

Bar Manual: Remedies, 22nd Edition

Bar Manual: Remedies, 22nd Edition

  • 作者:
  • 出版商: Oxford University Press
  • ISBN: 9780198923749
  • Previous Edition ISBN: 9780192857965
  • 出版时间 July 2024
  • 规格: Paperback , 296 pages
  • 适应领域: U.K. ? 免责申明:
    Countri(es) stated herein are used as reference only

List Price: ¥505.25

¥490.10 Save ¥15.15 (3%)

发货时间:大约 4 weeks
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  • 描述 
  • 大纲 
  • 作者 
  • 详细

    • Detailed coverage of remedies across a variety of legal settings provides trainee barristers with a strong foundational understanding and ensures they are thoroughly prepared to choose and advise appropriate remedies for clients.
    • Exercises throughout the manual allow the reader to test their understanding of concepts and apply them to scenarios likely to be encountered in practice.
    • Features a chapter dedicated to problems on contract and tort, providing trainee barristers with the opportunity to practise and gain confidence in their ability to choose appropriate remedies for their clients.

    Adopting a highly practical approach, Remedies is designed to help trainee barristers identify appropriate remedial relief for their clients, and calculate damages where necessary. 

    Remedies fully prepares trainee barristers for practice with coverage of the specific remedies which are available in various areas of law, including judicial review, trusts, unlawful discrimination, and EU remedies. The manual also details when specific remedies are available and what must be established for the chosen remedy to be granted.

    Readership: Students studying on the Bar Professional Training Course.

  • 1: Introduction
    2: Who to sue?
    3: Liability for breach of contract
    4: Liability in tort
    5: Damages in contract
    6: Damages in tort
    7: Liability and damages for misrepresentation
    8: Equitable remedies in contract
    9: Injunctions
    10: Bailment and interference with goods
    11: Quantum of damages for personal injury
    12: Quantum of damages for a fatal accident
    13: Other equitable remedies
    14: Judicial review
    15: Real Property Law Remedies
    16: Remedies in the law of trusts
    17: Remedies for unlawful discrimination
    18: European Union law remedies
    19: European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms
    20: Class problems in contract and tort

  • This manual is edited by David Emmet, Barrister, Senior Lecturer, The City Law School


    Julie Browne, Barrister, Senior Lecturer, The City Law School
    Nigel Duncan, Principal Lecturer, The City Law School
    David Emmet, Barrister, Senior Lecturer, The City Law School
    Peter Hungerford-Welch, Barrister, Associate Dean, The City Law School
    Robert McPeake, Barrister, Principal Lecturer, The City Law School
    Margot Taylor, Solicitor, Principal Lecturer, The City Law School
    Nikki Walsh, Barrister, Lecturer, The City Law School 

    David Emmet, Barrister, Senior Lecturer, The City Law School 

    Series Editor
    Julie Browne, Barrister, Senior Lecturer, The City Law School


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