
Central and Eastern European Legal Materials (CEEL)

Central and Eastern European Legal Materials (CEEL)

  • 作者:
  • 出版商: Juris Publishing_
  • ISBN: 9781578231423
  • 出版时间 November 2019
  • 规格: Loose-leaf (13 volumes) , 13000 pages
  • 适应领域: European Union ? 免责申明:
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    A Translation of important Business and Investment Laws

    A Publication of the Columbia University Law School 
    English Translations of all important Business and Investment Laws!

    About the Legal Materials:

    How does business get done in Eastern Europe? If you need answers, turn to this publication.

    Provides attorneys with complete and authoritative full text English translations of all new legislation impacting on business, investment, and trade. 

    With the increase in legislative activity, Western business people and lawyers must be mindful of new laws and regulations affecting their interests.

    Countries covered are Albania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Czechoslovakia, Estonia, Hungary, Kosovo, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Serbia and Montenegro, Slovakia, Slovenia and Yugoslavia.

    Editorial Enhancements: The reader is provided with an editorial note of each law, to assist the user in quickly identifying the contents of the legislation. Invaluable cross references to other relevant laws in the series are provided.

  • Binder 1
    Eastern Europe in General
    Selected Bibliography

    1. Support for East European Democracy (SEED) Act of 1989 (Public Law 101-
    179 - Nov. 28, 1989)

    2. Agreement Establishing the European Bank for Reconstruction and
    Development, of May 29, 1990

    3. Treaty Between the Member States of the European Union and the Czech
    Republic, the Republic of Estonia, the Republic of Cyprus, the Republic of
    Latvia, the Republic of Lithuania, the Republic of Hungary, the Republic of
    Malta, the Republic of Poland, the Republic of Slovenia, the Slovak Republic,
    Concerning the Accession to the European Union

    4. Act Concerning the Conditions of Accession of the Czech Republic, the
    Republic of Estonia, the Republic of Cyprus, the Republic of Latvia, the
    Republic of Lithuania, the Republic of Hungary, the Republic of Malta, the
    Republic of Poland, the Republic of Slovenia, the Slovak Republic, and the
    Adjustment to the Treaties on Which the European Union Is Founded

    5. Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, as
    amended by Protocol No 11, 213 United Nations Treaty Series 221, European
    Treaty Series No 005

    Selected Bibliography
    1. The Constitution of the Republic of Albania, of October 21, 1998, as amended
    in 2007 and 2008

    2. Law on the Organization of Justice, of December 28, 1998

    3. Law on the Organization and Functioning of the Constitutional Court of the
    Republic of Albania, Law No. 8577, dated February 10, 2000

    4. Law on the Organization and Functioning of the High Court of the Republic of
    Albania, Law No. 8588, dated March 15, 2000

    5. Law on the Organization and Functioning of the High Council of Justice, Law
    No. 8811, dated May 17, 2001, as amended

    6. Law on the Organization and Functioning of the Courts for Serious Crimes, Law
    No. 9110, dated 24 July 2003

    7. Law on the Organization and Functioning of the Office of the Prosecutor in the Republic of Albania, Law No. 8737, dated February 12, 2001

    8.  Law on the People's Advocate, Law No. 8454, dated February 4, 1999, as amended by Law No. 8600, dated April 10, 2000

    9.  Electoral Code of the Republic of Albania, Law No. 10-019, dated 29 December

    10. Criminal Code of the Republic of Albania, Law No. 7895, date 27 January,
    1995, amended by Law No. 8204, date 10 April 1997, amended by Law No.
    8279, date 15 January 1998, amended by Law No. 8733, date 24 January 2001

    11. Criminal Procedural Code of the Republic of Albania, Law No. 7905, dated
    March 21, 1995

    12. Civil Code of the Republic of Albania, Law No. 7850, dated July 29, 1994

    13. Code of Civil Procedure of the Republic of Albania, Law No. 8116, dated
    March 29, 1996

    14. Family Code of Albania, Law No. 9062, dated May 8, 2003

    15. Law on Measures against Violence in Family Relations, Law No. 9669, dated
    December 18, 2006

    16. Law on Gender Equality in Society, Law No. 9970, dated 24 July 2008

    17. Law on Restitution and Compensation of Property, Law No. 9235, dated 29 July
    2004, as amended by Law. No. 9388, dated 4 May 2005 and Law No. 9583,
    dated 17 July 2006

    18. Law on the Land, of July 19, 1991

    19. Law on Concessions, Law No. 9663, dated December 18, 2006

    20. Decision on the Adoption of the Rules for the Evaluation and Granting of Concessions, Decision No. 27, dated January 19, 2007

    21. Decree on Pawns and Mortgages, of July 22, 1993, as amended

    22. Law on Copyright, Law No. 7564, dated April 19, 1992, as amended by Law
    No. 7923, dated May 19, 1995

    23. Law on Some Supplements and Changes to Law No. 7564, dated 19 May 1992
    "On Copyright," Law No. 8594, dated April 6, 2000

    24. Law on One Change to Law No. 7564, dated May 19, 1992, “On Copyright”,
    Changed by Law No. 7923, dated April 19, 1995, and by Law No. 8594, dated
    April 06, 2000, Law No. 8630, dated July 3, 2000

    25. Law on Some Supplements to Law No. 7564, dated May 19, 1992 “On
    Copyright,” Law No. 8826, dated November 5, 2001

    26. Law on Some Supplements to Law No. 7564, dated May 19, 1992 “On
    Copyright,” Law No. 8826, dated November 5, 2001

    27. Law on Industrial Property, Law No. 9947, dated July 7, 2008

    28. Decision on Approving the Regulation “On the Registration of Geographical
    Indications,” Decision No. 1705, dated December 29, 2008

    29. Decision on the Approval of Regulation for Registration of Trademarks and
    Service Marks, Decision No. 1706, dated December 29, 2008

    30. Decision on Approving the Regulation "On Issuance of Patents for Inventions
    and Utility Models," Decision No. 1707, dated December 29, 2008

    31. Decision on Approvig the Regulation "On Issuance of Patents For Inventions and Utility Models," Decision No. 1707, dated April 8, 2009

    32. Law on Protection of Topographies of Integrated Circuits, Law No. 8488, dated May 13, 1999

    33. Law on Entrepreneurs and Companies, Law No. 9901, dated April 14, 2008

    34. Law on Securities, of March 1, 1996, as amended

    Binder 1A

    35. Law on Accounting, of January 19, 1993

    36. Law on Competition Protection, Law No. 9121, dated 28 July 2003

    37. Law on Consumer Protection, Law No. 9901, dated September 11, 2003

    38. Law on Foreign Investments, of November 2, 1993

    39. Treaty between the Government of the United States of America and the
    Government of the Republic of Albania Concerning the Encouragement and
    Reciprocal Protection of Investment, of January 11, 1995

    40. Law on Banking of the Republic of Albania, of July 2, 1998

    41. Law on the Bank of Albania, of December 23, 1997

    42. Law on the Administration of Taxation and Tariffs, of January 6, 1992

    43. Law on Personal Income Taxes, of January 27, 1994

    44. Law on Taxation of the Income of Physical Persons in the Private Sectors of
    Trade, Artisanship and Other Services, of January 6, 1992

