

Challenging Immigration Detention: Academics, Activists and Policymakers

Challenging Immigration Detention: Academics, Activists and Policymakers

  • 作者:
  • 出版商: Edward Elgar Publishing
  • ISBN: 9781785368059
  • 出版时间 September 2017
  • 规格: Hardback
  • 适应领域: International ? 免责申明:
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List Price: ¥1,233.75

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  • 描述 
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    Governments increasingly rely upon detention to control the movement of undocumented migrants and asylum seekers. The deprivation of liberty of non-citizens due to their undocumented or irregular status is often fraught with gross injustices. This book stresses the need for global policy-makers to address these practices in order to ensure compliance with fundamental human rights and prevent detention abuses. Approaching detention from an interdisciplinary perspective, this volume brings together leading writers and thinkers to provide a greater understanding of why it is such an important social phenomenon and suggest ways to confront it locally and globally.

    Challenging Immigration Detention thematically examines a broad range of situations across the globe, with contributors providing overviews of key issues, case studies and experiences in their fields, while highlighting potential strategies for curbing detention abuses. Demonstrating the value of varied analytical frameworks and investigative angles, the contributors provide urgently needed insight into a growing human rights issue. With cross-disciplinary investigation into an issue with immediate global importance, Challenging Immigration Detention is vital for undergraduates, postgraduates, activists, lawyers and policy-makers interested in international human rights. National and international humanitarian organizations and advocacy groups working in migrant and asylum rights will find this a compelling and diverse overview of migrant detention.

  • Introduction - The Immigration Detention Puzzle in Interdisciplinary Perspective Michael J. Flynn and Matthew B. Flynn
    1. Waging Accountability: Why Investigative Journalism Is Both Necessary and Insufficient to Transforming Detention Nina Bernstein
    2. Women and Children First: An Inside Look at the Challenges to Reforming Family Detention in the United States Dora Schriro
    3. Immigration Detention and Penal Power: A Criminological Perspective Mary Bosworth
    4. Whither Presumption of Liberty? Constitutional Law and Immigration Detention Daniel Wilsher
    5. Inspecting Immigration Detention: Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Prisons Hindpal Singh Bhui
    6. Turning Detention Centers Inside Out: The "Infiltrations" of the National Immigrant Youth Alliance in Sociological Perspective Claudia Munoz and Michael P. Young
    7. Global Advocacy: Civil Society Engagement of Government on Alternatives to Immigration Detention Grant Mitchell
    8. Geographical Perspectives on Detention: Spatial Control and Its Contestation Deirdre Conlon, Nancy Hiemstra and Alison Mountz
    9. The Economy of Detainability: Theorizing Immigration Detention Nicholas de Genova
    10. Capitalism and Immigration Control: What Political Economy Reveals about the Global Spread of Detention Matthew B. Flynn
    11. Mental Health Care in an Invalidating Environment: The Case of Immigration Detention in Australia Stephen Brooker, Steve Albert, Peter Young and Zachary Steel
    12. Detention and Transnational Law in the European Union: Constitutional Protection between Complementarity and Inconsistency Galina Cornelisse
    13. Back to Basics? The Limited Use of Immigration Detention in South America. An interpretation based on International Human Rights Treaties and Principles Pablo Ceriani
    14. Immigration detention under international human rights law: The legal framework and the litmus test of human rights treaty bodies monitoring Mariette Grange and Izabella Majcher
    15. Conclusion: The Many Sides to Challenging Immigration Detention Michael J. Flynn


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