

Accounting Trends and Techniques: U.S. GAAP Financial Statements

Accounting Trends and Techniques: U.S. GAAP Financial Statements Best Practices in Presentation and Disclosure

  • 作者:
  • 出版商: John Wiley & Sons
  • ISBN: 9781945498879
  • 出版时间 November 2017
  • 规格: Paperback , 800 pages
  • 适应领域: U.S. ? 免责申明:
    Countri(es) stated herein are used as reference only

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    Updated for new accounting and auditing guidance issued, this valuable tool provides hundreds of high quality disclosure examples from carefully selected U.S. companies of different sizes, across industries such as banking, credit and insurance, communication services, and healthcare from such organizations as Scotts Miracle-Gro, Coca-Cola, Caterpillar, and BB&T.

    Illustrations of the most important, immediate, and challenging disclosures, such as derivatives and hedging, consolidations, and fair value measurement are provided. Hot topics include statement of cash flows, going concern, and business combinations and intangibles. This edition also provides clear, direct guidance to help you understand and comply with all significant reporting requirements and detailed indexes to help you quickly find exactly what you need.

  • 1 General Topics 01–134

    Survey Entities   01–02

    General Financial Statement Considerations  03–30

    RecognitionandMeasurement  03–08

    Presentation  09–13

    Disclosure   14–19

    PresentationandDisclosure Excerpts   20–30

    Quarterly FinancialData  20

    SelectedInformationfor FiveYears  21

    Forward-LookingInformation 22

    Liquidity andCapitalResources 23

    NewAccountingStandards  24

    MarketRisk Information  25

    CriticalAccountingPolicies andEstimates.  26

    Summaryof SignificantAccountingPolicies  27

    NatureofOperations  28

    Useof Estimates   29

    Vulnerability due to Certain Concentrations  30

    SegmentReporting   31–36

    Presentation  31–34

    PresentationandDisclosure Excerpts   35–36

    Segment Information  35–36

    AccountingChanges andError Corrections  37–61

    Presentation  37–43

    Disclosure   44

    PresentationandDisclosure Excerpts   45–61

    Change inAccountingPrinciple—Inventory.  45

    Change in Accounting Principle—Defined Benefit Pension and Other Postretirement Benefit Plans  46

    Change inAccountingPrinciple—DiscontinuedOperations   47

    Change inAccountingPrinciple—Variable Interest Entities   48

    Change inAccountingPrinciple—NetAssetValue. 49

    Change inAccountingPrinciple—Interest-Imputationof Interest  50

    Change in Accounting Principle—Simplifying the Accounting for Measurement-Period Adjustments 51

