

Credit, Consumers and The Law: After the Global Storm

Credit, Consumers and The Law: After the Global Storm

  • 作者:
  • 出版商: Routledge
  • ISBN: 9781472452344
  • 出版时间 October 2016
  • 规格: Hardback
  • 适应领域: U.K. ? 免责申明:
    Countri(es) stated herein are used as reference only
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  • 描述 
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  • 详细

    Consumer law, particularly consumer credit law, is characterised by increasingly complex regulation in Western economies. Reacting to the Global Financial Crisis, governments in the UK, the EU, Australia, New Zealand and the United States have adopted new laws dealing with consumer credit, responsible lending, consumer guarantees and unfair contracts. Drawing together authors from all of these jurisdictions, this book analyses and evaluates these initiatives, and makes predictions as to their likely success and possible flaws.

  • Acknowledgements
    Table of Cases
    Table of Legislation

    Part 1- Issues and Themes
    1. Consumer Law: Paternalism, Fragmentation, and Centralised Enforcement
    DrPaul O’Shea, Karen Fairweather and Professor Ross Grantham

    Part 2- Functional Perspectives
    2. It’s for your Own Good: Legal Paternalism and New Zealand Consumer Credit Laws
    Kate Tokeley
    3. Credit – Suitable for One or Safe for Everyone?
    Professor Gail Pearson
    4. Responsible Lending: Consumer Protection and Prudential Regulation Perspectives
    Dr Onyeka Osuji
    5. Can Consumer Law Solve the Problem of Complexity in US Consumer Credit Products?
    Professor Kathleen Engel

    Part 3 - Responsible Lending and Financial Exclusion
    6. Making Payday Loans Safer: the Australian Approach to Regulating Small and Medium Sized Loans
    Nicola Howell
    7. High Cost Credit in the United Kingdom: A Philosophical Justification for Government Intervention
    Jodi Gardner
    8. Apples and Oranges? Responsible Mortgage Lending in the UK and Australia
    Karen Fairweather
    9. Sorting the Sheep from the Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing: Defining Community Development Finance Institutions as Distinct from Fringe Lenders in Efforts to Address Financial Exclusion
    Dr Therese Wilson

    Part 4 - Unfair Contract Terms
    10. Unfair Contract Terms Legislation: Is it Good Consumer Law?
    Dr Paul O’Shea
    11. The Fragility of Unfair Terms Law on Bank Charges: Towards a Complex Re-Litigation in the UK?
    Professor Mel Kenny and Professor James Devenney
    12. The Regulation of Unfair Terms in Non-Professional Suretyship Agreements: Lessons for the Wider European Union Harmonization Agenda
    Professor James Devenney and Professor Mel Kenny



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