

Behind and Beyond the Chicago Convention: The Evolution of Aerial Sovereignty

Behind and Beyond the Chicago Convention: The Evolution of Aerial Sovereignty

  • 作者:
  • 出版商: Kluwer Law International
  • ISBN: 9789403511313
  • 出版时间 August 2019
  • 规格: Hardback
  • 适应领域: International ? 免责申明:
    Countri(es) stated herein are used as reference only

List Price: ¥1,475.80

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  • 描述 
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  • 详细

    Behind and Beyond the Chicago Convention is intended to analyse the concept of sovereignty in international civil aviation, how it evolved in the course of times, how it related to European integration process and to air traffic management. The meaning of sovereignty has been analysed philosophically and linked to current conceptions in an evolutionary process. The Convention on International Civil Aviation that concluded in Chicago on 7 December 1944, commonly referred to as the Chicago Convention, is one of the most ratified multilateral agreements currently in force, with 193 States Parties. In this deeply informative book, commemorating the 75th birthday of the Convention on International Civil Aviation, thirty-three of the most distinguished authors in aviation law offer perspectives on the quality of the Convention’s achievements.

    What’s in this book:

    Emphasising the Convention’s flexibility in the accommodation of economic and technological changes, the authors investigate the following topics:

    • an analysis of the absolute character of sovereignty;
    • territorial jurisdiction with respect to airspace;
    • market access and behaviour under economic regulation;
    • liberalisation of air services;
    • the position of airlines, airports, and providers of air navigation services in the context of the management of air traffic (ATM);
    • the regulation of drones, also in relation with the distinction between civil and State aircraft;
    • the role of international, principally ICAO, and regional aviation organisations, in particular, that of the European Union;
    • environmental protection measures such as abatement of noise and reduction of the damaging effects of gaseous emissions;
    • new methods of communication such as Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS);
    • security in aviation, with special reference to the adoption of cybersecurity measures.

    whereas the Annexes include the original texts of the Paris Convention 1919 and the Chicago Convention 1944.

    How this will help you:

    With its insightful and thought-provocative, incisive perceptions put forward by distinguished aviation lawyers from all parts of the world, this book is without peer in its analysis of how the Chicago Convention affects international civil aviation and the operation and management of air services. Its multifaceted approach towards the current state of affairs from a legal and policy perspective will be welcomed by practitioners and law firms in the field and civil aviation authorities, as well as by academics and business persons with a stake in aviation. This book will thus serve the global community of aviation people.

  • Editors




    List of Abbreviations

    PART I
    Sovereignty as a Basic Concept of International Law, Including International Air Law

    The Legacy of the 1919 Paris Convention Relating to the Regulation of Aerial Navigation
    Vincent Correia

    Aerial Sovereignty: From Paris 1919, Through Chicago 1944, to Today
    Peter Haanappel

    Sovereignty as a Basic Concept of International Law and a Core Principle of Air Law
    Stephan Hobe

    The Development of Civil Aviation and Its Impact on Sovereignty
    Anna Konert

    The Impact of Sovereignty on the Administration of International Civil Aviation Through International and Regional Organizations

    The Impact of Sovereignty on the Administration of International Civil Aviation Through International and Regional Organizations: The Role of ICAO
    Jiefang Huang & Mathieu Vaugeois

    The Impact of Sovereignty on Regional Cooperation in Civil Aviation: The Russian Perspective
    Alexander A. Batalov

    LACAC and Current Challenges of Civil Aviation in Latin America
    Fernando Fiallos

    The Impact of Sovereignty on the Administration of International Civil Aviation Through International and Regional Organisations: Regulating Civil Aviation Safety at Regional Level – A European Perspective
    Mikolaj Ratajczyk

    Sovereignty Pertaining to Air Traffic Management

    Sovereignty Pertaining to Air Traffic Management
    Anna Masutti

    CHAPTER 10
    Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Engaged in International Air Transport
    Fernando Fiallos

    CHAPTER 11
    Limits in the Sky: Sovereignty and Air Navigation Services
    Francis Schubert

    CHAPTER 12
    The Speeding-up Process on the Realignment of Flight Information Region (FIR) in Areas A, B, C from Singapore to Indonesia: Issues of Sovereignty, or Safety, or Both?
    Ida Bagus Rahmadi Supancana

    CHAPTER 13
    Sovereignty and GNSS: Connecting the Traditional Legal Concept with High Technology
    Dejian Kong

    CHAPTER 14
    Sovereignty in Relation to Air Traffic Management
    Catherine Erkelens

    CHAPTER 15
    The Delineation Between Civil Aircraft and State Aircraft: A Move into the Aviation World of Tomorrow after 75 Years of Uncertainty
    Ricardo de Oliveira

    CHAPTER 16
    Does an Immovable Object Meet an Irresistible Force? An EU Perspective on the Apparent Tension Between the Protection of Airspace Sovereignty and the Notion of Private Sector Transnational Air Carriers
    Robert Lawson QC

    Sovereignty in the Context of European Law and Policy

    CHAPTER 17
    Sovereignty in the Context of European Law and Policy
    Regula Dettling-Ott

    CHAPTER 18
    Sovereignty: The Implications of the EU Internal Air Transport Market for Air Services Agreements with Third Countries
    Laura Pierallini

    CHAPTER 19
    The International Uniformity of the Liability Regime of the IATA Standard Ground Handling Agreement under Attack: Can the Chicago Convention Be a Remedy?
    Nikolai Ehlers

    CHAPTER 20
    Bilateralism and Equality of Opportunity under Scheduled Services: Are Air Services Agreements the Sole and Absolute Source for Traffic Rights?
    José Ignacio García-Arboleda

    CHAPTER 21
    Sovereignty and Air Services Agreements in Asia: The Long Flight from Bilateralism to Multilateralism
    Alan Khee-Jin Tan

    CHAPTER 22
    Airspace Sovereignty in the Chicago Regime: A Reality Check
    Steven Truxal

    PART V
    Sovereignty in Relation to Air Services Agreements

    CHAPTER 23
    Sovereignty and Air Services Agreements: The Case of China
    Pai Zheng

    CHAPTER 24
    A US Perspective on the Utility of the Chicago Convention
    Michael Whitaker

    CHAPTER 25
    Multilateral Approach to Market Access Expansion: What the Future Holds
    Rajesh Singh

    CHAPTER 26
    The Chicago Convention Article 83bis: Legal Considerations When Entering into and Benefitting from Article 83bis Arrangements
    Morten Hans Jakobsen & Peter Sand

    The Future of Sovereignty in International Civil Aviation

    CHAPTER 27
    Reflections on the “New Sovereignty” and the Future of International Civil Aviation
    Brian F. Havel

    CHAPTER 28
    The Future of Sovereignty in International Civil Aviation: The Resurgence of Sovereignty Versus the Freedom of Flight
    Roberto Cassar

    CHAPTER 29
    The Future of Sovereignty in International Civil Aviation
    Brendan Lord

    ANNEX 1:
    Convention portant réglementation de la Navigation Aérienne, signée à Paris le 13 octobre 1919, avec Protocole additionnel signé à Paris le 1er mai 1920

    ANNEX 2:
    Convention on international civil aviation, signed at Chicago, on 7 December 1944, also referred to as the Chicago Convention



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