    Change inAccountingPrinciple—DeferredTaxes (ProspectiveApproach)  52

    Change inAccountingPrinciple—DeferredTaxes (RetrospectiveApproach) 53

    Change inAccountingPrinciple—DebtValuationAdjustments  54

    Change inAccountingPrinciple—Share-BasedPaymentAccounting  55

    Change inAccountingPrinciple—Statementof CashFlows   56

    Change inAccountingPrinciple—Successful EffortsMethodofAccounting. 57

    Change inAccountingEstimates   58–59

    Correctionof Errors  60–61

    Consolidation   62–74

    RecognitionandMeasurement  62–67

    Presentation  68–69

    Disclosure   70–72

    PresentationandDisclosure Excerpts   73–74

    Consolidation 73–74

    Business Combinations   75–80

    RecognitionandMeasurement  75

    Disclosure   76–78

    PresentationandDisclosure Excerpts   79–80

    Business Combinations   79–80

    Commitments   81–84

    Disclosure   81

    PresentationandDisclosure Excerpts   82–84

    Restrictive Covenants  82–83

    LeaseAgreements  84

    Contingencies   85–94

    RecognitionandMeasurement  85–87

    PresentationandDisclosure Excerpts   88–94

    LegalMatters   88

    Tax Contingencies  89

    EnvironmentalMatters   90

    Insurance    91

    GovernmentMatters  92

    Guarantees   93

    GainContingencies—LitigationSettlements  94

    Financial Instruments   95–107

    RecognitionandMeasurement  95–96

    Disclosure   97–103

    Presentation and Disclosure Excerpts   104–107

    Lineof Credit   104

    Derivative Financial Instruments—InterestRate SwapAgreements   105

    Derivative Financial Instruments—ForeignCurrency Contracts  106

    Credit Facility   107

    Fair Value  108–113

    Recognition and Measurement  108–110

    Disclosure   111–112

    PresentationandDisclosure Excerpt   113

    FairValueMeasurements  113

    Subsequent Events   114–122

    Recognition and Measurement  114–117

    Disclosure   118–119

    Presentation and Disclosure Excerpts   120–122

    Debt   120

    Merger   121

    Acquisitions   122

    Related Party Transactions  123–126

    Disclosure   123

    Presentation and Disclosure Excerpts   124–126

    Transactions with Related Parties   124–126

    Inflationary Accounting  127–129

    Disclosure   127–128

    PresentationandDisclosure Excerpt   129

    InflationaryAccounting   129

    Substantial Doubt About an Entity’s Ability to Continue as a Going Concern  130–134

