This Supplement to the Twenty-sixth edition of Sealy & Milman: Annotated Guide to the Insolvency Legislation 2023 describes legislative and non-legislative developments and brings the main work up-to-date with the latest case developments, and contains an updated Index of definitions appearing in the Insolvency Act 1986 and an Index of definitions appearing in the Insolvency (England and Wales) Rules 2016.
Case developments covered include the following:
- Company voluntary arrangements (CVAs): Snoozebox Ltd v Health and Safety Executive; Mizen Design/Build Ltd v Peabody Construction Ltd
- Receiverships:Denaxe Ltd v Cooper; Re Avanti Communications Ltd
- Winding up: Brake v The Chedington Court Estate Ltd; Hunt v Ubhi; Re Lloyds British Testing Ltd (in liq.); Manolete Partners plc v White; Taylor v Whitehall Partnership Ltd; Aston Risk Management Ltd v Jones; James Court Ltd (in liq.) v Hindsight Contractors Ltd; Re C.C.T. Logistics Ltd (in liq.); Levy & Partners Ltd v Barnett; Re Glendale Liverpool Ltd, Thomas v Parkwood Holdings Ltd; Re Property Services LDN Ltd; Hunt v Singh; Shah v Pensions Regulator; Re Time GB Group Ltd; Re Safe Depot Ltd; Merry v Esa; Liberty Commodities Ltd v Citibank NA London; Re Emma Property Management Ltd (in liq.); Ferme v Gwinnutt; Invest Bank PSC v El-Husseini
- Administration: Nimmo and McAlinden (Former Joint Administrators of Future Renewables Eco Plc), Petitioners ; Re Aartee Bright Bar Ltd (in admin.); Speciality Steel UK Ltd v FGI Worldwide LLC ; Re Central Properties Holdings Ltd (in admin.); Re Bulb Energy Ltd; National House Building Council v Mizen Properties Ltd; Hartley Pensions Ltd (in admin.) v Wilton UK (Group) Ltd; Re Aartee Steel Group Ltd; Re London South West SW Ltd (in admin.), Beake v Chapman; Re Safe Hands Plans Ltd; Re Sustainable Bathroom Co Ltd; Perhar v Freestone; Re Greensill Capital (UK) Ltd (in admin.), Laverty v Greensill Bank AG
- Debt relief orders (DROs): Pereira v Information Commissioner
- Bankruptcy: Brake v The Chedington Court Estate Ltd; Allen v Mittal; Adjei v Official Receiver; Portrait v Minai; Cohen v O’Leary; Patley Wood Farm LLP v Kicks
- Director disqualification: Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy v Joiner; Re Walmley Ash Ltd; Official Receiver v Kelly; Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy v Deea Construct Ltd; Cluskey v Competition and Markets Authority; Re Pure Zanzibar Ltd, Secretary of State for Business and Trade v Barnsby
- Restructuring plans: Re Cimolai SpA; Re AGPS Bondco plc; Re Nasmyth Group Ltd; Re Great Annual Savings Co Ltd; Re Chaptre Finance plc
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