    45. Law on Taxation of the Turnover of Goods, of December 24, 1991

    46. Law on Excise Taxes, of January 6, 1992

    47. Law on the System of Tariffs, of January 8, 1992

    Bosnia and Herzegovina
    Selected Bibliography

    1. Dayton Peace Agreement—The General Framework Agreement for Peace in
    Bosnia and Herzegovina, December 14, 1995

    2. Amendment I to the Constitution of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Official Gazette of
    Bosnia and Herzegovina, № 25/09

    3. Constitution of The Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Official Gazette of
    the Federation of Bosnia And Herzegovina, № 1/94, 13/97, 16/02, 22/02, 52/02,
    60/02, 18/03, 63/03

    4. Constitution of Republika Srpska, Official Gazette of Republika Srpska, №
    6/92, 8/92, 15/92, 19/92, 21/92, 28/94, 8/96, 13/96, 15/96, 16/96 and 21/96

    5. Criminal Code of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Official Gazette of Bosnia and
    Herzegovina, № 3/03, 32/03

    6. Criminal Procedure Code of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Official Gazette of
    Bosnia and Herzegovina, № 3/03, 32/03, 36/03, 26/04, 63/04, 13/05, 48/05,
    46/06, 76/06, 29/07, 32/07, 53/07, 76/07, 15/08, 58/08, 12/09, 16/09, 93/09

    7. Law on Copyright and Related Rights of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Official
    Gazette of Bosnia and Herzegovina, № 7/02

    Selected Bibliography

    1. Constitution of the Republic of Bulgaria, 2007, as amended

    2. Europe Agreement Establishing an Association Between the European
    Communities and Their Member States, and the Republic of Bulgaria, of March
    8, 1993, as amended

    3. Law on the Constitutional Court, of July 30, 1991

    4. Law on the Elections of Members of Parliament, of April 9, 2001

    5. Criminal Code, entered into force May 1, 1968, as amended through July 29, 2008

    6. Criminal Procedure Code, effective April 29, 2006, as amended to December 23, 2008

    7. Law on Foreigners in the Republic of Bulgaria, of December 15, 1998, as

    8. Law on Ownership and Use of Agricultural Land, of February 22, 1991

    9. Regulations for the Application of the Law on Ownership and Use of
    Agricultural Land, of April 25, 1991, as amended

    10. Law to Restore Ownership of Nationalized Real Estate, of February 5, 1992

    11. Law on State Property, of May 8, 1996

    12. Law on Municipal Property, of May 9, 1996

    13. Law on Mineral Resources, of February 26, 1999

    14. Law on Registered Pledges, of November 8, 1996

    Binder 1B

    15. Law on Commerce, of May 16, 1991, as amended

    16. Law on the Control of Foreign Trade Activity in Arms and in Dual-Use Goods
    and Technologies, of November 8, 1995

    17. Law on Securities, Stock Exchanges and Investment Companies, of June 29, 1995

    18. Law on Cooperatives (No. 236), of July 19, 1991

    19. Law on Concessions, of October 5, 1995, as amended

    20. Law on the Conversion of State Enterprises to Private Companies, (No. 215),of
    June 27, 1991

    21. Law on Privatization and Post-Privatization Control, of March 13, 2002

    22. Law on Privatization Funds, of 1995

    23. Law on Foreign Investments, of October 16, 1997, as amended

    24. Decree No. 74 Defining the Conditions and Procedure for Issuing Permissions
    (Licenses) for Foreign Investment, of May 11, 1992

    25. Instruction No. 1 for Registration of Foreign Investments in Accordance with the Law
    on Economic Activity of Foreign Persons and on Protection of Foreign Investments

    26. Decree No. 2242 on Free Trade Zones and Regulations on Its Application

    27. Treaty between the United States of America and the Republic of Bulgaria
    Concerning the Encouragement and Reciprocal Protection of Investment, of
    September 23, 1992

    28. Foreign Exchange Law, of September 8, 1999

    29. Banks and Lending Act of March 18, 1992

    30. Law on Banks, of 2005, as amended

    31. Law on the Bulgarian National Bank, of June 10, 1997, as amended

    32. Law on Insurance, of September 26, 1996, as amended

    33. Decree-Law on Economic Activity, of January 13, 1989, as amended

    34. Law on the Protection of Competition, of April 29, 1998

    35. Statute on the Structure and Activities of the Commission for the Protection of
    Competition, of November 15, 1991

    36. Law on Consumer Protection and Trade Rules, of March 18, 1999

    37. Law on Accounting, of January 3, 1991

    38. Law on Public Procurement, of June 9, 1999

    39. Law on Environmental Protection, 2002, as amended

    40. Law on Copyright and Related Rights, of 1993, as amended

    41. Law on Patents, of March 18, 1993 as amended

    42. Law on Industrial Designs, of September 2, 1999

    43. Law on Marks and Geographical Indications, of September 2, 1999

    44. Agreement on Commercial Relations between the Governments of Bulgaria and
    the United States, of April 22, 1991

    45. Regulation Granting Transitional Patent Protection in Accordance with the
    Agreement on Commercial Relations between the Governments of Bulgaria and
    the United States

    46. Law on the Measures against Money Laundering, of July 9, 1998, as amended

    47. Law on Tax Administration, of June 24, 1993

    48. Law on Tax Procedures, of July 1, 1993

    49. Law on Corporate Income Tax, of November 26, 1997, as amended

    50. Law on Individual Income Tax, of 1997

    51. Law on International Commercial Arbitration, of July 29, 1988, as amended

    Binder 2
    Selected Bibliography
    Constitutional Law

    1. Constitutional Law on the Dissolution of the Czech and Slovak Federal
    Republic, of November 25, 1992

    2. Constitutional Law on the Division of CSFR Property Between the Czech
    Republic and the Slovak Republic, of November 13, 1992

    Administrative and Other Public Law

    3. Law on Environment, of December 5, 1991

    4. Law on Relations between Trade Unions and Employers, of April 25, 1990 (No.

    Civil Law 


    5. Law on Inventions, Industrial Designs and Rationalization Proposals, of
    November 27, 1990

    6. Act Concerning Trademarks, Act No. 174/1988, of November 8, 1988

    Commercial Law

    7. Commercial Code

    8. Law on Prices, of November 27, 1990

    9. Interim Agreement on Trade and Trade-Related Matters between the European
    Economic Community and the European Coal and Steel Community and
    Czechoslovakia, of December 16, 1991

    10. Czechoslovakia-USA: Agreement on Trade Relations, April 12, 1990

    11. Agreement on Trade Relations between the United States and the Czech and
    Slovak Federal Republic: (a) A Proclamation by the President of the United
    States of America; (b) Notice of Entry into Force

