Part I - Introduction
1: Diplomatic Law in a New Millennium, Paul Behrens
2: A former diplomat's reflections on the Vienna Convention, Brian Barder
3: In Praise of a Self-Contained Regime: Why the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations Remains Important Today, J Craig Barker
Part II - History
4: Views of a Delegate to the 1961 Vienna Conference, Nelson Iriñiz Casás
5: On the Road to Vienna: The Role of the International Law Commission in the Codification of Diplomatic Privileges and Immunities, 1949-1958, Kai Bruns
Part III - Personal Immunity
6: The personal inviolability of diplomatic agents in emergency situations, Paul Behrens
7: The Privileges and Immunities of the Family of the Diplomatic Agent: the Current Scope of Article 37(1), Simonetta Stirling-Zanda
8: The inviolability of diplomatic agents in the context of employment, Lisa Rodgers
9: Private Domestic Staff: A risk group on the fringe of the convention, Wolfgang Spadinger
Part IV - Property Immunity
10: The Protection of Public Safety and Human Life vs the Inviolability of Mission Premises: A Dilemma faced by the Receiving State, Yinan Bao
11: Contemporary Developments Relating to the Inviolability of Mission Premises, Juan Falconi Puig
12: The Non-Customary Practice of Diplomatic Asylum, Péter Kovács and Tamás Vince Ádány
13: The Protection of Diplomatic Correspondence in the Digital Age: Time to Revise the Vienna Convention?, Patricio Grané Labat and Naomi Burke
14: The Diplomatic Duffle Disparity - A Third World Perspective, Sana Sud
Part V - Diplomatic Duties
15: Legal Duties of Diplomats Today, Sanderijn Duquet and Jan Wouters
16: The Duty of Non-Interference, Paul Behrens
Part VI - Beyond the VCDR
17: Intersections between Diplomatic Immunities and the Immunities of International Organisations, Alison Duxbury
18: The European Union and Diplomatic Law: An Emerging Actor in Twenty-First Century Diplomacy, Graham Butler
19: Skirting Officialdom: Sub-State Diplomats and the VCDR Lessons from Scotland and Wales, Francesca Dickson
Part VII - Concluding Thoughts
20: Diplomatic Law Today: Has the Vienna Convention met its expectations?, Paul Behrens