

Choice of Law

Choice of Law

  • 作者:
  • 出版商: Oxford University Press USA
  • ISBN: 9780190496722
  • 出版时间 May 2016
  • 规格: Hardback
  • 适应领域: U.S. ? 免责申明:
    Countri(es) stated herein are used as reference only
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  • 描述 
  • 大纲 
  • 详细

    Choice of Law provides an in-depth study of private international law (PIL) as it pertains to the United States. In this book, Symeon C. Symeonides focuses entirely on Choice of Law pertaining to the question of whether the merits of the dispute will be resolved under the substantive law of the state of adjudication (lex fori), or under the law of another involved state.

    Structured in three parts, this book discusses the Federal framework, history, doctrine, methodology, and the practice of choice of law.

    The author begins with the history of choice-of-law doctrine and follows its subsequent evolution to the present. He then moves on to methodology, and extensively explores the case law of the last fifty years, covering what courts say, and especially what they do. Symeonides goes on to identify emerging decisional patterns and extracts descriptive rules or tentative predictions about likely outcomes.

  • List of Tables
    List of Charts, Figures, and Maps
    List of Abbreviations
    Chapter 1. Introduction

    Part I. The Federal Framework
    Chapter 2. Federalism and Choice of Law

    Part II. History, Doctrine, and Methodology
    Chapter 3. Early Choice-of-Law Doctrine and the Traditional System
    Chapter 4. The Structure of Choice-of-Law Rules and the Operation of the Choice-of-Law
    Chapter 5. The Choice-of-Law Revolution: Theoretical Groundwork
    Chapter 6: The Judicial Revolution in Torts and Contracts
    Chapter 7. The Choice-of-Law Revolution Today: Methodological Pluralism

    Part III. Choice of Law in Practice
    Chapter 8. Torts
    Chapter 9. Products Liability
    Chapter 10. Contracts
    Chapter 11. Forum Selection Clauses and Arbitration Clauses
    Chapter 12. Insurance Conflicts
    Chapter 13. Statutes of Limitation
    Chapter 14. Status and Domestic Relations
    Chapter 15. Property, Marital Property, and Successions
    Chapter 16. Conflicts between Federal Law and Foreign Law

    Part IV. Conclusions
    Chapter 17. The Next Step
    Appendix: List of choice-of-law codifications, EU regulations, and conventions
    Table of Cases