    Corporate Law

    12. Law on State Enterprises, of April 19, 1990 (No. 111/1990)

    13. Law on Investment Companies and Investment Funds, of April 28, 1992

    14. Law on Commodity Exchanges, of April 23, 1992

    15. Law on Bankruptcy and Settlement, of July 11, 1991

    16. Act on the Protection of Economic Competition of January 30, 1991

    17. Law on Accounting, of December 12, 1991

    Privatization and Entrepreneurship

    18. Law on Private Enterprises, of April 18, 1990 (No. 105/1990)

    19. Law on the Mitigation of the Consequences of Certain Property Losses, of
    October 2, 1990

    20. Law on Extrajudicial Rehabilitation, of February 21, 1991

    21. Law on Modifying Ownership Relationships with Respect to Land and Other
    Agricultural Property, of May 21, 1991

    22. Act on the Conditions of Transfer of State Property to Other Persons (The
    “Large-Scale” Privatization Law), of February 26, 1991

    23. Decree on the Issue and Use of Investment Coupons, of September 5, 1991, as

    Foreign Investment

    24. Treaty between the United States of America and the Czech and Slovak Federal
    Republic Concerning the Encouragement and Reciprocal Protection of
    Investment, of October 22, 1991 

    Financial and Banking Law

    25. Act Concerning Banks, of December 20, 1991

    26. Act Concerning the Czechoslovak State Bank, of December 20, 1991

    27. Foreign Exchange Law of November 28, 1990, as amended

    28. Implementing Instructions for the Foreign Exchange Law

    29. Announcement of the State Bank of Czechoslovakia No. 15 Regarding Transfers
    of Income from Nonresident Investments in the Czech and Slovak Federative

    30. Income Tax Act, of April 28, 1992 

    Procedural Law

    Binder 2A
    Czech Republic

    Selected Bibliography

    1. Constitution of the Czech Republic, of December 16, 1992, as amended

    2.  Constitutional Act of February 8, 2012

    3.. Charter of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms, of January 9, 1991

    4. Constitutional Act of January 9, 1991, which introduces the Charter of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms as a constitutional act

    5. Constitutional Act of April 22, 1998, on the Security of the Czech Republic

    6. Constitutional Act of December 15, 1992, on Measures connected with the Dissolution of the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic

    7. Constitutional Act of November 14, 2002, concerning the Referendum on the Czech Republic’s Accession to the European Union

    8. Constitutional Court Act of June 16, 1993, as amended

    9. Law on Elections to the Parliament of the Czech Republic, of September 27,

    10. Act No. 424/1991 Coll. on Association in Political Parties and Political Movements, dated October 2, 1991, as amended

    11. Act No. 159/2006 Coll. on Conflict of Interests, dated March 16, 2006

    12. Act No. 40/1992 Coll. on the Acquisition and Loss of the Czech Republic Citizenship of December 29, 1992, as amended

    13. Act No. 326/1999 Coll. on the Residence of Foreign Nationals in the Territory of the Czech Republic of November 30, 1999, as amended

    14. Act No. 325/1999 on Asylum and Amendment to Act No. 283/1991 Coll. on the Police of the Czech Republic (the Asylum Act) of November 11, 1999, as amended

    15. Act No. 121/2000 Coll. on Copyright and Rights Related to Copyright and on Amendment to Certain Acts (the Copyright Act) of April 7, 2000, as amended

    16. Act No. 527/1990 Coll. on Inventions and Rationalization Proposals of November 27, 1990, as amended

    17. Act No. 206/2000 Coll. on the Protection of Biotechnological Inventions of June 21, 2000

    18. Act No. 441/2003 Coll. on Trademarks and on Amendments to Act No. 6/2002 Coll. on Judgments, Judges, Assessors and State Judgment Administration and on Amendments to Some Other Acts (Trademark Act) of December 3, 2003

    19. Act No. 207/2000 Coll. on the Protection of Industrial Designs of June 21, 2000

    20. Act No. 478/1992 Coll. on Utility Models of September 24, 1992, as amended

    21. Act No. 399/2000 Coll. on the Protection of Topographies of Semiconductors of December 3, 1991, as amended

    22. Act No. 221/2006 Coll. on Enforcement of Industrial Property Rights and on the Amendment of Industrial Property Protection Acts (Enforcement of Industrial Property Rights Act) of April 25, 2006

    23. Czech Commercial Code, as amended

    24 Act No. 591/1992 on Securities (The Securities Act) of November 20, 1992, as amended

    25. Act No. 256/2004 Coll. on Business Activities on the Capital Market (Capital Market Undertakings Act) of April 14, 2004, as amended

    26 Act No. 189/2004 Coll. on Collective Investment of April 1, 2004, as amended

    27. Act No. 190/2004 Coll. on Bonds of April 1, 2004, as amended

    28. Law on Investment Companies and Investment Funds of April 28, 1992, as amended

    29 Act No. 15/1998 Coll. on Supervision in the Capital Market Area and on the Amendment of other Acts of January 13, 1998, as amended

    30. Decree No. 191/2011 Coll. amending Decree No. 234/2009 Coll. on the Protection against Market Abuse and on Transparency of July 15, 2011

    Binder 2B

    Czech Republic (contd.)

    31. Law to Regulate Trade in Military Matériel with Foreign Countries, of February
    15, 1994

    32. Law on Bankruptcy and Settlement of July 11, 1991, as amended

    33. Law on Investment Incentives and Amendment of Certain Laws of February 24, 2000

    34. Law on Foreign Exchange of September 26, 1995, as amended

    35. Law on Measures against Legalization of the Proceeds from Criminal Activity of February 15, 1996, as amended

    36. Law on Transfer of Funds, Electronic Payment Instruments and Payment Systems of March 13, 2002

    37. Law on Banks of December 20, 1991, as amended

    38. Law on the Czech National Bank of December 17, 1992, as amended5

    39. Regulation Stipulating the Requirements for a Banking License of February 2, 1999

    40. Law on Insurance of December 21, 1999

    41. Law on Income Taxation of November 20, 1992, as amended

    42. Convention between the United States of America and the Czech Republic for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with Respect to Taxes on Income and Capital of September 16, 1993

    43. Law on Arbitral Proceedings and Enforcement of Arbitral Awards of November 1, 1994

    44. Law on Advocacy of March 13, 1996

    45. Treaty between the United States of America and the Czech Republic on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters of February 4, 1998


    1. Constitution of the Slovak Republic, of September 1, 1992, as amended

    2. Law on Parliamentary Elections, of May 20, 1998

    3. Law on the Procedure of the Election of the President of the Slovak Republic, on Plebiscite and Removal of the President, of March 18, 1999

    4. Law on State Citizenship in the Slovak Republic, of January 19, 1993

    5. Law on the State Language of the Slovak Republic, of November 15, 1995

    6. Copyright Law, of December 5, 1997

    7. Law on Patents and Supplementary Protection Certificates, of October 4, 2001, as amended

    8. Law on Designs, of June 20, 2002

    9. Law on Trademarks, of February 6, 1997, as amended

    10. Law on Legal Protection of Topographies of Semiconductor Products, of March 17, 2000

    11. Law on Protection of the Economic Competition, of July 8, 1994

    12. Law on Securities and Investment Services, of November 9, 2001

    13. Law on Foreign Exchange, of September 20, 1995, as amended

    14. Law on the Payment System, of August 19, 2002

    15. Law on Banks, of October 5, 2001

    16. Law on the National Bank of Slovakia, of November 18, 1992, as amended

    17. Law on the Protection of Bank Deposits, of March 20, 1996

    18. Convention between the United States of America and the Slovak Republic for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with Respect to Taxes on Income and Capital, of October 8, 1993

