

New Arrival Introduction to Employment Law: Fundamentals for HR and Business Students, 7th Edition

Introduction to Employment Law: Fundamentals for HR and Business Students, 7th Edition

  • 作者:
  • 出版商: Kogan Page
  • ISBN: 9781398616523
  • 出版时间 November 2024
  • 规格: Paperback , 320 pages
  • 适应领域: U.K. ? 免责申明:
    Countri(es) stated herein are used as reference only

List Price: HKD 562.50

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发货时间:大约 4-5 weeks
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    Introduction to Employment Law is a clear, accessible and jargon-free guide to UK employment law and its application in the workplace.

    Written specifically for HR and business students, this book provides a thorough grounding in the essentials of employment law. All areas of employment law are addressed, including employment contracts, discrimination, redundancy and the legal duties of both the employer and the employee. This new edition has been updated throughout to cover the latest case law and legal developments including changes to annual leave, areas of family leave including Carer's Leave and developments in discrimination legislation. Assuming no prior knowledge of the UK legal system, this is ideal reading for all those studying the specialist employment law module on the CIPD Associate Diploma. It is also an accessible introduction for Advanced Diploma students and those on general business degrees who need an introduction to UK employment law.

    This book is packed with pedagogical features to help consolidate learning including tasks, examples, explore further sections, key learning points and a dedicated study skills chapter. Online resources include lecture slides, case studies, weblinks, multiple choice questions and an instructor's manual.

  • Chapter - 01: The formation of employment law
    Chapter - 02: The Employment Tribunals and the Employment Appeal Tribunal
    Chapter - 03: Contract of employment
    Chapter - 04: Atypical contracts and the variation of contracts
    Chapter - 05: Individual protection rights
    Chapter - 06: Forms of discrimination
    Chapter - 07: Discrimination - the protected characteristics
    Chapter - 08: Termination of employment
    Chapter - 09: Redundancy and transfers of undertaking
    Chapter - 10: Trade union legislation
    Chapter - 11: Privacy and confidential information
    Chapter - 12: Health and safety
    Chapter - 13: Study skills in employment law
    Chapter - 14: List of legislation referred to
    Chapter - 15: List of cases cited
    Chapter - 16: Useful websites

  • Kathy Daniels is Associate Professor and Associate Dean: Learning and Teaching at Aston University. She teaches employment law and employee relations at both undergraduate and masters level and is the lead tutor for employment law programmes at the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD). She writes and presents extensively for a variety of organisations and law firms, specialising in employment law. She is a lay member of the Employment Tribunals, sitting in Birmingham. Prior to these appointments she was a senior personnel manager in the manufacturing sector.

  • Neil Pritchard, Business Undergraduate Programme Leader, North Wales Business School, Wrexham Glyndwr University

    Offers a jargon-free, highly accessible introduction to employment law for both HR practitioners and students at all levels.

    Elspeth Woods, Programme Manager and CIPD tutor, Northampton College

    The fifth edition of this excellent textbook is a boon for CIPD students studying at levels 5 and 7. It has clarity without overkill, and the wide range of citations and case studies to work through make it an excellent tool for students and tutors alike. The section on study skills in employment law is of particular help to students who often struggle to know where to start looking when they begin researching legal issues.

    Adelaide Shone, CIPD Lecturer, Cheshire College South and West

    Provides a valuable source of reference for students and HR practitioners. A clear and practical approach to the fundamentals of employment law, strengthened by critical and detailed examination of case law, gives the reader a thoroughly revised, comprehensive and accessible introduction to this key area of HRM practice.

    Carole Parkes, Professor of Responsible Management, University of Winchester Business School

    Kathy Daniel's Introduction to Employment Law has become a 'go to' textbook for employment law. It covers all aspects of the ever-changing landscape of employment law together with the background and context for UK law, and is written in a very accessible way with key learning points, the incorporation of important cases and suggestions for further research and study. Now in its fifth edition, it is vital for all HR and business students, as well as a resource for HR and business practitioner's continuing professional development.

    David Screen, Human Resource Management Tutor, Activate Learning

    This is an excellent textbook for students of employment law - which includes most HR professionals at some point in their careers. The online resources are welcome and enhance learning options and teaching resources.


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