

Contracts for Infrastructure Projects: An International Guide to Application

Contracts for Infrastructure Projects: An International Guide to Application

  • 作者:
  • 出版商: Informa Law from Routledge
  • ISBN: 9781032074290
  • 出版时间 May 2022
  • 规格: Hardback
  • 适应领域: U.K. ? 免责申明:
    Countri(es) stated herein are used as reference only
  • Paperback Edition ISBN: 9781032074269
发货时间:大约 4-5 weeks
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  • 描述 
  • 大纲 
  • 详细

    Contracts for Infrastructure Projects: An International Guide provides a guide to the law relating to construction contracts for infrastructure projects; it is intended for the use of engineers and other professionals who are involved in the negotiation and administration of construction contracts, to enable them to understand the risks involved, and how to minimise them. The principles of construction law outlined in this book apply to small construction contracts as well as very large contracts for which the contract sum may be in the billions of dollars.

    The focus of the book is on construction contracts entered into by commercial organisations operating in a business environment. Contract law generally assumes that such parties are of equal bargaining power and puts relatively few fetters on their ability to agree on the terms of their bargain. However, where legislation impacts on the execution of construction projects or the operation of construction contracts it may be of major importance in protecting the rights of weaker parties or third parties.

    It is assumed that the users of this book will be familiar with the general concepts of tendering and contracting for engineering and construction projects but may not have any formal knowledge of the law. To the extent possible, the emphasis is on general principles of contract law that are widely accepted in many jurisdictions. Examples are drawn from case law in a number of common law jurisdictions, as well as from civil codes.

  • Table of figures
    1. Introduction
    2. Contract law
    3. Construction contracts
    4. Lex Constructionis
    5. Entry into the Contact
    6. General provisions
    7. The Employer
    8. The Engineer
    9. The Contractor
    10. Subcontracting
    11. Design
    12. Staff and labour
    13. Plant, materials and workmanship
    14. Commencement, delays and suspension
    15. Planning and programming for construction contracts
    16. Tests On and After Completion
    17. Employer's Taking-over
    18. Defects after Taking Over
    19. Measurement and evaluation
    20. Variations and adjustments
    21. Contract Price and payment
    22. Termination by the Employer
    23. Suspension and termination by the Contractor
    24. Care of the Works and indemnities
    25. Exceptional events
    26. Insurance
    27. Employers and Contractor's Claims
    28. Dispute avoidance and resolution
    29. The Impact of ICT on Construction Contracts
    30. Glossary
    31. Appendix A: Matters for Consideration when drafting a construction contract
    32. Appendix B: Risk Factors
    33. Appendix C: Global claims
    34. Index


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