    Binder 3
    Selected Bibliography
    Constitutional Law

    1. The Fundamental Law of Hungary, 25 April 2011

    2. Agreement Establishing an Association Between the European Communities
    and Their Member States, and the Republic of Hungary, of December 16, 1991

    Administrative and Other Public Law

    3. Act No. LV of 1993 Concerning Hungarian Citizenship

    4. Act No. XXXIX of 2001 on the Entry and Stay of Foreign Nationals

    5. Act No. CXXXIX of 1997 on Asylum as amended 2004

    6. Act No. CLVI of 1997 on Non-Profit Organizations

    7. Act No. CLXXXV of 2010 on Media Services and Mass Media

    8. Act No. XL of 2001 on Communications

    9. Act No. LXIII of 1992 on the Protection of Personal Data and Access to Public

    10. Act No. LIII of 1995 on the General Rules of Environmental Protection

    11. Act No. CXIV of 1996 on the State Financial and Capital Market Supervisory

    11A. Act No. CX of 2001 on Electricity

    11B. Act No. XLII of 2003 on Natural Gas Supply

    Civil Law


    12. Act No. LV of 1994 on Arable Land, as amended

    13. Government Decree No. 7/1996 (I.18 Korm). on the Acquisition of Real Estate
    by Foreigners, as amended

    14. Act No. XLVIII of 1993 on Mining

    15. Act No. LXXVI of 1999 on Copyright

    16. Act No. XXXVIII of 1991 on Registered Design Patents

    17. Act No. XXXIX of 1991 on the Patent of the Topology of Microelectronic
    Semiconductor Products

    18. Act No. XXXIII of 1995 on the Protection of Inventions by Patents

    19. Act No. XXXII of 1995 on Patent Attorneys

    20. Act No. XI of 1997 on the Protection of Trademarks and Geographical Indications

    21. Act No. XXXVIII of 1991 on Utility Model Protection, as amended

    Commercial Law
    22. Act No. XL of 1995 on Public Procurements

    23. Act No. X of 1993 on Products Liability

    24. Decree No. 117/1991 on the Guarantee Obligation Relating to Products Made for
    Durable Use

    25. Act No. XXXV of 2001 on Electronic Signatures

    26. Interim Agreement on Trade and Trade-Related Matters Between the European
    Economic Community and the European Coal and Steel Community, and
    Hungary, of December 16, 1991

    Corporate Law
    27. Act No. CXLIV of 1997 on Business Associations

    28. Act. No. CXLV of 1997 on the Registration of Companies, Public Company
    Information and Court Registration Proceedings

    29. Act No. CXXXII of 1997 on Hungarian Branch Offices and Commercial
    Representative Offices of Foreign-Registered Companies

    30. Act No. XXXIV of 1998 on Venture Capital Enterprises and Venture Capital Funds

    31. Act No. I of 1992 on Cooperatives, as amended

    32. Act No. CXX of 2001 on the Capital Market

    33. Act No. XVIII of 1991 on Accounting, as amended

    34. Act No. LVII of 1996 on the Prohibition of Unfair and Restrictive Market Practices

    35. Decree No. 111/1990 (XII.23) on Antidumping Practices

    36. Act No. IL of 1991 on Bankruptcy Proceedings, Liquidation Proceedings and
    Final Accounting, as amended

    Binder 3A
    Hungary (continued)

    Privatization and Entrepreneurship
    37. Act No. V of 1990 on Private Enterprise, as amended

    38. Act No. VII of 1990 on the State Property Agency and on the Management and
    Utilization of Property Belonging to its Scope, as amended by Act No. LIII of

    39. Act No. XLIV of 1992 on the Employee Co-Ownership Program

    40. Act No. XXXIX of 1995 on the Sale of State-Owned Entrepreneurial Assets

    41. Act No. XXV of 1991 on Partial Compensation for Damages Unlawfully
    Caused by the State to Properties Owned by Citizens in the Interest of Settling
    Ownership Relations, as amended by Act No. L of 1991

    42. Decree No. 104/1991 Concerning the Settlement of Ownership Relations, and
    on the Implementation of Act No. XXV of 1991 on Partial Compensation for
    Damages Unlawfully Caused by the State

    Foreign Investment
    43. Act No. XXIV of 1988 on the Investment of Foreigners in Hungary, as amended

    44. Act No. XVI of 1991 on Concessions

    Financial and Banking Law
    45. Act XCV of 1995 on Foreign Exchange

    46. Act No. LVIII of 2001 on the National Bank of Hungary

    47. Act No. CXII of 1996 on Credit Institutions and Financial Enterprises, as amended

    48. Act No. CXIII of 1996 on Home Savings and Loan Associations

    49. Act No. XCVI of 1995 on Insurance Institutions and Insurance Business, as amended

    50. Act No. XCI of 1990 on the Rules of Taxation, as amended

    51. Act No. LXXXI of 1996 on Corporate Tax and Dividend Tax

    52. Act No. CXVII of 1995 on Personal Income Tax, as amended

    53. Act No. CXXVI of 1996 on the Use of a Specified Amount of Personal Income
    Tax for Public Purposes in Accordance with the Taxpayer's Instruction

    54. Act No. LXXIV of 1992 on Value Added Tax

    55. Act No. LXXVIII of 1991 on Consumption Tax and Consumption Price
    Subsidy, as amended

    56. Hungary-U.S.A.: Convention for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the
    Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with Respect to Taxes on Income

    Procedural Law

    57. Act No. LXXI of 1994 on Arbitration

    Binder 4
    Selected Bibliography

    Constitutional Law
    1. Constitution of the Republic of Poland of 1997

    2. Law on the Constitutional Tribunal, of August 1, 1997

    3. Law on Elections to the Sejm and to the Senate of the Republic of Poland, of
    April 12, 2001

    Administrative and Other Public Law

    4. Law on State Inspection for Environmental Protection, of July 20, 1991

    5. Law on Access to Information on the Environment and Its Protection and on
    Environmental Impact Assessments, of November 9, 2000

    6. Law on Radio and Television Broadcasting, of December 29, 1992

    7. Law on Communications, of 1995, as amended

    8. Law on Administering the Foreign Exchange of Goods and Services and a
    Special Exchange, of December 11, 1997

    9. Law on Employment and Unemployment, of October 16, 1991

    10. Law on the Limitation of the Performance of Commercial Activity by Person
    Fulfilling Public Functions, of August 21, 1997

