

Addressing Vulnerability in Justice Systems

Addressing Vulnerability in Justice Systems

  • 作者:
  • 出版商: Wildy, Simmonds and Hill Publishing
  • ISBN: 9780854901968
  • 出版时间 May 2016
  • 规格: Hardback
  • 适应领域: U.K. ? 免责申明:
    Countri(es) stated herein are used as reference only
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  • 描述 
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  • 详细

    The authors of the chapters in this textbook are leaders in their fields. Their experience and research should help equip legal practitioners, researchers and policy makers alike with the most up to date information about the treatment of vulnerable witnesses and parties in legal proceedings.

    The challenge for all of us is to ensure that vulnerable people are treated appropriately and helped through the trial process, without adversely affecting the right to a fair trial. I am confident that with the help of the Advocates Gateway Toolkits and experts such as the contributors to this book, we can succeed. I wholeheartedly commend their work to you.”

    The Rt Hon Lady Justice Hallett

    This publication, arising out of The Advocate’s Gateway inaugural conference in June 2015, represents not only the current state of knowledge from experts in the field, but more importantly evidence of a seismic shift in the justice system.

    "...deserves a very wide readership across the globe. It would be hard to find another anthology with this range of subject matter. Professor Penny Cooper and Linda Hunting have brought together contributors from a wide range of backgrounds, with vital information about measures to support and empower vulnerable parties as well as witnesses. It is long overdue.

    The Gazettep>

  • Preface;
    The Hon. Mr Justice Green

    Avoiding Miscarriages of Justice;
    Dr. Jacqueline Wheatcroft

    Accused in International Criminal Trials: Invulnerable?
    Dr. Andreas O’Shea

    Vulnerable Witnesses and Parties in all Civil Proceedings – Dignity, Respect and The Advocate’s Gateway Toolkit 17
    Felicity Gerry QC

    Making Special Measures Special: Reasonable Adjustments for Deaf Witnesses and Defendants
    Dr. Sue O’ Rourke & Clare Wade

    How Effective are Judges and Counsel at Facilitating Communication with Vulnerable Persons in a Criminal Trial?
    Dr. Brendan M. O’Mahony

    Valuable Lessons and Poor Relations: Comparing the English Criminal and Family Justice Systems’ Approaches to Vulnerable and Intimidated Witnesses
    Professor Penny Cooper

    Poor Relations? Vulnerable in the Family Courts
    Charles Geekie QC

    The Best Interests of the Accused and the Adversarial System
    Conor Gillespie

    Putting Theory Into Practice: A Comparison of the Guidance Available to Investigative Interviewers and Advocates when using Communication Aids in the Criminal Justice System
    Dr. Michelle Mattison

    Vulnerable Voices?
    Jenny Talbot OBE, Waine Clegg and Anthony Fletcher

    A Postscript
    HHJ Michael Topolski QC;


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