

Corporate Information and the Law, 2nd Edition

Corporate Information and the Law, 2nd Edition

  • 作者:
  • 出版商: LexisNexis Australia
  • ISBN: 9780409342918
  • 出版时间 December 2015
  • 规格: Paperback , 403 pages
  • 适应领域: Australia ? 免责申明:
    Countri(es) stated herein are used as reference only
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  • 描述 
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  • 作者 
  • 详细

    Corporate Information and the Law is a timely, comprehensive and incisive text that specifically focuses on the laws that apply to the way in which corporations create, use, disclose and secure information. This text embraces laws relating to corporate governance, periodic and continuous disclosure, insider trading, consumer and investor protection, intellectual property, cyber security, privacy and information technology.


    “For readers, the book will have the merit of providing a comprehensive and coherent framework that examines each area of information law in detail, in order to map the boundaries of the categories of obligation, so as to suggest the answers to practical problems that are as clear as the governing law permits.”


    The Hon Michael Kirby AC CMG (Justice, High Court of Australia 1996-2009)


    Corporate Information and the Law is a timely, comprehensive and incisive text that specifically focuses on the laws that apply to the way in which corporations create, use, disclose and secure information. This text embraces laws relating to corporate governance, periodic and continuous disclosure, insider trading, consumer and investor protection, intellectual property, cyber security, privacy and information technology. Since the first edition was published in May 2013 there has been an increasing recognition of the paramount importance of corporate information to the enterprise value of corporations and the critically important obligations of corporations as creators or custodians of information. This second edition of the book has been updated to take into consideration the developments since the first edition. In particular, chapters on confidential corporate information, disclosure and investor protection, disclosure and consumer protection, privacy and cyber security have been substantially updated to reflect significant legal, regulatory and technological developments.


    The aim of Corporate Information and the Law is to create a reference which can be used by practitioners, academics and students alike to better understand the legal issues associated with information governance in today’s digital economy.



         •     Unifying framework for examining information law
         •     Seminal work on corporate information and the law
         •     Plain English / Concise explanations of complex concepts
         •     Accessible / convenient reference
         •     Leading work in the field
         •     Provides insights into the issues associated with managing legal risk associated with this valuable asset class

  • Part 1 – Overview

         Chapter 1.     An introduction to corporate information and the law

    Part 2 - Rights in corporate information

         Chapter 2.     Copyright in corporate information 
         Chapter 3.     Alternative approaches to protecting corporate information 
         Chapter 4.     Confidential corporate information

    Part 3 – Limits on information sovereignty

         Chapter 5.     Disclosure and investor protection 
         Chapter 6.     Disclosure and consumer protection 
         Chapter 7.     Disclosure in the context of enforcement and litigation 
         Chapter 8.     Other limits or controls on the use of corporate information 
         Chapter 9.     Collection, use and disclosure of personal information

    Part 4 - Information security and management

         Chapter 10.     Digitising corporate records and the law 
         Chapter 11.     Information security and the law

  • Leif Gamertsfelder LLB (1st Class Hons), BA (GU), MInfoTech (UTS), MAppFin (KAPLAN) is admitted as a legal practitioner of the Supreme Court of New South Wales, the Supreme Court of Queensland and the High Court of Australia. Leif’s legal writings have been cited with approval by the High Court of Australia and the Federal Court of Australia.


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