    11. Law on Trade Unions, of May 23, 1991

    12. Law on Employer Organizations, of May 23, 1991

    13. Law on Resolving Collective Labor Disputes, of May 23, 1991

    14. Law on General Product Safety, of January 22, 2000

    Civil Law

    15. Law on Electronic Signature, of September 18, 2001


    16. Industrial Property Law, as of March 2004

    17. Republic of Poland Patent Act, as of 14 March 2003

    18. Law on Inventive Activity of October 19, 1972 as amended

    19. Law on Copyright, of February 14, 1994

    20. Law on the Protection of Topographies of Integrated Circuits, of October 30, 1992

    21. Law on Trademarks, of January 31, 1985, as amended

    Binder 4A

    Commercial Law
    22. Law on Insolvency and Restructuring, 2003, as amended

    23. Law on Public Procurement, of June 10, 1994, as amended

    24. Poland - USA: Treaty Concerning Business and Economic Relations, of March
    21, 1990

    Corporate Law
    25. Law on Public Trading in Securities, of August 21, 1997

    26. Law on Counteracting Monopolistic Practices, of February 24, 1990, as
    amended on June 28, 1991

    Privatization and Entrepreneurship
    27. Republic of Poland, Act of 2 July 2004, on Freedom of Economic Activity

    28. Law on the Commercialization and Privatization of State Enterprises, of August 30, 1996, as amended

    29. Law on the Creation of the Office of the Minister of Ownership Transformation,
    of July 13, 1990

    30. Law on National Investment Funds and Their Privatization, of April 30, 1993

    Foreign Investment

    31. Law on Companies with Foreign Participation, of June 14, 1991

    32. Law on the Acquisition of Real Estate by Foreign Persons, of March 24, 1920,
    as amended

    33. Poland - USA: Investment Guaranty Agreement, of October 13, 1989

    Financial and Banking Law
    34. Republic of Poland, acto 29 July 2005, on Capital Market Supervision

    35. Banking Law of August 29, 1997, as amended

    36. Law on the National Bank of Poland, of August 29, 1997, as amended

    37. Law on Carrying on the Business of Insurance, of July 28, 1990

    38. Foreign Exchange Law, of December 18, 1998

    39. Law on Tax Obligations, of December 19, 1980, as amended

    40. Law on Personal Income Tax, of July 26, 1991

    41. Law on Income Tax of Legal Persons, of February 15, 1992, as amended

    42. Ordinance Governing the Income Tax on Certain Kinds of Income of Foreign
    Individuals and Legal Entities Domiciled or Headquartered Abroad, of April 3,

    Procedural Law
    43. Poland - USA: Treaty on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters, of July
    10, 1996

    44. Poland - USA: Extradition Treaty, of July 10, 1996

    Binder 5
    Selected Bibliography

    1. Constitution of Romania, of 2003, as amended

    2. Europe Agreement Establishing an Association Between the European
    Communities and Their Member States, of the One Part, and the Republic of
    Romania of the Other Part, of February 1, 1993, as amended

    3. Law on the Constitutional Court, of May 18, 1992

    4. Law on the Elections to the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate, of 1992
    5. Law Concerning Business Organizations, of November 16, 1990

    6. Law on the Commercial Register, of November 5, 1990

    7. Law Concerning the Reorganization of State Enterprises as Autonomous State-
    Owned Companies and Corporations, of July 31, 1990

    8. Law on Privatization of Companies, of August 14, 1991

    9. Emergency Ordinance Regarding Privatization of Commercial Companies, of
    December 29, 1997

    10. Law on Regional Development, of 1998

    11. Emergency Ordinance to Stimulate Direct Investments, of December 30, 1997

    12. Law Concerning the Promoting of Direct Investments with Significant Impact
    on Economy, of 2001

    13. Law Concerning the Grant of Facilities for the Purpose of Attracting Foreign
    Capital in the Field of Exploration for and Exploitation of Oil and Gas
    Resources, of June 25, 1992

    14. Decree-Law Concerning the Authorization and Operation of Representative
    Offices in Romania of April 25, 1990

    15. Law on Competition, of April 10, 1996

    16. Law on Accounting System, of December 24, 1991

    17. Government Ordinance on the Regime of Imports and Exports of Strategic
    Goods, of July 29, 1994

    18. Law on Payment of State Obligations Outstanding as of December 31, 1990 and
    Assumption by the State and Commercial Banks of Losses Incurred in 1989 and
    1990 by Economic Entities with State Capital, of February 5, 1992

    19. Law Concerning Activity of Trade Unions, of August 1, 1991

    20. Law on Collective Labor Contracts, of February 8, 1991

    21. Law on the Settlement of Collective Labor Disputes, of February 11, 1991

    22. Law on Vacations and Other Benefits for Workers, of February 5, 1992

    23. Law on Copyright and Neighboring Rights, of March 14, 1996

    24. Law Concerning Patents of Invention, of September 26, 1991

    25. Law on Industrial Designs, of December 29, 1992

    26. Law on Marks and Geographical Indications, of April 15, 1998

    27. Law on the Protection of Topographies of Integrated Circuits, of March 6, 1995

    28. Law on the Statute of the National Bank of Romania, of May 26, 1998

    29. Law on Banking, of March 5, 1998

    30. Law on Bankruptcy Proceedings for Banks, of April 15, 1998

    31. Law Concerning the Set-Up, Organization and Operation of Commercial
    Companies for Insurance Activities, of July 16, 1991

    32. Fiscal Code of Romania, of December 17, 2003

    34. Treaty Between the United States and Romania Concerning the Reciprocal
    Encouragement and Protection of Investment, of May 28, 1992

    Binder 5A(1)
    Selected Bibliography

    1. United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244 (1999) S/RES/1244 (1999) 10
    June 1999

    2. United Nations Security Council Comprehensive Proposal for the Kosovo Status
    Settlement 26 March 2007 S/2007/168/Add.1

    3. Declaration of Independence, February 17, 2008

    4. Constitution of the Republic of Kosovo

    5. On the President of the Republic of Kosovo, Law No 03/L-094

    6. On the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Kosovo, Law No 03/L-121

    7. Council Joint Action 2008/124/CFSP on the European Union Rule of Law
    Mission in Kosovo, EULEX Kosovo, of February 4, 2008

    8. On the Jurisdiction, Case Selection and Case Allocation of EULEX Judges and
    Prosecutors in Kosovo, Law No 03/L-053

