

Data Profiling and Insurance Law

Data Profiling and Insurance Law

  • 作者:
  • 出版商: Hart Publishing
  • ISBN: 9781509920617
  • 出版时间 March 2019
  • 规格: Hardback
  • 适应领域: U.K. ? 免责申明:
    Countri(es) stated herein are used as reference only
  • Paperback Edition ISBN: 9781509945412
发货时间:大约 4-5 weeks
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  • 描述 
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  • 详细

    This timely, expertly written monograph looks at the legal impact that the use of ‘Big Data’ will have on the provision - and substantive law of - insurance. Insurance companies are some of the biggest consumers of Big Data profiling and are increasingly using that data in deciding whether to offer cover to individual potential insureds or not.

    More particularly, the book explores how insurers (i) gain access to information relevant to assessing risk and/or the pricing of premium; (ii) the impact which that increased information will have on substantive insurance law (and in particular duties of good faith disclosure and fair presentation of risk); and (iii) the impact that insurers’ new knowledge may have on individual or group access to insurance and the legal means by which the refusal of cover might be challenged.

    Written by a top expert in the field, this book will both stimulate further debate and operate as a reference text for academics and practitioners who are faced with emerging legal problems arising from the increasing opportunities which Big Data offers to business.

  • Introduction
    I. Scope and Structure of the Book
    II. Big Data's Impact on Insurance
    III. Information Asymmetries and Principles of Insurance Law
    IV. Remedies for Insurers' Misuse of Big Data
    V. Relationship between Social Change and Legal Principle

    PART I
    1. Big Data and Predictive Analytics
    I. Big Data: Definition and Techniques
    II. The Nature, Collection, Sources and Aggregation of Data
    III. How Big Data is Transforming Insurance Business
    IV. Conclusions
    2. Regulatory Assessment of the Use of Big Data by Insurers
    I. Regulatory Assessment by UK Regulators
    II. Regulatory Assessment by EU Regulators
    III. Conclusions
    3. Emerging Themes and Issues
    I. Transparency and Privacy Concerns
    II. Information Asymmetries, Adverse Selection and Segmentation of Risk Pools
    III. Access to Insurance
    IV. Conclusions

    4. Big Data and the Permissible Constraints on the Scope of Cover
    I. Terms of Insurance Contracts
    II. General Constraints on Policy Terms
    III. Constraints in Relation to Specific Classes of Risk
    IV. Conclusions
    5. Good Faith and Duties of Disclosure in Insurance Law
    I. Duties of Disclosure in English Contract Law
    II. The Good Faith Duty of Disclosure in Insurance Law
    III. Legislative Reform
    IV. Conclusions

    6. Regulatory Constraints on the Collection and Use of Data
    I. Financial Services Regulation
    II. Regulation of Insurance – The Insurance Distribution Directive
    III. Data Protection Regulation
    IV. Conclusions
    7. Impact of Regulatory Duties on the Content of the Duty of Good Faith
    I. Deficiencies in the Good Faith Duty of Disclosure
    II. Does the GDPR's Application to Insurers Address the Common Law's Deficiencies?
    III. Can the Good Faith Duty of Disclosure Evolve by Analogy with the GDPR?
    IV. The Evolution of the Common Law Duty of Disclosure on Insurers
    V. Conclusions

    8. Remedies for Insurers' Misuse of Data
    I. Financial Services Remedies
    II. Consumer Law Remedies
    III. Equality and Anti-Discrimination Remedies
    IV. Competition Law Remedies
    V. Data Law Remedies
    VI. Insurance Law Remedies at Common Law

    PART V
    9. Conclusions
    I. Summary of the Argument
    II. Detailed Conclusions
    III. The Future of Insurance in the Big Data Age


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