

Cultural Heritage, Sustainable Development and Human Rights: Towards an Integrated Approach

Cultural Heritage, Sustainable Development and Human Rights: Towards an Integrated Approach

  • 作者:
  • 出版商: Routledge
  • ISBN: 9781032413570
  • 出版时间 December 2023
  • 规格: Hardback
  • 适应领域: U.K. ? 免责申明:
    Countri(es) stated herein are used as reference only

List Price: ¥2,291.25

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  • 描述 
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  • 详细

    The importance of cultural heritage - in both its tangible and intangible forms - to sustainable development and its economic, social and environmental components is increasingly evident in the recent practice of intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations at the universal and regional level.

    Due consideration for the integration of the cultural dimension in the implementation of Agenda 2030 has begun to grow in various international fora, including initiatives to emphasize the role and contribution of tangible and intangible heritage as drivers and enablers of sustainable development. It has also been recognized that the inherent links between cultural heritage and sustainable development cannot be correctly addressed without taking into account their various implications for the effective enjoyment of all human rights, including cultural rights.

    This book offers a thorough academic investigation on the importance of cultural heritage to sustainable development and cultural rights from an international law perspective. Providing an in-depth review of the possible intersections between cultural heritage, sustainable development and cultural rights and the limits of the current legal and institutional framework, it will be of interest to researchers and scholars of international law, cultural heritage law, environmental law and human rights law.

    Cultural Heritage, Sustainable Development and Human Rights: The Need for an Integrated Approach
    Laura Pineschi
    The Principle of Sustainable Development and International Cultural Heritage Law
    Ana Filipa Vrdoljak
    The Spirit and the Substance. The Human Dimension of Cultural Heritage from the Perspective of Sustainability
    Federico Lenzerini
    ‘No One May Invoke’: The Protection of Cultural Heritage and Cultural Diversity for Human Rights and Sustainable Development, between Synergies to Build and Conflicts to Prevent
    Federica Mucci
    Cultural Properties in Outer Space
    Tullio Scovazzi
    The Urban-Rural Divide and the Contribution of Cultural Heritage to Sustainable Development
    Francesco Francioni
    EU Law, Sustainable Development and Culture: A Controversial Encounter?
    Marco Inglese
    The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development: Its Impact on the Implementation of the 1972 World Heritage Convention
    Sabine von Schörlemer
    The Impact of the 1972 World Heritage Convention, and of Its Related Monitoring Mechanisms, on the Sustainable Management of Sites: The Venice Case
    Marco Gestri
    Restitution of Cultural Property and Decolonization of Museums: Issues of Consistency between Fulfilment of Legal Obligations, Ethical Principles, and Identity Links
    Manlio Frigo
    ‘Contested’ Cultural Heritage: Towards the Emergence of an International Duty of Transmission to Future Generations?
    Costanza Rizzetto
    Sustainable Development and Intangible Cultural Heritage
    Tullio Scovazzi
    Participation of Indigenous Peoples in the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage Policies:
    A Principle at the Crossroads of Human Rights and Sustainable Development
    Véronique Guèvremont
    Traditional Governance Institutions and the Holistic Protection of Traditional Knowledge
    Francis Kariuki
    Strengthening the Protection of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Development Projects:
    The Role of Multilateral Development Banks
    Berenika Drazewska and Kristin Hausler
    Some Remarks on Child and Forced Marriages, Traditional Practices Harmful to Women’s Health and Their Possible Implications for Sustainable Development
    Francesca Trombetta Panigadi
    Cultural, Environmental and Climate Rights: Insights from International and EU Law
    Ottavio Quirico
    A Cultural Rights-Based Approach to Climate Change? Limits and Implications of Cultural Claims in Climate Cases before International Human Rights Monitoring Bodies
    Elena Carpanelli
    Gravity and Grace: Sustainable Development, Foreign Investments and Cultural Heritage in International Investment Law
    Valentina Vadi
    The Legal Protection of Biocultural Diversity between Cultural Rights and Sustainable Development. A Comparative Perspective
    Pier Luigi Petrillo
    Cultural Traditional Practices v. Protection of Wildlife: Possible Solutions in the Light of the Principle of Sustainability
    Maria Clara Maffei
    An Integrated Approach to Cultural Heritage, Sustainable Development and Human Rights:
    Mission Impossible?
    Laura Pineschi


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