Structure of the Book
The 54 chapters of this book are structured into the following eight parts:
Part I: Introduction to Auditing and Assurance (Chapter 1) provides an overview of auditing, especially on how auditing is different from accounting and why there is a great demand of auditing.
Part II: The Legal Framework of Auditing (Chapters 2-4) discusses independent auditors’ professional liability, their responsibility in relation to fraud and their role in the prevention, detection and reporting of fraud, and the relevant provisions in relation to independent auditors under the Hong Kong Companies Ordinance.
Part III: The Professional Framework of Auditing and Assurance (Chapters 5-11) briefly describes auditing and assurance standards as well as the relevance of financial reporting standards. This part also presents the latest Code of Professional Ethics and covers the topics of terms of engagement, quality management and practice review.
Part IV: The Audit Process (Chapters 12-29) provides a review of the whole audit process from planning, risk assessment, the auditor’s response to assessed risks to the issuance of the auditor’s report. This part also provides a comprehensive coverage of the audit of major accounting cycles and selected items of the statement of financial position, including financial instruments.
Part V: The Reporting Framework of Auditing (Chapters 30-35) discusses audit reporting and related issues on subsequent events, going concern, opening balances, comparatives, and communication with those charged with governance.
Part VI: Special Audit Situations (Chapters 36-41) covers the audit of group financial statements, the first audit engagement, the audit of small companies, the audit of summary financial statements, the audit of special purpose financial statements, and the audit of a single financial statement or of a specific element, account or item of a financial statement.
Part VII: Special Audit Topics (Chapters 42-50) examines the audit of accounting estimates and related disclosures, the auditor’s responsibilities relating other information, related parties, consideration of laws and regulations, using the work of an audit’s expert service organization and outsourcing. Using the work of internal auditors, corporate governance and audit committees.
Part VIII: Non-Audit Engagements (Chapter 51-54) discusses compilation and agreed-upon procedures engagements, review and other assurance engagements, prospectus reports and letters, and report on the compilation of pro forma financial information included in a prospectus.