

Contents of Commercial Contracts: Terms Affecting Freedoms

Contents of Commercial Contracts: Terms Affecting Freedoms

  • 作者:
  • 出版商: Hart Publishing
  • ISBN: 9781509945382
  • 出版时间 January 2022
  • 规格: Paperback , 488 pages
  • 适应领域: U.K. ? 免责申明:
    Countri(es) stated herein are used as reference only
  • Hardback Edition ISBN: 9781509930494

List Price: ¥646.25

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  • 描述 
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  • 详细

    Freedom of contract is a great strength of English law: indeed it is a key reason why English law is often the law of choice. But the terms of commercial contracts often restrict freedom of action. This book considers such terms. Leading commentators take stock of recent developments such as increased reliance on good faith/discretion and the rise of smart contracts. In so doing, they make original contributions to ongoing debates concerning the limits to parties' freedom of contract.

    This important subject will interest drafters of commercial contracts keen to ensure that contracts are clear and enforceable; litigators disputing the meaning, scope and validity of terms; and academics interested in the purpose and nature of the exercises involved.

  • 1. Freedom of Contract and Terms Affecting Freedoms
    Magda Raczynska and Paul S Davies
    2. Binding Our Future Selves
    Robert Stevens
    3. Anti-Oral Variation Clauses: Rock-Solid or Rocky?
    Andrew Burrows
    4. Controlling Contractual Interpretation
    Richard Calnan
    5. Good Faiths and Contract Terms
    Magda Raczynska
    6. Excluding Good Faith and Restricting Discretion
    Paul S Davies
    7. The New Override of Bans on Assignment of Receivables
    Hugh Beale
    8. The Boundaries of a Borrower's Freedom to Act: Negative Covenants in Loan Agreements
    Louise Gullifer and Graham Penn
    9. 'Ethical Clauses' in Global Value Chain Contracts: Exploring the Limits of Freedom of Contract
    Lucinda Miller
    10. Smart Contracts
    Sarah Green and Adam Sanitt
    11. Disproportionate Penalties in Commercial Contracts
    William Day
    12. Opting for 'Documentary Fundamentalism': Respecting Party Choice for Entire Agreement and Non-Reliance Clauses
    Jonathan Morgan
    13. Planning for Failure: Contract Design, Ineffective Bargains and Restitution
    Niamh Connolly
    14. 'All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace'? The Inevitable Conflict between Contract Law and Free Speech in Cyberspace
    Nicholas J McBride
    15. Private Law and Public Concerns: Non-Disclosure Agreements in English Contract Law
    Catharine MacMillan
    16. Professional Ethics and NDAs: Contracts as Lies and Abuse?
    Richard Moorhead
    17. Choice of Court and Choice of Law Agreements: Freedom of Freedom of Contract
    Alex Mills
    18. Illegality in English Arbitration Law after Patel v Mirza
    Uglješa Grušic and Manuel Penades Fons
    19. The Reform of Insurance Warranties: Looking Beyond the Past
    John Lowry and Rod Edmunds
    20. The Right to Delivery of Goods under Contracts of Carriage
    Melis Özdel
    21. The Contents of Commercial Contracts: Terms Affecting Freedoms – A Response
    Jacqueline Cook


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