    Recognition and Measurement  130–131

    Disclosure   132–134

    2 Balance Sheet and Related Disclosures 01–156

    GeneralBalance Sheet Considerations 01–05

    Presentation  01–03

    Disclosure   04–05

    CashandCashEquivalents  06–07

    Presentation  06

    Disclosure   07

    Marketable Securities   08–20

    RecognitionandMeasurement  08–10

    Presentation  11

    Disclosure   12–17

    PresentationandDisclosure Excerpts   18–20

    Marketable Securities—Available-for-Sale Securities  18

    Marketable Securities—Held-to-Maturity (HTM) Securities   19

    Marketable Securities—TradingSecurities  20

    CurrentReceivables   21–25

    Presentation  21

    Disclosure   22

    PresentationandDisclosure Excerpts   23–25

    Contracts   23

    FinanceReceivables  24

    Insurance Claims  25

    Receivables Soldor Collateralized.  26–33

    RecognitionandMeasurement  26–28

    Disclosure   29–30

    PresentationandDisclosure Excerpts   31–33

    Receivables Soldor Collateralized   31–32

    AccountsReceivable FactoringandSecuritization 33

    Inventory  34–42

    RecognitionandMeasurement  34–35

    Presentation  36

    Disclosure   37–38

    PresentationandDisclosure Excerpts   39–42

    First-inFirst-Out   39

    Last-inFirst-Out   40

    Average Cost   41

    RetailMethod   42

    Other CurrentAssets   43–49

    Presentation  43

    PresentationandDisclosure Excerpts   44–49

    Advances  44

    AssetsHeldfor Sale.  45

    Costs and Estimated Earnings in Excess of Billings 46

    Derivatives   47

    PrepaidExpenses  48

    Contracts   49

    Property,Plant, andEquipment  50–58

    RecognitionandMeasurement  50–51

    Presentation  52–53

    Disclosure   54–56

    PresentationandDisclosure Excerpts   57–58

    Property,Plant, andEquipment   57–58

    EquityMethodandJointVentures  59–64

    RecognitionandMeasurement  59

    Presentation  60

    Disclosure   61

    PresentationandDisclosure Excerpts   62–64

    EquityMethod   62

    CostMethod   63

    FairValue    64

    NoncurrentReceivables  65–67

    Presentation  65–66

    PresentationandDisclosure Excerpt   67

    Long-TermReceivables   67

    IntangibleAssets    68–81

    RecognitionandMeasurement  68–72

    Presentation  73

    Disclosure   74

    PresentationandDisclosure Excerpts   75–81

    Goodwill   75

    Trademarks   76

    CustomerRelationships   77

    Technology   78

    Software   79

    Licenses   80

    PurchasedIntangibleAssets  81

    OtherNoncurrentAssets  82–91

    RecognitionandMeasurement  82

    Disclosure   83

    PresentationandDisclosure Excerpts   84–91

    AssetsofDiscontinuedOperations   84

    DeferredIncome Taxes   85

    RestrictedCashandInvestments   86

    CashSurrenderValueof Life Insurance  87

    Derivatives   88

    Software   89

    InsuranceRecoveries  90

    Leases 91

    Short-TermDebt    92–97

    Presentation  92

    Disclosure   93–95

    PresentationandDisclosure Excerpts   96–97

    Short-TermDebt   96

    ConvertibleDebt  97

    TradeAccountsPayable  98–100

    RecognitionandMeasurement  98

    Presentation  99

    Disclosure   100

    Employee-Related Liabilities  101–104

    Presentation  101

    Disclosure   102–103

    PresentationandDisclosure Excerpt   104

    Employee-Related Liabilities  104

    Income Tax Liability   105–107

    Presentation  105

    Disclosure   106

    PresentationandDisclosure Excerpt   107

    Income TaxesPayable  107

    Current Amount of Long-Term Debt  108–110

    Presentation  108

    Disclosure   109

    PresentationandDisclosure Excerpt   110

    CurrentAmountof Long-TermDebt  110

    Other Current Liabilities  111–122

    Presentation  111

    Presentation and Disclosure Excerpts   112–122

    Advances  112

    Product Liability   113

    Billings in Excess of Costs and Estimated Earnings 114

    Liabilities Held for Sale   115

    Insurance    116

    DeferredRevenue  117

    Environment   118

    Litigation    119

    Derivatives   120

    Claims andDiscounts  121

    AssetRetirementObligations  122

    Long-Term Debt    123–130

    Presentation   123–124

    Disclosure   125–126

    Presentation and Disclosure Excerpts   127–130

    Unsecured    127

    Collateralized   128

    Convertible   129

    Debt Issuance Costs.  130

    Credit Agreements   131–132

    Disclosure   131

    PresentationandDisclosure Excerpt   132

    CreditAgreements  132

    Long-Term Leases   133–139

    RecognitionandMeasurement  133

    Presentation   134–135

    Disclosure   136

    Presentation and Disclosure Excerpts   137–139

    Lessee Leases   137–138

    Lessor Leases   139

    Other Noncurrent Liabilities  140–152

    Presentation   140–143

    Presentation and Disclosure Excerpts   144–152

    DeferredIncome Taxes   144

    UnrecognizedTaxBenefits  145

    Insurance    146

    Warranty  147

    Environmental   148

    AssetRetirementObligations  149

    Litigation    150

    Derivatives   151

    DeferredRevenue  152

    Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income  153–156

    Presentation  153

    Presentation and Disclosure Excerpts   154–156

    AccumulatedOther Comprehensive Income—Equity SectionofBalance Sheet 154

    AccumulatedOther Comprehensive Income—Statementof Stockholders’Equity. 155

    AccumulatedOther Comprehensive Income—Notes toConsolidatedFinancial Statements  156