    9. EULEX Programme Strategy

    10. The Anti-Discrimination Law, Law No 2004/3

    11. On Freedom of Religion in Kosovo, Law No 02/L-31

    12. On the Use of Languages, Law No 02/L-37

    13. Suppression of Corruption Law, Law No 2004/34

    14. On Benefits to Former High Officials, Law No 03/L-001

    15. On Preventing Conflict of Interest in Exercising Public Function, Law No 02/L-133

    16. On Contested Procedure, Law No 03/L-006

    17. Criminal Code, Law No. 04/L-082

    18. Criminal Procedure Code, Law No. 04/L-123

    19. On Copyright and Related Rights, Law No 2004/45

    20. Patent Law, Law No 2004/49

    21. On Trademarks, Law No 02/L-54

    22. On Industrial Design, Law No 02/L-45

    23. On Foreigners, Law No 03/L-126

    24. On Foreign Investment, Law No 02/L-33

    25. On Corporate Income Tax, Law No 03/L-113

    26. On Personal Income Tax, Law No 03/L-115

    27. Civil Law Against Defamation and Insult, Law No 03/L-115

    Selected Bibliography

    1. Declaration of Independence of the Republic of Montenegro

    2. The Constitution of the Republic of Montenegro

    3. Law on Montenegrin Citizenship No 13/2008

    4. Montenegrin Citizenship Law, of 1999

    5. Law on the Constitutional Court of Montenegro No 21/93

    6. Law on Courts No 5/2002

    7. Criminal Code No 70/2003, 13/2004, 47/2006, and 40/2008

    8. Criminal Procedure Code (“Official Gazette of the Republic of Montenegro,” No
    79/2003 and No 7/2004—Correction)
    9. Labor Law No 49/2008

    10. Law on Employment and Work of Aliens No 11/2004

    11. Law on Non-Governmental Organizations No 27/99, 09/02, 30/02, 11/07

    12. Family Law of Montenegro No 1/2007

    Binder 5A(2)
    Selected Bibliography

    1. Constitution of Serbia, 2006

    2. Constitutional Law on the Implementation of the Constitution of the Republic of
    Serbia, Official Gazette of RS, № 98/06

    3. Constitutional Charter of the State Union of Serbia and Montenegro, of February
    4, 2003

    4. Law on Implementation of the Constitutional Charter of the State Union of
    Serbia and Montenegro, of February 4, 2003

    5. Law on the Constitutional Court, Official Gazette of RS, № 109/07

    6. Charter on Human and Minority Rights and Citizens’ Freedoms, of February 28, 2003

    7. Law on Citizenship of the Republic of Serbia, Official Gazette of RS, № 135/04

    8. Criminal Code, Official Gazette of RS, № 85/2005, 88/2005, 107/2005

    9. Criminal Procedure Code, Official Gazette of RS, № 46/2006

    10. Law on Protection of Personal Data, of May 12, 1998

    11. Law on Foreign Investments, of January 16, 2002

    12. Law on Privatization (Republic of Serbia) of 2005

    13. Law on the Privatization Agency (Republic of Serbia) of 2001

    14. Law on the Share Fund (Republic of Serbia) of 2001

    15. The Law on Cooperatives (effective January 17, 1990)

    16. The Compulsory Settlement, Bankruptcy, and Liquidation Law of 1989

    17. Foreign Exchange Law, of 2002
    18. Law on Money Laundering, of 2001

    19. The Law on Banks and Other Financial Organizations of 2003, as amended

    20. Law on the National Bank of Serbia, of 2003, as amended

    21. The Law on Financial Rehabilitation, Bankruptcy and Liquidation of Banks and
    Other Financial Organizations of 1989

    22. The Law on the Federal Agency for Deposit Insurance and Bank Rehabilitation
    of 1989

    23. Law on the Market of Securities and Other Financial Instruments of 2002, as amended

    24. The Trade Law of 1990

    25. The Law on Foreign Trade Transactions of 1989

    26. The Free Trade and Customs Zones Law (effective on January 17, 1990)

    27. Foreign Citizen Employment Law of 1989

    Binder 5B
    Selected Bibliography

    1. Constitution of the Republic of Croatia, of December 22, 1990

    2. Constitutional Act for the Implementation of the Constitution of the Republic of
    Croatia, of December 22, 1990

    3. Constitutional Law on Human Rights and Freedoms and Rights of Ethnic and
    National Communities or Minorities in the Republic of Croatia

    4. Law on Elections of Representatives to the Croatian State Parliament, of
    October 29, 1999

    5. Law on Croatian Citizenship of 1991, as amended

    6. Law on Movement and Stay of Aliens, of 1991

    7. Labor Law, of 1995

    8. Law on Employment of Aliens, of 1992

    9. Law on Telecommunications, of June 21, 1994

    10.Civil Obligations Act, 2005

    11. Law on Copyright, of 1999, as amended

    12. Law on the Protection of Topography of Integrated Circuits, of 1999

    13. Law on Patents, of 1999

    14. Law on Trademarks, of 1999

    15. Law on Industrial Designs, of 1999

    16. Law on the Protection of Geographical Indications of Products and Services, of 1999

    17. Law on Trade, of 1996

    18. Law on the Transformation of Socially-Owned Enterprises, of April 18, 1991

    19. Law on the Takeover of Joint-Stock Companies, of 2002

    20. Law on Issuance and Sale of Securities, of December 14, 1995, as amended

    21. Law on Investment Funds, of December 14, 1995

    22. Law on Foreign Exchange, of 2003

    23. Banking Law, of December 4, 1998

    24. Law on the Croatian National Bank, of April 5, 2001

    25. Law on Arbitration, of September 28, 2001

    26. Law on the Legal Profession, of January 27, 1994

    Selected Bibliography

    1. Constitution of the Republic of Macedonia

    2. Law on Citizenship of the Republic of Macedonia, of 1992

    3. Labor Relations Law, of December 27, 1993

    4. Law on Transformation of Socially Owned Enterprises, of 1993, as amended

    5. Law on Trade, of 1995

    6. Law on Foreign Trade, of 2002

    7. Law on Commercial Companies, of 1996, as amended

    8. Law Against Unfair Competition, of 1999

    9. Law on Foreign Investments, of 1993

    10. Law on Foreign Credit Relations, of 1993

    11. Law on Issuance and Trading Securities, of 1997

    12. Law on Investment Funds, of 2000

    13. Law on Concessions, of 1993

    14. Law on Foreign Exchange, 2003, as amended

    15. Law on Insurance Supervision, of 2002

    16. Law on Banking, of July 26, 2000

    17. Law on the National Bank of the Republic of Macedonia, of 2002

    18. Law on Public Revenue Administration, of 1993

    19. Law on Profit Tax, of 1993

    20. Law on Personal Income Tax, of 1993

    Binder 5C
    Selected Bibliography

    1. Constitution of the Republic of Slovenia of 1991

    2. Law on the Republic of Slovenia Citizenship, of June 5, 1991

    3. Law on Foreigners, of June 5, 1991

    4. Law on the Settling of the Status of Citizens of Other SFRY States in the
    Republic of Slovenia, of 1999

    5. Law on Ownership Transformation of Enterprises, of November 11, 1992

    6. Law on Commercial Companies, of May 27, 1993

    7. Law on Financial Operations of Companies, of June 24, 1999

    8. Law on Trade, effective April 24, 1993

    9. Law on Public Procurement, of May 5, 2000

    10. Law on Foreign Trade, effective March 27, 1993

    11. Law on the Protection of Competition, effective April 24, 1993

    12. Law on Foreign Investment, effective January 8, 1989

    13. Law on the Economic Zones, of June 1998, as amended

    14. Law on Securities Market, effective July 30, 1999

    15. Law on Dematerialized Securities, effective March 23, 1999

    16. Law on Copyright and Related Rights, of March 30, 1995

    17. Law on Industrial Property, of March 20, 1992, as amended

    18. Law on Protection of Topographies of Integrated Circuits, of March 30, 1995

    19. Law on Foreign Exchange, of March 23, 1999

    20. Law on the Prevention of Money Laundering, of October 2001, as amended

    21. Law on Banking, effective February 20, 1999

    22. Law on the Bank of Slovenia, of July 2002

    Binder 5D
    Selected Bibliography

    1. Constitution of the Republic of Estonia, of June 28, 1992

    2. Law on the Election of the President of the Republic of Estonia, of April 10, 1996

    3. Law on the Elections of Members of Parliament, of June 7, 1994, as amended

    4. Law on Political Parties, of May 11, 1994, as amended

    5. Europe Agreement Establishing an Association Between the European Communities
    and Their Member States, and the Republic of Estonia, of June 12, 1995

