and standard of proof;
    Chapter 7: Relevance admissibility and weight; previous and subsequent existence of facts; the best evidence rule;
    Chapter 8: Attendance of witnesses;
    Chapter 9: Competence and compellability, oath and affirmation;
    Chapter 10: Evidence taken or served before trial; duty to disclose evidence;
    Chapter 11: Rules of evidence relating to the course of a trial: general;
    Chapter 12: Rules of evidence relating to the course of a trial: Examination of witnesses;
    Chapter 13: Evidence taken after trial;
    Chapter 14: Corroboration and supporting evidence and related warnings;
    Chapter 15: Identification;
    Chapter 16: Physical conditions, states of mind and emotions;
    Chapter 17: Character: general and introductory;
    Chapter 18: Good character;
    Chapter 19: Bad character of the accused (prosecution aspects);
    Chapter 20: Bad character of the accused (defence aspects);
    Chapter 21: Bad character of the co-accused;
    Chapter 22: Bad character of persons other than the accused;
    Chapter 23: Privilege: legal professional privilege;
    Chapter 24: Other forms of privilege;
    Chapter 25: Facts excluded by public policy;
    Chapter 26: Loss and waiver of privilege;
    Chapter 27: The collateral undertaking;
    Chapter 28: The rule against hearsay;
    Chapter 29: Hearsay in civil proceedings;
    Chapter 30: Hearsay in criminal proceedings;
    Chapter 31: Res gestae and certain other exceptions to the hearsay rule in criminal proceedings;
    Chapter 32: Common law exceptions to the rule against hearsay: evidence of reputation or family tradition; published works; public information; bankers’ books; ancient documents;
    Chapter 33: Opinion and expert evidence;
    Chapter 34: Statistical and survey evidence;
    Chapter 35: Restrictions on the right to silence:
    Chapter 36: Confessions;
    Chapter 37: Statements in the presence, and documents in the possession of a party;
    Chapter 38: Agency, partnership, companies common purpose, acting in a capacity;
    Chapter 39: Judicial discretion to admit or exclude evidence;
    Chapter 40: Authorship and execution; attestation; ancient documents; connected and incorporated documents; alterations and blanks; registration stamps, etc.;
    Chapter 41: Documents and documentary evidence: How documentary evidence is proved; categories of documentary evidence, public, judicial, private;
    Chapter 42: Exclusion of extrinsic evidence in substitution of, to contradict, vary, or add to documents;
    Chapter 43: Judgments;
    Chapter 44: Evidence in Arbitration;
    Chapter 45: Fact Finding and Assessment of Evidence;
    Chapter 46: Appendix: miscellaneous statutes, rules etc.
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