    3 Income Statement 01–89

    Income Statement Format  01–03

    Presentation  01–02

    PresentationandDisclosure Excerpt   03

    Reclassifications   03

    Revenues andGains   04–17

    RecognitionandMeasurement  04–05

    Disclosure   06

    PresentationandDisclosure Excerpts   07–17

    Revenues    07–08

    Net Investment Income   09

    Equity,Royalty andInterest Income fromInvestees 10

    Equity inEarningsofAffiliatedCompanies  11

    GainonAssetDisposals   12

    GainonBusiness Combination 13

    Litigation    14

    Derivatives   15

    InsuranceRecoveries  16

    GainsonExtinguishmentofDebt   17

    Expenses andLosses   18–40

    Presentation  18

    PresentationandDisclosure Excerpts   19–40

    Selling, General, and Administrative  19

    ResearchandDevelopment  20

    Exploration   21

    Advertising   22

    Provisionfor Losses  23

    Warranty  24

    Interest   25

    AccretiononAssetRetirementObligation.  26

    ImpairmentofAssets  27

    Restructuring 28

    IntangibleAssetAmortization 29

    LossonExtinguishmentofDebt   30

    SoftwareAmortization   31

    Litigation    32

    Equity inLossofUnconsolidatedJointVentures  33

    Environmental   34

    SaleofAccountsReceivables  35

    Mergers   36

    Acquisition-RelatedCosts  37

    Change inFairValueofDerivatives  38

    Impairmentsof IntangibleAssets andGoodwill  39

    ForeignCurrency  40

    Pensions andOtherPostretirementBenefits  41–49

    RecognitionandMeasurement  41

    Disclosure   42–44

    PresentationandDisclosure Excerpts   45–49

    Pensions andOtherPostretirementBenefits  45

    DefinedContributionPlans  46

    Supplemental Retirement Plans (SERP)  47

    Multi-EmployerPlans  48

    PlanAmendment  49

    PostemploymentBenefits  50–51

    RecognitionandMeasurement  50

    PresentationandDisclosure Excerpt   51

    PostemploymentBenefits  51

    Employee CompensatoryPlans  52–59

    RecognitionandMeasurement  52

    PresentationandDisclosure Excerpts   53–59

    StockOptionPlans  53

    Stock-BasedCompensation  54

    Employee StockPurchasePlans (ESPP)  55

    DeferredCompensationPlans  56

    Incentive CompensationPlans 57

    Employee StockOwnershipPlans (ESOP)   58

    Profit SharingPlans  59

    DepreciationExpense   60–66

    RecognitionandMeasurement  60–61

    Disclosure   62

    PresentationandDisclosure Excerpts   63–66

    Straight-Line andAcceleratedMethods  63–64

    Units-of-ProductionMethod  65

    Group-LifeMethodofDepreciation  66

    Income Taxes   67–73

    RecognitionandMeasurement  67

    Presentation  68

    Disclosure   69

    PresentationandDisclosure Excerpts   70–73

    ExpenseProvision.  70

    TaxBenefit   71

    OperatingLoss andTax Credit Carryforwards  72

    DistributedandUndistributedForeignEarnings 73

    Construction-Type andProduction-Type Contracts  74–76

    RecognitionandMeasurement  74

    PresentationandDisclosure Excerpts   75–76

    Construction- andProduction-Type Contracts  75–76

    DiscontinuedOperations  77–83

    RecognitionandMeasurement  77–78

    Presentation  79–81

    PresentationandDisclosure Excerpts   82–83

    Divestitures   82

    SeparationofBusiness   83

    Unusualor InfrequentlyOccurringItems   84–85

    Presentation  84

    PresentationandDisclosure Excerpt   85

    Unusual Items   85

    EarningsPer Share   86–89

    Presentation  86

    Disclosure   87

    PresentationandDisclosure Excerpts   88–89

    EarningsPer Share  88–89

    4 Comprehensive Income 01–14

    Comprehensive Income in Annual Filings   01–14

    RecognitionandMeasurement  01

    Presentation  02–05

    PresentationandDisclosure Excerpts   06–14

    CombinedStatementof Income andComprehensive Income.  06

    Separate Statementof Comprehensive Income  07

    Tax EffectDisclosure intheNotes   08

    Tax EffectDisclosureonthe Faceof the Financial Statements   09

    ForeignCurrency Translation  10

    PensionandPostretirementPlans   11

    Net Change inUnrealizedGains andLossesonInvestments 12

    Gains andLossesonDerivatives   13

    ReclassificationAdjustments  14

    5 Stockholders’Equity 01–46

    Format of Stockholders’Equity in Annual Filings   01–11

    Presentation  01–04

    Disclosure   05–06

    PresentationandDisclosure Excerpts   07–11

    InitialPublicOffering  07

    CommonStock IssuedinanAcquisition  08

    Conversionof Stock  09

    TaxWithholdingsRelatedtoVestingof Share-BasedPayments  10

    Warrants   11

    CommonStock   12

    Disclosure   12

    PreferredStock   13–16

    Presentation  13–14

    Disclosure   15

    PresentationandDisclosure Excerpt   16

    PreferredStock 16

    Dividends  17–19

    Presentation  17

    PresentationandDisclosure Excerpts   18–19

    CashDividends   18

    CashandStockDividends.  19

    Stock Splits   20–23

    RecognitionandMeasurement  20–21

    PresentationandDisclosure Excerpts   22–23

    Stock Split    22

    Reverse Stock Split  23

    Changes toRetainedEarnings   24–34

    RecognitionandMeasurement  24

    Presentation  25–28

    PresentationandDisclosure Excerpts   29–34

    AdoptionofAccountingStandard   29–30

    Other Changes inRetainedEarnings—ShareRepurchasePrograms   31

    Other Changes inRetainedEarnings—Spin-Off 32

    Other Changes inRetainedEarnings—Change inAccountingMethod  33

    Other Changes inRetainedEarnings—Dividends 34

