

Concentrate: Criminal Law, 8th Edition

Concentrate: Criminal Law, 8th Edition

  • 作者:
  • 出版商: Oxford University Press
  • ISBN: 9780192865649
  • Previous Edition ISBN: 9780198854982
  • 出版时间 August 2022
  • 规格: Paperback , 240 pages
  • 适应领域: U.K. ? 免责申明:
    Countri(es) stated herein are used as reference only

List Price: ¥176.25

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  • 描述 
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  • 详细

    • Revision guides you can rely on: trusted by lecturers, loved by students
    • Written by experts and covering all the key topics so you can approach your exams with confidence
    • Clear, concise, and easy-to-use, helping you get the most out of your revision
    • Full of learning features and tips to show you how best to impress your examiner
    • Written by Rebecca Huxley-Binns, Law Teacher of the Year 2010 and HEA National Teaching Fellow 2012

    New to this edition

    • Essential updates to the law in this area, including coverage of the offences of stalking and squatting and cases such as Sadique (2013) and Dawes (2013).
    • Thoroughly revised commentary on the key cases on the subject is provided throughout to help students achieve the best marks possible.
    • A wider range of tables and more challenging practice essay questions are included to consolidate and deepen learning.
    • Revised design across the series presents the material as clearly and attractively as possible for students' use.
    • Further reading recommendations from the author have been added to the Online Resource Centre, helping students to widen their research and draw on academic and case law to secure the best possible grades in their exams.

    If you're serious about exam success, it's time to Concentrate!

    Criminal Law Concentrate is the essential study and revision guide for law students looking to consolidate knowledge and achieve the best possible marks in their exams. Providing clear, succinct coverage of the essential topics, it enables you to quickly grasp the fundamental principles of this area of law and excel in exams.

    Each guide in the Concentrate series has been rigorously reviewed and is endorsed by students and lecturers for its high level of coverage, accuracy, and exam advice.

    Packed with essential information, key cases, revision tips, practice exam questions, and more, Criminal Law Concentrate is also supported by a wide range of online reources to further your learning

    Readership: Suitable for undergraduate students taking a module in criminal law as part of an LLB degree course. The book will appeal to GDL and LPC students as well.

  • 1: The basis of criminal liability
    2: Actus reus
    3: Mens rea
    4: Strict liability
    5: Non-fatal offences against the person
    6: Sexual offences
    7: Homicide I
    8: Homicide II
    9: Inchoate offences
    10: Participation
    11: Theft
    12: Fraud
    13: Other property offences
    14: Defences I
    15: Defences II

  • Rebecca Huxley-Binns is Professor of Legal Education at Nottingham Law School, Nottingham Trent University. She was awarded Law Teacher of the Year in 2010 and the HEA National Teaching Fellowship in 2012.

  • Review(s) from previous edition

    "'If a student came to me and asked me to recommend such a text I would have no hesitate in suggesting Criminal Law Concentrate. It is clear, well written, accurate and easy to digest.' - Peter Coe, Buckinghamshire New University

    "'The resources provided online are really very good, there is a lot of interactive information such as the 'what do I need to concentrate on' multiple choice test and the flashcards. These can help students get a better picture of how effective their revision is.'" - Lisa Dickson, Kent Law School


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