    6. Law on Courts, of October 23, 1991, as amended

    7. Law on the Bar Association, of March 21, 2001, as amended

    8. Law on the State Language, of February 21, 1995

     9. Law on Cultural Autonomy for National Minorities, of October 26, 1993

    10. Law on Citizenship, of January 19, 1995, as amended

    11. Law on Aliens, of July 8, 1993

    12. Law on Public Information, of November 15, 2000, as amended

    13. Law on Property, of June 9, 1993, as amended

    14. Law on the Fundamentals of Property Reform, of June 13, 1991

    15. Law on Land Reform, of October 17, 1991, as amended

    16. Law on the Land Register, of September 15, 1993, as amended

    17. Law on Restrictions of Transfer of Immovable Property Ownership to Aliens,
    Foreign States and Legal Persons, of May 29, 1996

    18. Law on Privatization, of June 17, 1993, as amended

    19. Decree on the Procedure for the Return of Illegally Expropriated Property (No. 36),
    of February 5, 1993

    20. Law on the Export and Transit of Strategic Goods, of April 21, 1994

    21. Copyright Law, of November 23, 1992, as amended

    22. Law on Trademarks, of August 27, 1992, as amended

    23. Law on the Protection of Industrial Designs, of November 18, 1997, as amended

    24. Law on Prevention of Importation and Exportation of Goods Infringing
    Intellectual Property Rights, of June 6, 2001

    25. Law on Telecommunications, of February 9, 2000, as amended

    Binder 6
    Estonia (continued)

    26. Commercial Code, of February 15, 1995, as amended

    27. Law on the Securities Market, of October 17, 2001, as amended

    28. Bankruptcy Act, Passed 22 January 2003

    29. Law on Leasing, of September 26, 1990

    30. Law on Advertising, of June 11, 1997, as amended

    31. Law on Foreign Investment, of September 11, 1991, as amended

    32. Treaty Between the Government of the United States of America and the
    Government of the Republic of Estonia for the Encouragement and Reciprocal
    Protection of Investment, of April 19, 1994

    33. Law on Competition, of June 5, 2001

    34. Law on the State Procurement, of 1997

    35. Law on the Arbitration Court of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of
    Estonia, of August 14, 1991

    36. Law on Databases, of March 12, 1997, as amended

    37. Law on Digital Signatures, of March 8, 2000

    38. Law on Authorized Public Accountants, of February 10, 1999

    39. Law on Currency, of May 20, 1992

    40. Law on the Bank of Estonia (Eesti Pank), of May 18, 1993, as amended

    41. Law on Credit Institutions, of February 9, 1999

    42. Law on Insurance, of November 18, 1992

    43. Law on Income Tax, of December 15, 1999, as amended

    44. Law on Tax Concessions for Enterprises with Foreign Capital, of September 11, 1991

    45. Electronic Money Institutions Act, Passed 19 October 2005

    46. Guarantee Fund Act, Passed 20 February 2002

    Binder 6A
    Selected Bibliography

    1. Constitution of the Republic of Latvia, of February 15, 1922, as amended

    2. Constitutional Law on the Rights and Duties of a Citizen and Person, of
    December 10, 1991

    3. Law on the Constitutional Court, of September 11, 1997, as amended

    4. Law on the Citizenship of the Republic of Latvia, of July 22, 1994, as amended

    5. Law on the Status of Former USSR Citizens Who Have Neither Latvian Nor
    Other State’s Citizenship, of April 12, 1995

    6. Law on the Entry and Residence of Foreign Citizens and Stateless Persons in the
    Republic of Latvia, of June 9, 1993, as amended

    7. Law on the Unrestricted Development and Right to Cultural Autonomy of
    Latvia’s Nationalities and Ethnic Groups, of March 19, 1991, as amended

    8. Law on the State Language, of December 21, 1999

    9. Law on the State of Emergency, of December 2, 1992

    10. Law on Public Organizations and Their Associations, of December 15, 1992

    11. Law on Trade Unions, of December 13, 1990

    12. Law on International Treaties, of January 26, 1994

    13. Law on Privatization of State and Municipal Property, of February 17, 1994, as

    14. Regulations on the Privatization of State and Municipal Property with
    Investment Method, of June 21, 1994

    15. Regulations on Sale of Equity Shares Owned by State or Municipal Enterprises
    or Companies, of October 18, 1994

    16. Regulations on the Procedure for Privatization with Private Capital Method, of
    November 15, 1994

    17. Law on Copyright, of April 6, 2000

    18. Law on Patents, of April 19, 1995

    19. Law on Trademarks and Indications of Geographical Origin, of July 1, 1999

    20. Law on Protection of Topographies of Semiconductor Products, of March 31, 1998

    21. Law on Entrepreneurial Activity, of September 26, 1990

    22. Law on State Enterprises, of December 12, 1990

    23. Law on Limited Liability Companies, of January 23, 1991

    24. Law on Partnerships, of February 5, 1991

    25. Law on Credit Institutions, of October 5, 1995, as amended

    26. Law on the Bank of Latvia, of May 19, 1992, as amended

    27. Law on Foreign Investment, of November 5, 1991

    28. Treaty Between the Government of the United States of America and the
    Government of the Republic of Latvia for the Encouragement and Reciprocal
    Protection of Investment, of January 13, 1995

    29. Resolution on the Creation and Operation of Foreign Business Offices in the
    Republic of Latvia, of April 19, 1991

    30. Law on Securities, of August 23, 1995

    31. Law on the Securities Market Commission, of August 24, 1995

    32. Decree on Formation of Hard Currency Market, of November 29, 1990

    33. Law on Taxes and Duties in the Republic of Latvia, of December 28, 1990

    34. Law on Business Income Tax, of March 1, 1995

    35. Law on the Property Tax, of December 18, 1990

    Binder 6B
    Selected Bibliography

    1. Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania, of October 25, 1992

    2. Law on the Constitutional Court, of February 3, 1993

    3. Law on the Courts, of February 6, 1992

    4. Law on Presidential Elections, of December 22, 1992, as amended

    5. Law on Citizenship, of December 5, 1991, as amended

    6. Law on the Legal Status of Foreigners, of September 5, 1991

    7. Law on Immigration, of September 4, 1991

    8. Law on the State Language, of January 31, 1995

    9. Law on Land, of April 26, 1994

    10. Law on Procedures and Conditions for Restoration of Citizens’ Rights to the
    Ownership of Extant Real Property, of June 18, 1991