    Spinoffs  35–37

    RecognitionandMeasurement  35–36

    PresentationandDisclosure Excerpt   37

    Spinoffs   37

    Treasury Stock   38–40

    Presentation  38–39

    PresentationandDisclosure Excerpt   40

    Treasury Stock   40

    Other Componentsof Stockholders’Equity.  41–46

    Presentation  41–42

    Disclosure   43–44

    PresentationandDisclosure Excerpts   45–46

    DeferredCompensation   45

    Noncontrolling Interest   46

    6 Statement of Cash Flows 01–35

    General  01–13

    Presentation  01–05

    Disclosure   06–07

    PresentationandDisclosure Excerpts   08–13

    CashandCashEquivalents  08

    Classificationof CertainCashReceipts andCashPayments 09

    NewAccountingStandard—RestrictedCash  10

    Interest andIncome TaxPayments  11–12

    NoncashActivities  13

    CashFlows FromOperatingActivities 14–23

    Presentation  14–16

    PresentationandDisclosure Excerpts   17–23

    DirectMethod   17

    Indirect/Reconciliation Method   18

    Adjustments toReconcileNet Income—RestructuringCharges  19

    Adjustments toReconcileNet Income—Share-BasedCompensation  20

    Adjustments toReconcileNet Income—Impairment Charges  21

    Adjustments toReconcileNet Income—PensionSettlement Charges  22

    Adjustments toReconcileNet Income—RevaluationGain 23

    CashFlows FromInvestingActivities  24–29

    Presentation  24

    PresentationandDisclosure Excerpts   25–29

    Divestitures   25

    Acquisitions   26

    Escrow   27

    FinanceReceivables  28

    Purchasesof Investments.  29

    CashFlows FromFinancingActivities 30–35

    Presentation  30

    PresentationandDisclosure Excerpts   31–35

    IssuanceofDebt   31

    Issuance of Noncontrolling Interests  32

    EarlyRetirementofDebt  33

    Paymentof Contingent Consideration  34

    Acquisition of Noncontrolling Interests  35

    7 Independent Auditors’Report 01–72

    PresentationinAnnualReport   01–03

    Presentation  01–03

    Auditors’Reports    04–22

    Presentation  04–19

    Nonissuers 04–15

    Issuers   16–19

    PresentationandDisclosure Excerpts   20–22

    PricewaterhouseCoopers LLPAuditor’sReport  20

    StatementsofOperations andComprehensive Income  21

    Statementsof Shareholders’Equity  22

    Reference totheReportofOtherAuditors  23–30

    Presentation  23–29

    Nonissuers 23–27

    Issuers   28–29

    PresentationandDisclosure Excerpt   30

    Reference toOtherAuditors  30

    Uncertainties   31–32

    Presentation  31–32

    Nonissuers 31

    Issuers   32

    Lackof Consistency   33–43

    Presentation  33–39

    Nonissuers 33–34

    Issuers   35–39

    PresentationandDisclosure Excerpts   40–43

    Inventory    40

    Deferred Tax Assets and Liabilities   41–42

    PensionandPostretirementBenefits  43

    Emphasisof aMatter   44–47

    Presentation  44–46

    Nonissuers 44–45

    Issuers   46

    PresentationandDisclosure Excerpt   47

    Emphasisof aMatter  47

    Departures FromUnmodified(Unqualified)Opinions  48–50

    Presentation  48–50

    Nonissuers 48

    Issuers   49–50

    ReportsonComparative Financial Statements  51–53

    Presentation  51–52

    Nonissuers 51

    Issuers   52

    PresentationandDisclosure Excerpt   53

    Change inAuditors  53

    Opinion Expressed on Supplementary Financial Information  54–56

    Presentation  54

    PresentationandDisclosure Excerpts   55–56

    Supplementary Financial Information  55–56

    DatingofReport    57–60

    Presentation  57–59

    Nonissuers 57–58

    Issuers   59

    PresentationandDisclosure Excerpt   60

    DatingofReport   60

    Auditors’ReportsonInternal ControlOver FinancialReporting 61–68

    Presentation  61–63

    PresentationandDisclosure Excerpts   64–68

    SeparateReportonInternal Control  64

    CombinedReportonFinancial Statements andInternal Control  65

    ReportonInternal ControlWithSpecific Items Excluded 66

    ReportonInternal ControlWithIneffective Internal Controls   67–68

    GeneralManagement andSpecial-Purpose CommitteeReports 69–72

    Presentation  69

    PresentationandDisclosure Excerpts   70–72

    ReportofManagement   70

    Management’sReportonInternal ControlOver FinancialReporting   71

    Reportof theAudit andFinance Committee  72

    Appendix/Indexes 741–771

    Appendixof 350 Entities   741

    Appendix of Survey Entity Industries   747

    Index of Authoritative Accounting & AuditingGuidance  753

    Subject Index   757

  • Founded in 1887, the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) represents the CPA and accounting professional nationally and globally regarding rule-making and standard-setting, and serves as an advocate before legislative bodies, public interest groups, and other professional organizations. The AICPA develops standards for audits of private companies and other services by CPAs; provides educational guidance materials to its members; develops and grades the Uniform CPA Examination; and monitors and enforces compliance with the accounting profession's technical and ethical standards.
    The AICPA's founding established accountancy as a profession distinguished by rigorous educational requirements, high professional standards, a strict code of professional ethics, a licensing status and a commitment to serving the public trust.


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