

New Arrival Cartels and Anti-Competitive Agreements: Volume I

Cartels and Anti-Competitive Agreements: Volume I

  • 作者:
  • 出版商: Routledge
  • ISBN: 9781032919027
  • 出版时间 October 2024
  • 规格: Paperback
  • 适应领域: U.K. ? 免责申明:
    Countri(es) stated herein are used as reference only
  • Hardback Edition ISBN: 9780754629085

List Price: ¥469.06

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  • 描述 
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  • 详细

    Antitrust is fast becoming a 'trending topic', with over 120 countries having already adopted some form of competition legislation. This volume brings together carefully selected articles which reflect the evolution and progression of the regulation of joint conduct under competition law on both sides of the Atlantic, and which discuss principles of fundamental importance for antitrust law.

    The articles focus on various kinds of joint conduct between companies which might bear negative effects on competition, in particular on horizontal cartels and collusion between competitors. Attention is also paid to the debate surrounding the most adequate approach for vertical agreements, which take place between firms operating at different levels of production. Their effects on competition have traditionally been one of the most disputed issues in modern antitrust, and tend to divide the principal schools of thought that have influenced the evolution of competition policy around the world.

    The articles look primarily at two of the most established antitrust jurisdictions, namely the United States and the European Union. They discuss the general theoretical framework that has influenced the evolution of the law and policy; cover the most relevant practical developments; provide contrasting doctrinal views and pay particular attention to the main schools of thought that have influenced antitrust in the US and the EU; and are representative of the leading discussions in the course of antitrust history.

  • Introduction

    Part I. Elements of the Prohibition in the US and the EU: Goals of Antitrust:
    The antitrust consumer welfare paradox
    Barak Y. Orbach
    The Limits of the Prohibition: From mobile phones to cattle: how the Court of Justice is reframing the approach to Article 101 (formerly 81 EC Treaty) of the EU Treaty
    Arianna Andreangeli
    The journey towards an effects-based approach under 101 TFEU - the case of hardcore restraints
    Alison Jones
    Should the European Union embrace or exorcise Leegin's 'rule of reason'?
    Craig Callery
    The relevant market: an acceptable limit to competition analysis?
    Chris Townley

    Part II. Horizontal Agreements: Cartels:
    The firm as cartel manager
    Herbert Hovenkamp and Christopher R. Leslie
    The consequences of the European cartel-busting revolution
    Alan Riley
    Oligopoly: A proposed solution to the problem of parallel pricing in oligopolistic markets
    Alan Devlin

    Part III. Vertical Agreements: Distribution and Competition:
    The competitive dynamics of distribution restraints: the efficiency hypothesis versus the rent seeking, strategic alternatives
    Peter C. Carstensen
    The reform of European distribution law
    Romano Subiotto and Camille Dautricourt
    The new EU vertical restraints regulation: navigating the vast sea beyond safe harbours and hardcore restrictions
    Gianni De Stefano
    Resale Price Maintenance: The future of resale price maintenance now that Doctor Miles is dead
    Thomas B. Leary and Erica S. Mintzer
    Resale price maintenance and Article 101: developing a more sensible analytical approach, Andreas P. Reindl

    Part IV. Procedural Framework for Fighting Cartels: Procedural Guarantees:
    A challenge for Europe's judges: the review of fines in competition cases
    Ian S. Forrester
    Criminal Enforcement: Antitrust violations
    Bob Nichols

    Name index


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