

Cash Pooling and Insolvency: A Practical Global Handbook, 2nd Edition

Cash Pooling and Insolvency: A Practical Global Handbook, 2nd Edition

  • 作者:
  • 出版商: Globe Law and Business
  • ISBN: 9781911078166
  • Previous Edition ISBN: 9781905783915
  • 出版时间 September 2016
  • 规格: Hardback , 526 pages
  • 适应领域: Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, China, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, International, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Mexico, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, U.K., U.S. ? 免责申明:
    Countri(es) stated herein are used as reference only

List Price: ¥2,291.25

¥2,222.52 Save ¥68.73 (3%)

发货时间:大约 4 weeks
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  • 描述 
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    ‘Cash is king’ – and, presumably, will remain king for a long time to come. This viewpoint is even more relevant since the 2008 international financial crisis. Banks are still hesitant to provide credit lines to companies, whether national or cross-border. High interest rates are charged on debt but hardly any interest is paid on credit amounts. More than ever before, companies need to limit both debit and credit amounts. Pooling cash within a corporate group or among a number of companies enables the best use of the funds available at as little cost as possible, thus strengthening the financial position of the companies involved. Cash pooling is thereby a means of reducing the risk of insolvency during difficult economic times.


    The first edition of this book, published in 2012, was very well received. Since then, there have been a number of reasons to update the information it contains: new case law, new national legislation and recent EU initiatives. Furthermore, chapters on Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania have been added to the already impressive number of jurisdictions covered.


    This title, published in association with the International Bar Association, draws together leading practitioners from a wide range of countries, who together provide detailed analysis on the provisions in their jurisdiction for cash pooling and insolvency. Each chapter follows the same template for ease of reference; topics featured include specific legal requirements from various perspectives, the liability of company directors, banking requirements, regulatory requirements and tax.


    This practical handbook is an essential guide for any insolvency professional, in-house counsel or adviser in banking and finance.

  • Consulting editor: Marcel Willems on behalf of the International Bar Association

    Consulting editor  
    Kennedy Van der Laan NV Marcel Willems
    Contributing firm Author(s)
    5lex Flavio A Acerbi
    Abreu Advogados Hugo Teixeira
    BDO Legal Diana Balkena
    Bech Bruun Carsten Ceutz
      Thomas Frobert
      Morten Krogsgaard
    BMH Avocats Amélie Dorst
      Anja Droege Gagnier
    Brauneis Klauser & Prändl Arno Brauneis
    Castrén & Snellman Attorneys Ltd Pekka Jaatinen
      Anna Kaisa Remes
    Faludi Wolf Theiss Ügyvédi Iroda János Tóth
    FischFayot Franz Fayot
      Laurent Fisch
    Giese & Partner vos Ernst Giese
      Mária Piačková
    Gómez Acebo & Pombo Miguel de Avillez Pereira
    GÖRG Partnerschaft von Rechtsanwälten mbB Daniela Mader
      Kirsten Schümann-Kleber
    Grette DA Børge Grøttjord
      Kari Amalie Pettersen
    Haynes and Boone LLP Kourtney P Lyda
      Arsalan Muhammad
      Kelli Stephenson Norfleet
    JAUSAS Maria Luisa de Alarcón
      Agustín Bou
      Carlos Pol
    Judith Elkin PLLC Judith Elkin
    K P Law Firm Constantinos N Klissouras
    Kennedy Van der Laan NV Bart De Man
      Jeroen Postma
    Kim & Chang Sang Jin Ahn
      Keum Ho Lee
      Steve Sunghwa Song
    KP Law Firm Christina K Papachristopoulou
    Lawyer Mario Benjamín Terán
    Lydian Tom Geudens
      Yves Lenders
      Pieter Meeus
    M & M Bomchil Abogados Tomás Miguel Araya
    Marval O’Farrell & Mairal Daniela A Bianchi
    Mason Hayes & Curran Daragh Bohan
      Frank Flanagan
    Minter Ellison Ian Walker
    Nishimura & Asahi Naoya Ariyoshi
      Maya Ito
      Shinsuke Ushirobira
    Olswang Charles Kerrigan
    Oscos Abogados Dario U Oscós Coria
    Paul Hastings LLP Silvio Cavallo
      Domenico Gioia
      Paolo Manganelli
    Pelaghias Christodoulou & Vrachas Alexandra Pelaghias Christodoulou
    Pelaghias Christodoulou Vrachas LLC Venetia Argyropoulou
    R&P China Lawyers Rogier van Bijnen
      Kathleen Cao
    Raidla Ellex Martin Mäesalu
      Raino Paron
      Tõnis Vahesaar
    RBC Jeffrey Carolan
    RCC Lex Cosimo Pennetta
    Rödl & Partner Liudgardas Maculevičius
    Royal Bank of Canada Mary Arzoumanidis
    Setterwalls Advokatbyrå AB Kristina Einarsson
      Mathias Winge
    Vischer AG Benedict F Christ
      David Jenny
      Nadia Tarolli Schmidt
    Wolf Theiss Melinda Pelikán
      Zsófia Polyák

  • Review for first edition: This practical handbook is a welcome guide for in-house counsel or advisers in banking and finance, as well as for insolvency practitioners.

    Professor Bob Wessels


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