

Changing Churches: A Practical Guide to the Faculty System

Changing Churches: A Practical Guide to the Faculty System

  • 作者:
  • 出版商: Bloomsbury Continuum
  • ISBN: 9781441156433
  • 出版时间 June 2016
  • 规格: Paperback
  • 适应领域: U.K. ? 免责申明:
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  • 描述 
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  • 详细

    This book de-mystifies the whole process of carrying out works to churches. It explains what consents are needed; how they can be applied for; and on what basis applications are decided. The author explores many of the detailed issues that may arise in practice - whether the proposal is to move a shelf in the vestry or to embark on a major refurbishment of the whole church. Topics covered include heating, lighting, access for the less mobile, toilets, kitchens, security, storage, repairs and maintenance. The impact of change on the congregation is considered, as well as the particular problems that may arise where new facilities or new uses are introduced. This indispensable guide highlights issues to consider when contemplating changes and helps the reader to navigate the complex legal and practical processes involved in carrying out works to churches.

  • 1. Introduction
    1.1 Consecration of churches and churchyards
    1.2 The church as a local centre of worship and mission
    1.3 The churchyard
    1.4 Financial and practical constraints
    1.5 The management of change
    1.6 Buildings of denominations other than the Church of England
    The need for consent
    2.1 General principles
    2.2 Introduction
    2.3 The need for a faculty
    2.4 The administration of the faculty system
    2.5 The need for permission from the local planning authority
    2.6 Other permissions and consents
    Seeking a faculty
    3.1 General principles
    3.2 Consulting the DAC
    3.3 Consulting the amenity bodies and others
    3.4 The faculty petition
    3.5 Publication
    3.6 Faculties involving partial demolition
    3.7 Objections and representations
    3.8 Fees and costs
    The decision on a faculty petition
    4.1 General principles
    4.2 Decision by the Archdeacon
    4.3 Decision by the Chancellor on written representations
    4.4 Oral hearings: preliminary procedure
    4.5 Procedure at a hearing
    4.6 Decision of the Chancellor following a hearing
    4.7 Appeals
    The planning system and churches
    5.1 General principles
    5.2 Planning permission
    5.3 Listed building consent
    5.4 Conservation area consent
    5.5 Scheduled monument consent
    5.6 Control of advertisements consent
    5.7 Works to trees
    The existing features of a church
    6.1 General principles
    6.2 Understanding the potential of a church building
    6.3 First impressions
    6.4 The main worship area
    6.5 The chancel
    6.6 Heating and lighting
    6.7 Balconies, upper floors, galleries
    6.8 Fonts, lecterns and other furniture
    6.9 Sound and music
    6.10 Memorials and banners
    6.11 Art works
    6.12 Bells and bell frames
    General issues
    7.1 General principles
    7.2 Toilets
    7.3 Kitchens, catering, flowers
    7.4 Space for administration, preparation
    7.5 Furniture
    7.6 Unwanted items
    7.7 Storage
    7.8 Security
    7.9 Repairs
    7.10 Cleaning - maintenance
    7.11 Unconsecrated buildings and land
    New facilities
    8.1 General principles
    8.2 Seating
    8.3 Worship
    8.4 Baptisms
    8.5 Use by specific groups
    8.6 Large gatherings
    8.7 Miscellaneous items
    New uses
    9.1 General principles
    9.2 Worship
    9.3 Shared worship with other denominations / religions
    9.4 Midweek use
    9.5 Secular uses
    9.6 Leases and licences
    Works affecting the exterior of the church
    10.1 General principles
    10.2 Repairs
    10.3 Alterations
    10.4 Extensions
    10.5 Floodlighting
    11.1 General principles
    11.2 Uses
    11.3 Worship
    11.4 Overall impression
    11.5 Seating
    11.6 Lighting
    11.7 Heating, cooling
    11.8 Sound system
    11.9 Facilities for the young
    11.10 Staff accommodation
    11.11 Miscellaneous points
    Burial and exhumation
    12.1 General principles
    12.2 Burial rights
    12.3 Introduction of new monuments
    12.4 Cremated remains
    12.5 Exhumation
    12.6 Re-use of burial spaces
    Other works affecting the churchyard
    13.1 General principles
    13.2 Paths and car parks
    13.3 Trees and bushes
    13.4 Re-ordering of churchyards
    13.5 Secular uses, wayleaves, leases and licences
    13.6 Closed churchyards
    13.7 Boundaries, walls and railings
    13.8 Deterring unauthorised activity
    Unauthorised works
    14.1 General principles
    14.2 Enforcement by the consistory court
    14.3 Enforcement by the local planning authority
    15.1 General principles
    15.2 Redundancy
    15.3 Total demolition
    Cathedrals and ecclesiastical peculiars
    16.1 Cathedrals
    16.2 Ecclesiastical peculiars
    Special cases
    17.1 The Channel Islands
    17.2 The Isle of Man
    17.3 The Diocese in Europe
    17.4 Wales

    A. Categories of works not requiring a faculty
    B. Conditions on faculties
    C. Guidelines for monuments in churchyards
    D. Instrument delegating authority to incumbent
    E. Other sources of information
    Table of references
    Statutes and statutory instruments


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