    11. Law on Hypothecation (Mortgage), of October 6, 1992

    12. Law on Underground Resources, of July 5, 1995

    13. Law on Associations, of March 14, 1996

    14. Lithuanian Law on Enterprises, of May 22, 1990

    15. Law on Companies, 13 July 2000

    16. Partnership Law, of October 16, 1990

    17. Law on Investment Companies, of July 5, 1995

    18. Law on the Register of Enterprises, of July 31, 1990

    19. Law on Bankruptcy of Enterprises, of June 17, 1997

    20. Law on Trade, of January 12, 1995

    21. Law on Electronic Signature, of July 11, 2000, as amended

    22. Law on the Principles of Accounting, of July 18, 1992

    23. Law on Competition, of September 15, 1992

    24. Law on Transportation, of October 15, 1991

    25. Law on Communications, of November 30, 1995

    26. Law on Public Procurement, of August 13, 1996

    27. Law on Consumer Protection, of November 10, 1994

    28. Law on the Privatization of State-Owned and Municipal Property, of November
    4, 1997

    29. Law on Privatization of Insolvent Companies, of July 23, 1991

    30. Law on Foreign Capital Investment, of June 13, 1995

    31. Law on the Fundamentals of Free Economic Zones, of June 28, 1995

    32. Law on Patents, of January 18, 1994

    33. Law on Trademarks and Service Marks of 1993

    34. Law on Industrial Design, of July 4, 1995

    35. Law on the Legal Protection of Topographies of Semiconductor Products, of
    June 16, 1998

    36. Law on Public Trading in Securities, of January 16, 1996, as amended

    37. Law on Employment Contracts, of November 28, 1991, as amended

    38. Law on Trade Unions, of November 21, 1991

    39. Law on Foreign Currency, of July 7, 1993

    40. Law on the Prevention of Money Laundering, of October 20, 1998, as amended

    41. Law on the Bank of Lithuania, of April 25, 2006, as amended

    42. Law on Commercial Banks, of December 21, 1994

    43. Law on Insurance, of September 20, 1990

    44. Law on the State Tax Inspectorate, of June 26, 1990

    45. Law on Taxes on Profits of Legal Persons, of July 31, 1990

    46. Provisional Law on Income Tax of Natural Persons, of October 5, 1990

    47. Law on the Tax on Immovable Property of Enterprises and Organizations, of
    July 20, 1994

    48. Law on Commercial Arbitration, of April 2, 1996

    Judicial and Arbitral Decisions Binder
    Cases Dealing with Issues of Croatian Law
    United States

    1. Abrar Surgery (Pvt) Limited et al. v. M.V. Jolly Oro (ex Croatia Express), et al.,
    U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York, May 4, 1999

    2. Slavko Vidovic v. Losinjska Plovidba Oourbroadarstvo, et al., U.S. District
    Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, June 29, 1995

    Cases Dealing with Issues of Czech Law
    United States

    1. Calgarth Investments, Ltd. v. Banksanderat Iran et al., U.S. District Court for the
    Southern District of New York, April 25, 1996

    2. Ceska Sporitelna, a.s. v. UNISYS Corp., U.S. District Court for the Eastern
    District of Pennsylvania, Oct. 10, 1996

    3. In the Matter of the Extradition of Rafael Eduardo Pineda Lara, U.S. District
    Court for the Southern District of New York, Feb. 18, 1998

    Cases Dealing with Issues of Hungarian Law
    United States

    1. In the Matter of the Application of Malev Hungarian Airlines, U.S. Court of
    Appeals for the Second Circuit, May 5, 1992

    2. Laura Dorfman v. Marriot International Hotels, Inc. et al., U.S. District Court
    for the Southern District of New York, Jan. 26, 2001

    Cases Dealing with Issues of Lithuanian Law
    United States

    1. Mobil Sales and Supply Corp. v. Republic of Lithuania et al., U.S. District Court
    for the Southern District of New York, April 23, 1998

    1a. Mobil Sales and Supply Corp. v. Republic of Lithuania et al., U.S. Court of
    Appeals for the Second Circuit, Dec. 18, 1998

    Cases Dealing with Issues of Polish Law
    United States

    1. Edward Haven, etc., et al. v. Rzeczpospolita Polska et al., U.S. District Court for
    Northern District of Illinois, Sept. 29, 1999

    1a. Edward Haven, etc., et al. v. Rzeczpospolita Polska et al., U.S. District Court for
    Northern District of Illinois, Oct. 4, 1999

    1b. Edward Haven, etc., et al. v. Rzeczpospolita Polska et al., U.S. Court of Appeals
    for the Seventh Circuit, April 6, 2000

    2. Rabbi Avi Weiss v. Cardinal Jozef Glemp, U.S. District Court for the Southern
    District of New York, March 19, 1992

    3. Willie H. Harris et al. v. Polskie Linie Lotnicze, U.S. Court of Appeals for the
    Ninth Circuit, June 22, 1987

    Cases Dealing with Issues of Romanian Law
    United States

    1. Seetransport Wiking Trader Schiffahrtsgesellschaft mbH & Co.
    Kommanditgesellschaft v. The Republic of Romania, U.S. District Court for the
    Southern District of New York, Dec. 1, 2000

    Cases Dealing with Issues of Slovak Law
    United States

    1. Broadfield Finance, Inc. et al. v. Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic et
    al., U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York, June 1, 2000

    Cases Dealing with Issues of Slovenian Law
    United States

    1. Yucyco, Ltd. v. Republic of Slovenia et al., U.S. District Court for the Southern
    District of New York, Nov. 19, 1997

    Cases Dealing with Issues of Yugoslav Law
    United States

    1. Beogradska Banka A.D. Belgrade v. Interenergo, Inc., U.S. District Court for
    the Southern District of New York, Sept. 23, 1998

    2. Federal Republic of Yugoslavia v. Park-71st Corporation et al., U.S. District
    Court for the Southern District of New York, Oct. 27, 1995

    3. Milena Ship Management Co. et al., v. R. Richard Newcomb et al., U.S. District
    Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana, Sept. 28, 1992

    3a. Milena Ship Management Co. et al., v. R. Richard Newcomb et al., U.S. Court
    of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit, July 21, 1993

    4. 767 Third Avenue Associates et al. v. Consulate General of the Socialist Federal
    Republic of Yugoslavia et al., U.S. District Court for the Southern District of
    New York, Aug. 13, 1999

    4a. 767 Third Avenue Associates et al. v. Consulate General of the Socialist Federal
    Republic of Yugoslavia et al., U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit,
    May 4, 2000

  • About the Editor:

    Michael Newcity 
    is the Deputy Director of the Center for Slavic, Eurasian, and East European Studies at Duke University. Professor Newcity is a leading authority and the author of 3 books and over 50 scholarly articles offering commentary on legal activities in Russia, Eurasia and East Europe.

    Original Editor: the late Professor V. Pechota, Columbia Law School.


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