

New Arrival Arbitration in Mexico

Arbitration in Mexico

  • 作者:
  • 出版商: Kluwer Law International
  • ISBN: 9789403525273
  • 出版时间 October 2024
  • 规格: Hardback
  • 适应领域: Mexico ? 免责申明:
    Countri(es) stated herein are used as reference only

List Price: ¥1,682.60

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  • 描述 
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  • 详细

    About this book:

    Arbitration in Mexico is the most comprehensive and first-of-its-kind book in English on arbitration law and practice in Mexico, offering an exhaustive pragmatic analysis of arbitration in Mexico in various fields and an in-depth description and analysis of the role and attitude of national courts towards arbitration and national, regional, and international arbitration institutions. Mexico has played a major role in shaping the growth and development of international arbitration practice, in significant part due to its global prominence at the competitive forefront of manufacturing, agriculture, telecommunications, finance, real estate, tourism, trade, and commercial transactions, all while crafting its own policies to achieve the energy transition. In addition, its close ties with the United States and Canada and its important business relations with the rest of the world have made Mexico a leading subject of investment treaty practice.


    What’s in this book:

    Authored by the luminaries of Mexican arbitration practice and scholarship, the contributions clearly and succinctly extricate complex but common issues arising in commercial and investment treaty disputes. The following features of Mexico’s dynamic body of arbitration law and practice have been covered:


    • legal framework in which arbitration in Mexico operates;
    • characterization of international arbitration principles by Mexican courts;
    • cases which require decisions by a national court or authority;
    • public policy and arbitrability;
    • authority and duties of the arbitral tribunal;
    • document production in the Mexican arbitration practice;
    • judicial intervention in support of international arbitration;
    • state entities as actors in arbitration disputes;
    • hydrocarbons, power and M&A disputes;
    • use of technology in arbitral proceedings; and
    • quantum and damages.


    How this will help you:

    This book furnishes a thorough understanding of all of Mexico’s arbitration law and practices nationwide, practical guidance on identifying and assessing the different theoretical and practical legal avenues available, and relevant usages of ADR mechanisms in commercial disputes. It will be highly appreciated by arbitrators, judges, in-house counsel, Mexican state-owned companies, global law firms, large- and medium-sized companies doing transnational business, policymakers, and arbitration academics.

  • Editors


    Associate Editor





    Claudia T. Salomon


    PART I

    Introduction and Regulatory Framework



    Arbitration in Mexico: An Overview

    Bernardo Sepúlveda, Luis Jardón & Camilo Soto



    Regulatory Framework in Mexico: The National and International Dimensions

    Ana Sofía Sapiña Errecart & Cecilia Azar Manzur



    Commercial Arbitration



    The Arbitration Agreement under Mexican Law

    Elsa Ortega López



    The Separability of the Arbitral Clause and the Competence of the Arbitral Tribunal in Mexico

    Salvador Fonseca González



    Public Policy and Arbitrability in Mexico

    Francisco González de Cossío



    Arbitrators and Arbitral Tribunals

    Eduardo Siqueiros T.



    Document Production

    Carlos Manuel Loperena Ruiz & Alejandro Flores Patiño



    The Measure of Damages in Mexico and Their Quantification

    Herfried Wöss & Adriana San Román Rivera



    Judicial Intervention in Support of International Arbitration



    Judicial Aid to International Arbitration in Mexico

    Carlos Alvarado


    CHAPTER 10

    Interim Measures under the Mexican Lex Arbitri

    Víctor M. Ruiz & Andrea Orta


    CHAPTER 11

    Recognition and Enforcement of Arbitration Awards in Mexico

    Montserrat Manzano & Adrián Magallanes


    CHAPTER 12

    Setting Aside Arbitration Awards in Mexico

    Vicente Bañuelos Rizo



    Investment Arbitration


    CHAPTER 13

    Mexico’s International Investment Law Framework: Bilateral and Multilateral Investment Treaties

    Alan Bonfiglio Ríos & Jorge Escalona Gálvez


    CHAPTER 14

    Mexico’s Legacy in the Investment Treaty Practice

    Orlando Federico Cabrera Colorado


    PART V

    Particular Issues and Players in Mexican Arbitration


    CHAPTER 15

    Commercial Arbitration and State Entities

    Marco Tulio Venegas & Michelle Carrillo


    CHAPTER 16

    Arbitration in the Mexican Power Sector

    René Irra de la Cruz & Elisa Legorreta Pastor


    CHAPTER 17

    The Rise in Mexico’s Energy Disputes: A Focus on Oil and Gas Cases

    Diana María Pineda Esteban & Julia González Romero


    CHAPTER 18

    Shareholders and M&A Disputes

    Rodrigo Zamora Etcharren & Ana María Castro Dosal


    CHAPTER 19

    Technology and International Arbitration in Mexico

    Luis Omar Guerrero Rodríguez, Eduardo Lobatón Guzmán, Andrés Peña Loyo & Fernanda Serrano Cortez


    CHAPTER 20

    Mediation and Negotiation in Mexico: The Three-Cushion Carom

    Fernando Navarro Sánchez





    CHAPTER 21

    Concluding Thoughts on Arbitration in Mexico

    Celia Cañete & Gloria M. Alvarez


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