"Dr Mimi Zou is the inaugural Fangda Career Development Fellow in Chinese Commercial Law at St Hugh's College, in association with the Oxford Law Faculty and the Oxford China Centre. It is the first ever post in Chinese law at the University of Oxford and Dr Zou has the role of developing the subject as a new field of study and research at Oxford. Dr Zou obtained her Doctor of Philosophy in Law and Bachelor of Civil Law degrees from St John's College and Christ Church, University of Oxford on a Commonwealth Scholarship and James Fairfax Oxford Australia Scholarship. Dr Zou also graduated with first class honours degrees in Law, Economics, and Social Sciences (University Medal) from the University of Sydney. She is a qualified solicitor in England and Wales and lawyer in New South Wales (Australia). Dr Zou has held full-time academic appointments and fellowships at Columbia Law School, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, and Utrecht University. At these institutions, she has taught Chinese Contract Law, China Practice, Chinese Employment Law, Legal System of the PRC at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. She has also been a visiting scholar at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Tsinghua University, China University of Political Science and Law, Zhejiang University, and Southwest University of Political Science and Law. Dr Zou's research has won international awards and has been cited in an Australian appellate court and several parliamentary inquiries. Her research has been covered by international media outlets, including The New York Times, BBC, The Guardian, Reuters, China Daily, and South China Morning Post. Dr Zou has worked in corporate law at King & Wood Mallesons and Linklaters in Sydney, Hong Kong, and London, as well as in a number of international organizations, government departments, and financial institutions in Asia and Europe for over 15 years. In 2016, the Asia Society named Dr Zou as an ‘Asia 21 Young Leader', which recognizes the accomplishments of rising change-makers in the region. She was a finalist in the Young Australian of the Year Awards and the British Council's Education UK Alumni Awards."